
レポートナンバー 0000032555


The Business Research Company

Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Global Market Opportunities And Strategies To 2035

発刊日 2022/07/07








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本レポートは、戦略担当者、マーケティング担当者、経営幹部に、COVID 19のシャットダウンから出現する世界の動物実験および動物実験代替法市場を評価するために必要な重要な情報を提供します。


  • 調査市場
    ➣ 最終用途産業別
      ◇ 製薬業界
      ◇ 学術業界
      ◇ 医療機器
      ◇ 化学薬品および農薬産業
      ◇ 化粧品
      ◇ その他
    ➣ 動物タイプ別
      ◇ マウス
      ◇ ラット
      ◇ カエル
      ◇ 魚
      ◇ 鳥
      ◇ モルモット
      ◇ ハムスター
      ◇ うさぎ
      ◇ 羊
      ◇ 犬
      ◇ 猫
      ◇ サル
      ◇ 豚
      ◇ その他
  • 調査企業
  •   ◇ Cyprotex
      ◇ Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
      ◇ MatTek Corporation
      ◇ Emulate, Inc
      ◇ BioIVT
  • 調査国
    ➣ オーストラリア
    ➣ 中国
    ➣ フランス
    ➣ ドイツ
    ➣ 日本
    ➣ イギリス
    ➣ アメリカ
    ➣ カナダ
  • 調査地域
    ➣ アジア太平洋地域
    ➣ ヨーロッパ
    ➣ 北アメリカ
    ➣ その他の地域
  • 調査期間
    ➣ 5年間の実績データおよび10年間の予測
  • データ
    ➣ 市場規模と成長率の関連市場に対する比率
    ➣ GDP比率
    ➣ 一人当たりの支出
    ➣ 動物実験および動物実験代替法の指標比較
  • データセグメント
    ➣ 国別・地域別の実績および予測データ
    ➣ 競合企業の市場シェア
    ➣ 市場セグメント
  • 情報源および参照
    ➣ 本レポートのデータおよび分析は、注釈で出典を明らかにしています。



Table of Contents

1. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Executive Summary

2. Table of Contents

3. List of Figures

4. List of Tables

5. Report Structure

6. Introduction
6.1. Segmentation By Geography
6.2. Segmentation By End User Industry

7. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Characteristics
7.1.1. Animal Testing
7.1.2. Non-Animal Alternative Testing
7.1.3. Facts About Animals In Research - Functional Resemblances Of Animals To Human Body
7.2. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Segmentation By End-Use Industry
7.2.1. Pharmaceutical Industry
7.2.2. Academic Industry
7.2.3. Medical Devices
7.2.4. Chemicals And Pesticides Industry
7.2.5. Cosmetics
7.2.6. Others

8. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market, Value Chain Analysis
8.1.1. Animal Breeders and Suppliers
8.1.2. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technology Developers
8.1.3. Regulatory Authorities
8.1.4. Alternative Testing Service Providers
8.1.5. End-Use Industries

9. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Trends
9.1. Development In OOC (organ-on-chip) For Testing
9.2. Adoption Of Human Patient Simulators For Testing
9.3. Focus On Development Of 3D-Printed Organs For Testing

10. Cost Analysis For Animal Testing And Alternative Technologies
10.1.1. Average Cost Of Laboratory Animals
10.1.2. Average Cost Of Non-Animal Alternative Testing Methods
10.1.3. Comparative Cost Analysis For Animal Testing And Alternative Methods
10.2. Costs Involved In Animal Testing, 2021

11. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Segments
11.1. By End Use Industrial Application
11.1.1. Important Areas of Use
11.1.2. Basic Research
11.1.3. Applied Research
11.1.4. Regulatory Testing
11.1.5. Development Of New Diagnostic Methods
11.1.6. Breeding Of Genetically Altered Animals
11.1.7. Animal Cloning
11.1.8. End-User Applications
11.2. Animal Testing Market By Animal Type
11.2.1. Mice
11.2.2. Rat
11.2.3. Frogs
11.2.4. Fish
11.2.5. Birds
11.2.6. Guinea pig
11.2.7. Hamster
11.2.8. Rabbits
11.2.9. Sheep
11.2.10. Dogs
11.2.11. Cats
11.2.12. Monkeys
11.2.13. Pigs
11.2.14. Others

12. Number Of Animals Used In Research, By Country
12.1.1. USA
12.1.2. Europe
12.1.3. United Kingdom (UK)
12.1.4. Germany
12.1.5. France
12.1.6. Australia
12.1.7. Canada
12.1.8. China

13. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technologies By Type And End Use
13.1. Introduction
13.2. Types Of Non-Animal Alternative Testing Technologies
13.2.1. Cell Or Tissue Culture (In-Vitro)
13.2.2. Major Cell Culture Developers Worldwide
13.2.3. Organ-On-Chip (OOC)
13.2.4. Global OOC Market Size And Growth
13.2.5. Global OOC Market Drivers And Restraints
13.2.6. Market Drivers
13.2.7. Market Restraints
13.2.8. In-silico (Computer-Based Models)
13.2.9. Artificial Skin Models (Skin Substitutes)
13.2.10. Other Technologies

14. End-User Industries Adoption To Alternative Testing Technologies
14.1.Adoption of Alternative Testing Technologies By Type of Industry
14.1.1. Cosmetics Industry
14.1.2. Pharmaceutical Industry
14.1.3. Medical Device Industry
14.1.4. Others
14.2. Adoption of 3R's In USA
14.2.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
14.2.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
14.2.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry
14.3.Adoption of 3R's In China
14.3.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
14.3.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
14.3.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry
14.4. Adoption of 3R's In Europe
14.4.1. 3R Adoption In The Cosmetics Industry
14.4.2. 3R Adoption In The Pharmaceutical Industry
14.4.3. 3R Adoption In The Medical Device Industry

15. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Testing Market
15.1. Global Animal Testing Market Size And Growth
15.1.1. Global Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
15.1.2. Global Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
15.1.3. Drivers Of The Animal Testing Market
15.1.4. Restraints On The Animal Testing Market
15.2. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Size And Growth
15.2.1. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
15.2.2. Drivers Of The Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
15.2.3. Restraints On The Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market

16. Animal Testing And Non-Animal Testing Market, Regional And Country Analysis

17. USA Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
17.1. USA Animal Testing Market
17.1.1. USA Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
17.1.2. USA Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
17.2. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
17.2.1. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
17.3. USA Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
17.3.1. Market By Value And Volume
17.3.2. Pharmaceuticals
17.3.3. Academic Research industry was the second largest
17.3.4. Medical Devices industry was the third largest
17.3.5. Chemicals And Pesticides industry was the fourth largest
17.3.6. Cosmetics industry was the smallest
17.3.7. Other industries were the fifth largest
17.3.8. Share Of Top 5 Companies, By Revenue (In Each Industrial Application)
17.4. Regulatory Landscape In The USA
17.4.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
17.4.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market
17.4.3. USDA & Animal Welfare Act
17.4.4. ICCVAM
17.4.5. FDA
17.4.6. NIH

18. Japan Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
18.1. Japan Animal Testing Market
18.1.1. Japan Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
18.1.2. Japan Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
18.2. Japan Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
18.2.1. Japan Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
18.3.Japan Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
18.3.1. Share Of Top 5 Companies, By Revenue (In Each Industrial Application)
18.4. Regulatory Landscape In Japan
18.4.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
18.4.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market
18.4.3. Law for the Humane Treatment and Management of Animals
18.4.4. MHLW, MEXT, And MAFF

19. China Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
19.1.China Animal Testing Market
19.1.1. China Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
19.1.2. China Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
19.2. Regulatory Landscape In China
19.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
19.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market

20. Australia Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
20.1. Australia Animal Testing Market
20.1.1. Australia Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
20.1.2. Australia Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
20.2. Regulatory Landscape In Australia
20.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
20.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market

21. Europe Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
21.1. Regulatory Landscape In Europe
21.1.1. EU Directive 2010/63
21.2. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
21.2.1. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)

22. France Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
22.1. France Animal Testing Market
22.1.1. France Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
22.1.2. France Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
22.2. France Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
22.2.1. Market By Value And Volume
22.2.2. Pharmaceuticals
22.2.3. Academic Research industry was the second largest
22.2.4. Chemicals & Pesticides industry was the third largest
22.2.5. Medical Devices industry was the fourth largest
22.2.6. Cosmetics industry was the smallest
22.2.7. Other industries were the fifth largest
22.3. Regulatory Landscape In France
22.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
22.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving The Animal Testing Alternatives Market

23. Germany Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
23.1. Germany Animal Testing Market
23.1.1. Germany Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
23.1.2. Germany Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
23.2. Germany Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
23.2.1. Market By Value And Volume
23.2.2. Pharmaceuticals
23.2.3. Academic Research industry was the second largest
23.2.4. Medical Devices industry was the third largest
23.2.5. Chemicals And Pesticides industry was the fifth largest
23.2.6. Cosmetics industry was the smallest
23.2.7. Other industries were the fifth largest
23.3.Regulatory Landscape In Germany
23.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
23.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving the Animal Testing Alternatives Market

