
レポートナンバー 0000031850


Koncept Analytics

Plasma Derived Therapies Market (Immunoglobulin, Hemophilia, Specialty, and Albumin): Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2022-2026)

発刊日 2022/04/15








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世界の血漿由来治療市場は、免疫グロブリン、血友病、特殊、およびアルブミンに分類されます。2021年には免疫グロブリンは最大のシェアを保持しました。原発性免疫不全症および神経学的用途での使用が増加しているため、免疫グロブリン市場は成長が見込まれます。たとえば、医薬品および化学メーカーのGrifols、S.A.は、2021年6月に、B型肝炎曝露後予防のためのヒト血漿由来の免疫グロブリンの新しい製剤であるHyperHEP Bを発売し、業界を前進させました。



1. Market Overview
1.1 Plasma-Derived Therapies
1.1.1 Introduction
1.2 Segments of Plasma Derived Therapies
1.2.1 Immunoglobulin
1.2.2 Hemophilia
1.2.3 Albumin
1.3 Plasma Derived Therapy Production Process
1.4 Value Chain of Plasma Derived Therapy
1.5 Advantages of Plasma Derived Therapy for Patients

2. Impact of COVID-19
2.1 Impact of COVID-19 on HealthCare Market
2.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Plasma
2.3 Impact of COVID-19 on Plasma Collection
2.4 Prevalence of COVID-19

3. Global Market Analysis
3.1 Global Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value
3.2 Global Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
3.3 Global Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Segments
3.3.1 Global Immunoglobulin Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value
3.3.2 Global Immunoglobulin Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
3.3.3 Global Immunoglobulin Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Segments
3.3.4 Global Immunoglobulin Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Segments
3.3.5 Global Hemophilia Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value
3.3.6 Global Hemophilia Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
3.3.7 Global Hemophilia Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Segments
3.3.8 Global Hemophilia Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Segments
3.3.9 Global Specialty Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value
3.3.10 Global Specialty Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
3.3.11 Global Albumin Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value
3.3.12 Global Albumin Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
3.4 Global Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Region

4. Regional Market Analysis
4.1 North America
4.1.1 North America Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
4.1.2 North America Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Region
4.1.3 The US Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
4.2 Europe
4.2.1 Europe Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
4.3 Asia Pacific
4.3.1 Asia Pacific Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value
4.4.1 LAMEA Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value

5. Market Dynamics
5.1 Growth Drivers
5.1.1 Rising Geriatric Population
5.1.2 Increasing Prevalence of Genetic Disorders
5.1.3 Government Initiatives
5.1.4 Rising Demand for Albumin
5.1.5 Escalating Use of Plasma Proteins in Pharmaceuticals
5.1.6 Increasing Usage of Immunoglobulin
5.1.7 Suring Autoimmune Disorders
5.2 Key Trends and Developments
5.2.1 Technological Advancements
5.2.2 Rising Demand for Health Insurance
5.2.3 Escalating Use of Therapeutic Protein Drugs
5.2.4 Increasing Adoption of Plasma Therapy in Neurology
5.3 Challenges
5.3.1 High Cost
5.3.2 Stringent Regulations

6. Competitive Landscape
6.1 Global Market
6.1.1 Revenues Comparison- Key Players
6.1.2 Market Capitalization Comparison- Key Players
6.1.3 Research & Development Expenses Comparison - Key Players
6.1.4 Selected Drugs Approved or In Development for AATD- Key Players
6.1.5 Plasma Market Share- Key Players
6.1.6 Immunoglobulin Market Share- Key Players
6.1.7 Albumin Market Share- Key Players
6.2 The US and Europe Market
6.2.1 The US and EU Collection Centers Key Players
6.3 The US Market
6.3.1 Acquisitions of U.S.-based Plasma Centers - Key Players

7. Company Profiles
7.1 CSL Limited
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.1.2 Financial Overview
7.1.3 Business Strategies
7.2 Grifols
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.2.2 Financial Overview
7.2.3 Business Strategies
7.3 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.3.2 Financial Overview
7.3.3 Business Strategies
7.4 Octapharma AG
7.4.1 Business Overview
7.4.2 Financial Overview
7.4.3 Business Strategies
7.5 Kedrion
7.5.1 Business Overview
7.5.2 Financial Overview
7.5.3 Business Strategies
7.6 ADMA Biologics
7.6.1 Business Overview
7.6.2 Financial Overview
7.6.3 Business Strategies

List of Figures
Segments of Plasma Derived Therapies
Plasma Derived Therapy Production Process
Value Chain of Plasma Derived Therapy
Advantages of Plasma Derived Therapy for Patients
Volume of Plasma Collected in the US and Number of US-based Collection Centres (2016- 2020)
Rising Coronavirus Cases in the US (Feb 2020- Mar 2022)
Global Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Segments (2021)
Global Immunoglobulin Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Immunoglobulin Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Immunoglobulin Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Segments (2021)
Global Immunoglobulin Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Segments (2021-2026)
Global Hemophilia Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Hemophilia Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Hemophilia Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Segments (2021)
Global Hemophilia Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Segments (2021-2026)
Global Specialty Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Specialty Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Albumin Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Value (2017-2021)
Global Albumin Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2022-2026)
Global Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Region (2021)
North America Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2020-2026)
North America Plasma Derived Therapy Market by Region (2021)
The US Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2020-2026)
Europe Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2020-2026)
Asia Pacific Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2020-2026)
LAMEA Plasma Derived Therapy Market Forecast by Value (2020-2026)
Global Geriatric Population (2016-2020)
Diagnosed Prevalence Cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Eight Major Markets (2019-2029)
The U.S. Health and Medical Insurance (2018-2022)
Key Players - Plasma Market Share (2021)
Key Players - Immunoglobulin Market Share (2021)
Key Players - Albumin Market Share (2021)
Key Players -The US and EU collection Centers (2021)
CSL Limited Operating Revenue and Net Profit (2017-2021)
CSL Limited Operating Revenue by Segment (2021)
CSL Limited Operating Revenue by Region (2021)
Grifols Net Revenues and Group Profit (2017-2021)
Grifols Net Revenue by Segments (2021)
Grifols Net Revenues by Regions (2021)
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Revenue and Net Profit (2017-2021)
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Revenue by Therapeutic Area (2021)
Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Revenue by Region (2021)
Octapharma Revenues and Net Profit of the Year (2017-2021)
Kedrion Revenues from Sales & Services and Net Result for the Period (2016-2020)
Kedrion Revenues from Sales & Services by Regions (2021)
ADMA Revenues and Net Loss (2017-2021)
ADMA Revenues by Segment (2021)
ADMA Revenues by Region (2021)

List of Tables
Key Players - Revenues Comparison (2020/2021)
Key Players - Market Capitalization Comparison (2021)
Key Players - Research & Development Expenses Comparison (2020/2021)
Key Players - Selected Drugs Approved or In Development for AATD
Key Players - Acquisitions of U.S.-based Plasma Centers
