
レポートナンバー 0000038406

凝固の世界市場データベース(2024):アメリカ・ヨーロッパ・日本 - 40の止血検査の 2023年のサプライヤーシェアと戦略、2023年から2028年の販売量および売上セグメントの予測


2024 Global Coagulation Market Database for the US, Europe, Japan--2023 Supplier Shares and Strategies, 2023-2028 Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts for 40 Hemostasis Tests

発刊日 2024/05/22





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  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。





  • 活性化凝固時間(ACT)(1)、活性化プロテインC抵抗性、活性化PTT(APTT)、α2-アンチプラスミン、アンチトロンビンIII、出血時間、Dダイマー、第II因子、第V因子、第Vライデン因子、第VII因子、第VIII因子、第IX因子、第IXa因子、第X因子(スチュアート因子)、 第Xa因子、第XI因子、第XII因子、第XIII因子、フィブリン分解産物、フィブリノゲン、フレッチャー因子/プレカリクレイン因子活性化、ヘパリン/抗第Xa因子、ヘパリン誘発性血小板減少症、ループスアンチコアグラント、プラスミン、プラスミノーゲン、プラスミノーゲン活性化因子阻害薬、 血小板機能/凝集、プロテインC、プロテインS、プロトロンビン変異、プロトロンビン時間(PT)、レプチラーゼ時間、鎌状赤血球、TEG、トロンビン時間、フォン・ヴィレブランド因子Fav/Ag、その他
  • 調査国
    ➣ フランス
    ➣ ドイツ
    ➣ イタリア
    ➣ 日本
    ➣ スペイン
    ➣ イギリス
    ➣ アメリカ



List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Activated Clotting Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing APTT Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Alpha-2 Antiplasmin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Antithrombin III Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Bleeding Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing D-dimer Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Factor Assays
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Fibrin Degradation
Product Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Fibrinogen Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Heparin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasmin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasminogen Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasminogen Activator
Inhibitor Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Platelet Aggregation
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Protein C Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Protein S Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PT Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Thrombin Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing TPA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Von Willebrand's
Factor Tests
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Laboratories Performing
Coagulation Tests By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Coagulation Test Volume
By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Coagulation Reagent
Market By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Coagulation Instrument
Market By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Country
Executive Summary Table: France, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
France, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
France, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
France, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
France, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
France, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
France, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
France, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
France, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
France, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
France, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
France, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents Estimated Sales
And Market Shares
France, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
France, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
France, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
France, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: Germany, Total Coagulation
Diagnostics Market By Market Segment and Product Category
Germany, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing
Coagulation Tests By Annual Test Volume
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily
Test Volume
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practice Average Daily Test Volume
Germany, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
Germany, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices Coagulation Test Volume
Germany, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
Germany, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents, Estimated
Sales and Market Shares
Germany, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
Germany, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
Germany, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
Germany, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: Italy, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
Italy, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
Italy, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
Italy, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
Italy, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Italy, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Italy, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
Italy, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
Italy, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Italy, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Italy, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
Italy, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents Estimated Sales
And Market Shares
Italy, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
Italy, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
Italy, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
Italy, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: Japan, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
Japan, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
Japan, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
Japan, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
Japan, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Japan, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Japan, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
Japan, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
Japan, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Japan, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Japan, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment,
Japan, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents Estimated
Sales and Market Shares
Japan, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
Japan, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
Japan, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
Japan, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: Spain, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
Spain, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
Spain, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
Spain, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
Spain, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Spain, Ambulatory Care Centers Average Daily Test Volume
Spain, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Spain, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
Spain, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
Spain, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Spain, Ambulatory Care Centers Coagulation Test Volume
Spain, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Spain, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
Spain, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents, Estimated
Sales and Market Shares
Spain, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
Spain, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
Spain, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
Spain, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimates Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: U.K., Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
U.K., Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
U.K., Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
U.K., Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
U.K., Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
U.K., All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
U.K., Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
U.K., Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents Estimated Sales
and Market Shares
U.K., Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
U.K., Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: U.S.A., Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
U.S.A., Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
U.S.A., Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
U.S.A., Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
U.S.A., Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
U.S.A., Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
U.S.A., Physician Offices/Group Practices Average Daily Test Volume
U.S.A., Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
U.S.A., All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
U.S.A., Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
U.S.A., Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
U.S.A., Physician Offices/Group Practices Coagulation Test Volume
U.S.A., Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
U.S.A., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents Estimated
Sales and Market Shares
U.S.A., Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
U.S.A., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
U.S.A., Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
U.S.A., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares




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2024 World Coagulation Market Database for 98 Countries--2023 Supplier Shares and Strategies, 2023-2028 Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts for 40 Hemostasis Tests


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