
レポートナンバー 0000031667


Global Markets Direct

Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) Drugs In Development by Therapy Areas and Indications, Stages, MoA, RoA, Molecule Type and Key Players, 2022 Update

発刊日 2022/02/28





Enterprisewide (Global Site)



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ヘプシジン(肝臓由来の抗菌ペプチド1または推定肝腫瘍退縮体またはHAMP)のパイプライン標的は、5分子近くを構成します。 そのうち約5つの分子が企業によって開発されています。


本レポートは、企業や大学が開発中のヘプシジンの標的治療薬について、適応症、開発段階、作用機序、投与経路、分子タイプ別に分析し、包括的に概説します。また、ヘプシジンを対象とした治療法の開発に関与する主要企業を、それぞれの稼働中および休止中または中止されたプロジェクトに関してレビューします。 在、フェーズIIおよび前臨床段階の企業によって開発された分子はそれぞれ1および4です。本レポートは、免疫学、遺伝性疾患、造血系疾患、腫瘍学および非公開の治療領域からの以下の適応症製品をカバーしています: 急性炎症、貧血、ヘモクロマトーシス、真性多血症および詳細不明



  • ヘプシジン治療薬の世界的な治療状況についてのスナップショットを提供します。
  • 企業や業界固有の情報源から得た情報に基づいて、企業や大学・研究機関が開発中のヘプシジン治療薬を対象としたパイプライン治療薬をレビューしています。
  • 登録前から創薬、未公開段階までの様々な開発段階のパイプライン製品をカバーしています。
  • 本レポートでは、製品概要、作用機序の説明、ライセンスおよび提携の詳細、その他の開発活動など、パイプライン製品の詳細な治療薬プロファイルを提供します。
  • ヘプシジン治療薬を標的とした治療薬に関わる主要企業をレビューし、その主要およびマイナープロジェクトをすべて掲載します。
  • 作用機序(MoA)、薬物標的、投与経路(RoA)、および分子タイプに基づいて、ヘプシジン治療薬を標的とした治療薬を評価します。
  • すべての休止中および中止されたパイプラインプロジェクトを要約します。
  • ヘプシジンを標的としたパイプライン治療薬に関連する最新のニュースをレビューします。



Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures
Global Markets Direct Report Coverage
Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) - Overview
Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) - Therapeutics Development
Products under Development by Stage of Development
Products under Development by Therapy Area
Products under Development by Indication
Products under Development by Companies
Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) - Therapeutics Assessment
Assessment by Mechanism of Action
Assessment by Route of Administration
Assessment by Molecule Type
Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) - Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development
Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd
Protagonist Therapeutics Inc
Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) - Drug Profiles
DS-28120313 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
DS-42450411 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
DS-79182026 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
Peptides for Unspecified Indication - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
rusfertide acetate - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) - Dormant Products
Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) - Discontinued Products
Hepcidin (Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide 1 or Putative Liver Tumor Regressor or HAMP) - Product Development Milestones
Featured News & Press Releases
Dec 12, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics presents updated phase 2 rusfertide data in Polycythemia Vera (PV) at ASH 2021 Annual Meeting
Nov 15, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics announces positive phase 2a data supporting the potential use of Rusfertide as a First-in-Class Therapy in Hereditary Hemochromatosis
Nov 04, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics announces updated data from phase 2 study of Rusfertide in polycythemia vera selected for oral presentations at the ASH 2021 Annual Meeting
Oct 11, 2021: FDA lifts hold on Protagonist's rusfertide clinical studies
Oct 04, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics announces data from phase 2 rusfertide study in hereditary hemochromatosis selected for oral presentation at the Annual AASLD Meeting
Sep 20, 2021: FDA puts Protagonist Therapeutics' rusfertide on clinical hold
Aug 10, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics announces resolution of contract dispute with Zealand Pharma
Jun 11, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics announces updated phase 2 data supporting long-term efficacy of Rusfertide in polycythemia vera
Jun 07, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics to host Investor Conference Call and webcast to discuss updated Phase 2 Rusfertide results in Polycythemia Vera as presented at EHA 2021
Jun 03, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics receives FDA breakthrough therapy designation for Rusfertide in polycythemia vera
May 12, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics announces presentation of updated results from phase 2 study of rusfertide in polycythemia vera, selected for oral presentation at EHA 2021
Apr 27, 2021: Protagonist Therapeutics completes enrollment for phase 2 study of Rusfertide in polycythemia vera and announces plans for data update at an upcoming medical meeting
Mar 22, 2021: Protagonist announces plans to initiate a global phase 3 study for Rusfertide in polycythemia vera following interactions with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency
Dec 07, 2020: Protagonist announces results of large-scale analysis of current treatment patterns revealing significant opportunity to improve the standard of care for patients with polycythemia vera across Broad population categories
Dec 06, 2020: Protagonist announces updated phase 2 data presented at ASH Annual Meeting supporting long term efficacy of hepcidin mimetic PTG-300 in the treatment of Polycythemia Vera
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Expert Panel Validation
Contact Us

List of Tables
Number of Products under Development by Stage of Development, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Therapy Areas, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Indication, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Route of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Type, 2022
Pipeline by Daiichi Sankyo Co Ltd, 2022
Pipeline by Protagonist Therapeutics Inc, 2022
Dormant Projects, 2022
Discontinued Products, 2022

List of Figures
Number of Products under Development by Stage of Development, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Therapy Areas, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Indications, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Routes of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Routes of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Molecule Types, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Types, 2022
