
レポートナンバー 0000031769


Koncept Analytics

China Biological Reagents Market (Molecular Biology Reagents, Proteins and Cell Reagents): Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2022-2026)

発刊日 2022/04/06








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。



中国の生物学的試薬市場はカテゴリ別に、分子生物学試薬、タンパク質、細胞試薬に分類できます。 2021年には、分子生物学試薬が中国の生物学的試薬市場で圧倒的なシェアを保持し、次にタンパク質と細胞試薬が続きました。





1. Market Overview
1.1 Biological Reagents
1.1.1 Biological Reagents- Introduction
1.2 Applications of Biological Reagents
1.3 Types of Biological Reagents
1.3.1 Molecular Biology Reagents
1.3.2 Protein Reagents
1.3.3 Cell products
1.4 Value Chain Analysis

2. Impact of COVID-19
2.1 Impact of COVID-19 on China Biological Reagents Market
2.2 Domestic Substitution
2.3 Supply Side Impact
2.4 Post-COVID Scenario

3. Market Analysis
3.1 China Biological Reagent Market by Value
3.2 China Biological Reagent Market Forecast by Value
3.3 China Biological Reagent Market by Category
3.3.1 China Molecular Biology Reagent Market Forecast by Value
3.3.2 China Proteins Reagent Market Forecast by Value
3.3.3 China Cells Reagent Market Forecast by Value
3.4 China Proteins Reagent Market by Type
3.7.1 China Antibody Proteins Reagent Market Forecast by Value
3.7.2 China Recombinant Proteins Reagent Market Forecast by Value
3.7.3 China Other Proteins Reagent Market Forecast by Value
3.5 China Biological Reagents Market by End User

4. Market Dynamics
4.1 Growth Drivers
4.1.1 Increasing Research in the Field of Life Sciences
4.1.2 Continuous Innovation in Drug Research & Development
4.1.3 Favorable Government Policies
4.1.4 Technological Innovations
4.1.5 Rising Number of Genome Projects
4.1.6 Rising Incidence of Genetic Disorders
4.2 Key Trends & Developments
4.2.1 Increasing Domestic Substitution
4.2.2 Increasing Interest in Novel Treatment
4.2.3 Drug Discovery
4.3 Challenges
4.3.1 Dynamic Demand & Lack Of High End Technology
4.3.2 Fiscal Barriers

5. Competitive Landscape
5.1 China Market
5.1.1 Revenue Comparison- Key Players
5.1.2 Market Capitalization Comparison- Key Players
5.1.3 China Biological Reagent Business Share- Key MNC Players
5.1.4 China Molecular Biology Reagents Market Share - Key Players
5.1.5 China Molecular Biology Reagents Market Share - Key Domestic Players
5.1.6 China Antibodies Market Share - Key Players
5.1.7 China Recombinant Protein Market Share - Key Players
5.1.8 China Species of Recombinant Protein Products- Key Players

6. Company Profiles
6.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
6.1.1 Business Overview
6.1.2 Financial Overview
6.1.3 Business Strategies
6.2 Qiagen N.V.
6.2.1 Business Overview
6.2.2 Financial Overview
6.2.3 Business Strategies
6.3 PerkinElmer, Inc.
6.3.1 Business Overview
6.3.2 Financial Overview
6.3.3 Business Strategies
6.4 Danaher Corporation
6.4.1 Business Overvie4
6.3.2 Financial Overview
6.4.3 Business Strategies
6.5 Bio-Techne Corporation
6.5.1 Business Overvie4
6.5.2 Financial Overview
6.5.3 Business Strategies
6.6 Bio-rad Laboratories, Inc.
6.6.1 Business Overvie4
6.6.2 Financial Overview
6.6.3 Business Strategies

List of Figures
Applications of Biological Reagents
Value Chain Analysis
China Biological Reagent Market by Value (2017-2021)
China Biological Reagent Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
China Biological Reagent Market by Category (2021)
China Molecular Biology Reagent Market Forecast by Value (2019-2026)
China Proteins Reagent Market Forecast by Value (2019-2026)
China Cells Reagent Market Forecast by Value (2019-2026)
China Proteins Reagent Market by Type (2021)
China Antibody Proteins Reagent Market Forecast by Value (2019-2026)
China Recombinant Proteins Reagent Market Forecast by Value (2019-2026)
China Other Proteins Reagent Market Forecast by Value (2019-2026)
China Biological Reagents Market by End User (2021)
China Investment in Life Sciences (2015-2024)
China Percentage In Global New Drug Pipelines And New Drug Launched (2020)
Number of Published Papers By China in Three Academic Journals (“Nature”, “Science” and “Cell”) (2015 & 2020)
China Protein Reagent Market Share (2019)
China Protein Reagent Market Share Forecast (2024)
Key Players - China’s Business Share of MNCs in Biological Reagent Industry (2021)
Key Players - China Molecular Biology Reagents Market Share (2021)
Key Domestic Players - China Molecular Biology Reagents Market Share (2021)
Key Players - China Antibodies Market Share (2021)
Key Players - China Recombinant Protein Market Share (2021)
Business Segments
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Revenues and Net Income (2017-2021)
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Revenues by Segment (2021)
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Revenues by Geography (2021)
Qiagen N.V. Net Sales and Net Income (2017-2021)
Qiagen N.V. Net Sales by Geography (2021)
Business Segments
PerkinElmer, Inc. Total Revenue & Net Income (2018-2022)
PerkinElmer, Inc. Total Revenue by Segment (2022)
PerkinElmer, Inc. Operating Income by Geography (2022)
Business Segments
Danaher Corporation Sales and Net Earnings (2017-2021)
Danaher Corporation Sales by Segment (2021)
Danaher Corporation Sales by Geography (2021)
Business Segments
Bio-techne Corporation Net Sales and Net Earnings (2017-2021)
Bio-techne Corporation Net Sales by Segment (2021)
Bio-techne Corporation Net Sales by Geography (2021)
Business Segments
Bio-rad Laboratories, Inc. Net Sales and Net Income (2017-2021)
Bio-rad Laboratories, Inc. Net Sales by Segment (2021)
Bio-rad Laboratories, Inc. Net Sales by Geography (2021)

List of Tables
Type, Functions & Applications of Molecular Biological Reagents
Type, Functions & Applications of Cell products
Key Players - Revenue Comparison (2021/2022)
Key Players - Market Capitalization Comparison (2022)
Key Players- China Species of Recombinant Protein Products
