
レポートナンバー 0000031675


Global Markets Direct

Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) Drugs In Development by Therapy Areas and Indications, Stages, MoA, RoA, Molecule Type and Key Players, 2022 Update

発刊日 2022/02/28





Enterprisewide (Global Site)



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膵島アミロイドポリペプチドはペプチドホルモンです。 このホルモンは、食物摂取後に膵臓ベータ細胞から放出され、血糖値を調節し、満腹信号として機能します。また、インスリン刺激によるブドウ糖の利用と筋肉内のグリコーゲン沈着を抑制します。企業が開発している分子は、フェーズI、前臨床、創薬の各段階でそれぞれ3、11、3分子があります。同様に、大学のポートフォリオは、前臨床段階と創薬段階で、それぞれ2分子と1分子で構成されています。





  • 膵島アミロイドポリペプチドの世界的な治療状況についてのスナップショットを提供します。
  • 企業や業界固有の情報源から得た情報に基づいて、企業や大学・研究機関が開発中の膵島アミロイドポリペプチドを対象とした治療薬をレビューしています。
  • 事前登録から創薬、未公開段階までの様々な開発段階のパイプライン製品をカバーしています。
  • 本レポートでは、パイプライン製品について、製品の説明、作用機序、研究開発の概要、ライセンスおよび共同研究の詳細、その他の開発活動を含む、治療薬プロファイルを提供します。
  • 膵島アミロイドポリペプチドを標的とした治療薬に関わる主要企業をレビューし、その主要およびマイナープロジェクトをすべて掲載します。
  • 作用機序(MoA)、投与経路(RoA)、および分子タイプに基づいて、膵島アミロイドポリペプチドを標的とした治療薬を評価します。
  • すべての休止中および中止されたパイプラインプロジェクトを要約します。
  • 膵島アミロイドポリペプチドを標的とした治療薬に関連する最新のニュースと取引をレビューします。



Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures
Global Markets Direct Report Coverage
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) - Overview
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) - Therapeutics Development
Products under Development by Stage of Development
Products under Development by Therapy Area
Products under Development by Indication
Products under Development by Companies
Products under Development by Universities/Institutes
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) - Therapeutics Assessment
Assessment by Mechanism of Action
Assessment by Route of Administration
Assessment by Molecule Type
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) - Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development
ADM Therapeutics
Adocia SAS
Eli Lilly and Co
Gubra ApS
Intarcia Therapeutics Inc
Neurimmune Holding AG
Nordic Bioscience AS
ProMIS Neurosciences Inc
Wren Therapeutics Ltd
Zealand Pharma AS
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) - Drug Profiles
(exenatide + glucagon + pramlintide) - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
(insulin aspart + pramlintide) - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
(insulin lispro + pramlintide) - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
AC-253 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
ADM-116 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
Amylin - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
DACRA-089 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
GUI-17 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
GUI-35 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ITCA-1061 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
KBP-056 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
KBP-088 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
NI-203 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
ReS-39 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
Small Molecules to Inhibit IAPP for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Pancreatic Diseases - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Synthetic Peptide for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
Synthetic Peptides to Inhibit ABPP and IAPP for Alzheimer's Disease and Type 2 Diabetes - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Synthetic Peptides to Target IAPP for Obesity and Diabetes - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ZP-5461 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
ZP-8396 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
History of Events
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) - Dormant Products
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) - Discontinued Products
Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (Amylin or Diabetes Associated Peptide or Insulinoma Amyloid Peptide or IAPP) - Product Development Milestones
Featured News & Press Releases
Nov 04, 2021: Zealand Pharma announces first subject dosed in phase 1 trial of amylin analogue ZP8396 for the treatment of obesity
Nov 01, 2021: Zealand Pharma announces presentation of preclinical data on amylin analogue ZP8396 at The Obesity Society Annual Meeting
Jun 29, 2021: Adocia initiates BC LisPram phase 1 clinical trial in pump for people with type 1 diabetes
Jun 14, 2019: ADA2019: Find the two Adocia abstracts including the "BioChaperone Glucagon Exenatide" Poster online
Jun 04, 2019: Adocia presents on BioChaperone Pramlintide Insulin at the American Diabetes Association® 79th Scientific Sessions
Feb 12, 2019: Adocia to present new clinical data on Pramlintide-Prandial Insulin combinations at the 12th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2019)
Sep 05, 2018: Adocia announces positive topline results for the first clinical study of BioChaperone Pramlintide Insulin in people with type 1 diabetes
Apr 16, 2018: Adocia initiates First-in-Human Clinical Study of BioChaperone Pramlintide Insulin in people with type 1 diabetes
Apr 03, 2018: Taming an unruly target in diabetes
Jan 05, 2017: Adocia Launches New Multi-Hormonal Combination Project For Treatment Of Type 1 Diabetes
May 05, 2014: reMYND's novel diabetes treatment prevents - and even reverses - disease progression in pre-clinical diabetes models
Apr 10, 2013: Centennial Lecture features research on restoring memory and movement
Dec 11, 2012: University Of Alberta Medical Researchers Make Key Discovery In Fight Against Alzheimer's Disease
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Expert Panel Validation
Contact Us

List of Tables
Number of Products under Development by Stage of Development, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Therapy Areas, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Indication, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Products under Development by Companies, 2022 (Contd..1)
Number of Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, 2022
Products under Investigation by Universities/Institutes, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Route of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Type, 2022
Pipeline by ADM Therapeutics, 2022
Pipeline by Adocia SAS, 2022
Pipeline by Eli Lilly and Co, 2022
Pipeline by Gubra ApS, 2022
Pipeline by Intarcia Therapeutics Inc, 2022
Pipeline by Neurimmune Holding AG, 2022
Pipeline by Nordic Bioscience AS, 2022
Pipeline by ProMIS Neurosciences Inc, 2022
Pipeline by reMYND NV, 2022
Pipeline by Wren Therapeutics Ltd, 2022
Pipeline by Zealand Pharma AS, 2022
Dormant Projects, 2022
Discontinued Products, 2022

List of Figures
Number of Products under Development by Stage of Development, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Therapy Areas, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Top 10 Indications, 2022
Number of Products by Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Routes of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Routes of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Molecule Types, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Types, 2022
