
レポートナンバー 0000031115


Koncept Analytics

Global Liquid Carton Market (Aseptic and Fresh): Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2021-2025)

発刊日 2022/01/06








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。



世界の液体カートン市場は無菌と非無菌のセグメントに分類されます。 2020年には、世界の液体カートン市場は無菌が圧倒的なシェアを占めました。 世界の液体カートン市場は種類別に、ブリック液体カートン、ゲーブルトップカートン、成形液体カートンのセグメントに分類することもできます。2020年には、ブリック液体カートンのセグメントが大半のシェアを占めました。これにゲーブルトップカートンと成形液体カートンが続いています。




1. Market Overview
1.1 Liquid Packaging Cartons
1.1.1 Liquid Packaging Cartons- Introduction
1.2 Type of Liquid Packaging Cartons
1.3 Type of Liquid Packaging Cartons by Shelf Life
1.3.1 Fresh Packaging
1.3.2 Aseptic Packaging
1.4 Value Chain Analysis
1.5 Advantages of Liquid Packaging Cartons
1.6 Disadvantages of Liquid Packaging Cartons

2. Impact of COVID-19
2.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Liquid Carton Market
2.2 Fall in Consumption of Beverages
2.3 Travel Restrictions
2.4 Bulk Buying
2.5 Post-COVID Scenario

3. Global Market Analysis
3.1 Global Liquid Carton Market by Value
3.2 Global Liquid Carton Market by Volume
3.3 Global Liquid Carton Market by Segment
3.3.1 Global Liquid Carton Market Value by Segment
3.3.2 Global Aseptic Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value
3.3.3 Global Fresh Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value
3.4 Global Liquid Carton Market by Type
3.5 Global Liquid Carton Market by Region
3.6 Global Liquid Carton Market Volume by Segment
3.6.1 Global Liquid Carton Market Volume by Segment
3.6.2 Global Aseptic Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume
3.6.3 Global Fresh Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume
3.7 Global Liquid Carton Market Volume by End Use
3.7.1 Global Aseptic Liquid Carton Market Volume by End Use
3.7.2 Global Fresh Liquid Carton Market Volume by End Use
3.8 Global Liquid Carton Market Volume by Region

4. Regional Market
4.1 Asia Pacific
4.1.1 Asia Pacific Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value
4.1.2 Asia Pacific Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume
4.2 Europe
4.2.1 Europe Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value
4.2.2 Europe Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume
4.3 Americas
4.3.1 Americas Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value
4.3.2 Americas Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume
4.4 Middle East & North Africa
4.4.1 Middle East & North Africa Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value
4.4.2 Middle East & North Africa Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume

5. Market Dynamics
5.1 Growth Drivers
5.1.1 Rapid Urbanization
5.1.2 Rise in Disposable Income
5.1.3 Increased Consumption of Packaged Beverages
5.1.4 Growing Health & Wellness Spending
5.1.5 Convenience and Distribution Efficiency
5.1.6 Longer Shelf Life
5.1.7 Sustainable Alternative
5.2 Key Trends & Developments
5.2.1 Increased Consumption of Milk Alternatives
5.2.2 Surge in Consumption of Ready to Drink Beverages
5.2.3 Innovative and Attractive Packaging
5.2.4 Expansion of Different Industries
5.3 Challenges
5.3.1 Surge in Usage of Alternative Packaging Material
5.3.2 Reduced Milk Consumption

6. Competitive Landscape
6.1 Global Market
6.1.1 Revenue Comparison- Key Players
6.1.2 Market Capitalization Comparison- Key Players
6.1.3 Competitive Positioning- Key Players
6.1.4 Market Share - Key Players
6.1.5 Global Aseptic Liquid Carton Market Share by Region - Key Players

7. Company Profiles
7.1 Tetra Laval Group
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.1.2 Financial Overview
7.1.3 Business Strategies
7.2 SIG Combibloc Group AG
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.2.2 Financial Overview
7.2.3 Business Strategies
7.3 Refresco Group B.V.
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.3.2 Financial Overview
7.3.3 Business Strategies
7.4 Pactiv Evergreen Inc.
7.4.1 Business Overview
7.4.2 Financial Overview
7.4.3 Business Strategies
7.5 Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company
7.5.1 Business Overview
7.5.2 Financial Overview
7.5.3 Business Strategies
7.6 Ferd Group
7.6.1 Business Overview
7.6.2 Financial Overview
7.6.3 Business Strategies

List of Figures
Type of Liquid Packaging Cartons
Type of Liquid Packaging Cartons by Shelf Life
Value Chain Analysis
Global Beverage Consumption (2019- 2020)
Share of the Total GDP generated by the Travel and Tourism Industry Worldwide (2016-2020)
The Great Britain Food & Drink Sales by Volume (1 Mar 2020- 24 May 2020)
Global Liquid Carton Market by Value (2018-2025)
Global Liquid Carton Market by Volume (2018-2025)
Global Liquid Carton Market Value by Segment (2020)
Global Aseptic Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value (2020-2025)
Global Fresh Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value (2020-2025)
Global Liquid Carton Market by Type (2020)
Global Liquid Carton Market Value by Region (2020)
Global Liquid Carton Market Volume by Segment (2020)
Global Aseptic Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume (2020-2025)
Global Fresh Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume (2020-2025)
Global Aseptic Liquid Carton Market Volume by End Use (2020)
Global Fresh Liquid Carton Market Volume by End Use (2020)
Global Liquid Carton Market Volume by Region (2020)
Asia Pacific liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value (2018-2025)
Asia Pacific Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume (2018-2025)
Europe Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value (2018-2025)
Europe Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume (2018-2025)
Americas Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value (2018-2025)
Americas Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume (2018-2025)
Middle East & North Africa Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Value (2018-2025)
Middle East & North Africa Liquid Carton Market Forecast by Volume (2018-2025)
Global Urban Population (2016-2020)
Global Gross National Income (GNI) Per Capita (2016- 2020)
Global Consumption of Packed Beverages by Beverage Type (2020)
Global Wellness Spending by Category (2020)
Global Dairy Alternatives Market (2020- 2025)
Global Ready to Drink Beverages Market (2020-2025)
Global Beverage Market By Packaging Material (Per Units Filled, 2020)
Global Milk Consumption (2019-2025)
Key Players - Market Share (2020)
Key Players - Global Aseptic Liquid Carton Market Share by Region (2020)
Business Segments
Tetra Laval Group Net Sales (2016-2020)
Tetra Laval Group Net Sales by Segment (2020)
SIG Combibloc Group AG Revenue and Gross Profit (2017-2020)
SIG Combibloc Group AG Revenue by Segment (2020)
Refresco Group B.V. Revenue and Total Income/ (Loss) (2016-2020)
Refresco Group B.V. Revenue by Segment (2020)
Business Segments
Pactiv Evergreen Inc. Net Revenues and Net (Loss) Income (2016-2020)
Pactiv Evergreen Inc. Net Revenues by Segment (2020)
Pactiv Evergreen Inc. Net Revenues by Geography (2020)
Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company Revenue and Total Income (2016-2020)
Greatview Aseptic Packaging Company Revenue by Segment (2020)
Business Areas
Ferd Group Sales Revenue and Financial Income (2016-2020)
Ferd Group Sales Revenue by Geography (2020)

List of Tables
Key Players - Revenue Comparison (2020)
Key Players - Market Capitalization Comparison (2021)
Competitive Positioning- Key Players (2020)