24. UK Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
24.1. UK Animal Testing Market
24.1.1. UK Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
24.1.2. UK Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
24.2. UK Animal Testing Market By End Use Industrial Application
24.2.1. Market By Value And Volume
24.2.2. Pharmaceuticals
24.2.3. Academic Research industry was the second largest
24.2.4. Medical Devices industry was the third largest
24.2.5. Chemicals & Pesticides industry was the fifth largest
24.2.6. Cosmetics industry was the smallest
24.2.7. Other industries were the fourth largest
24.3. Regulatory Landscape in United Kingdom (UK)
24.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
24.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving the Animal Testing Alternatives Market

25. Canada Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
25.1. Canada Animal Testing Market
25.1.1. Canada Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
25.1.2. Canada Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
25.2. Regulatory Landscape In Canada
25.2.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
25.2.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market

26. Rest Of The World Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
26.1. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market
26.1.1. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
26.1.2. Rest Of The World Animal Testing Market, By Volume (Million Units)
26.2. Rest of The World Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
26.2.1. Rest of The World Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Value ($ Billion)
26.3. Regulatory Landscape In Rest of the World (RoW)
26.3.1. Regulatory Bodies & Policies
26.3.2. Proposed Regulations & Guidelines Driving Animal Testing Alternatives Market

27. Competitive Landscape For Non-Animal Alternative Technologies
27.1. Company Profiles
27.2. Cyprotex
27.2.1. Company Overview
27.2.2. Products And Services
27.2.3. Business Strategy
27.2.4. Financial Overview
27.3. Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
27.3.1. Company Overview
27.3.2. Products And Services
27.3.3. Business Strategy
27.3.4. Financial Overview
27.4. MatTek Corporation
27.4.1. Company Overview
27.4.2. Products And Services
27.4.3. Business Strategy
27.4.4. Financial Overview
27.5.Emulate, Inc
27.5.1. Company Overview
27.5.2. Products And Services
27.5.3. Business Strategy
27.5.4. Financial Overview
27.6. BioIVT
27.6.1. Company Overview
27.6.2. Products And Services
27.6.3. Business Strategy
27.6.4. Financial Overview
27.7. USA Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
27.7.1. Emulate, Inc
27.7.2. Organovo Holdings, Inc
27.7.3. MatTek Corporation
27.7.4. EMD Millipore
27.8. China Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
27.8.1. China Tissue Engineering Co., Ltd. (J-TEC)
27.8.2. ReproCell Inc
27.8.3. Organ Technologies Co, Ltd
27.9. Europe Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Competitive Landscape
27.9.1. Episkin

28. Animal Testing And Non Animal Alternative Testing Global Market Opportunities And Strategies
28.1. Global Animal Testing Market In 2035 - Geographies Offering Most New Opportunities
28.2. Global Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2035 - Geographies Offering Most New Opportunities
28.3. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2035 - Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
28.4. Global Animal Testing And Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market In 2025 - Growth Strategies
28.4.1. Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market Trend Based Strategies
28.4.2. Competitor Strategies

29. Conclusions & Recommendations
29.1. Conclusions
29.2. Recommendations
29.2.1. Product
29.3. Develop 3D-Printed Organs
29.3.1. Price
29.3.2. Place
29.3.3. Promotion
29.3.4. People
29.3.5. Need For Validated Non-Animal Alternatives For Pharma And Other End-Use Industries
29.3.6. Increasing Number Of Players In The Non-Animal Alternative Testing Market
29.3.7. Focus On Developed Countries
29.3.8. Collaborations With Technology Developers And Animal Welfare Organizations For Promotion

30. Appendix
30.2. Market Data Sources
30.3.Research Methodology
30.3.1. OCED Accepted In Vito Tests
30.4. Survey on Animal Models & Testing Landscape in the US
30.4.1. Current Condition By Company
30.4.2. Number Of Animals Used In Testing
30.5. Expert Interviews List
30.6. Non Animal Alternative Testing Interviews
30.7. USA Interviews
30.7.1. Interview
30.7.2. Interview
30.7.3. Interview
30.7.4. Interview
30.7.5. Interview
30.7.6. Interview
30.7.7. Interview
30.7.8. Interview
30.7.9. Interview
30.8. China Interviews
30.8.1. Interview
30.8.2. Interview
30.8.3. Interview
30.8.4. Interview
30.8.5. Interview
30.8.6. Interview
30.9. Animal Testing Interviews
30.9.1. Interview
30.9.2. Interview
30.9.3. Interview
30.9.4. Interview
30.9.5. Interview
30.9.6. Interview
30.9.7. Interview
30.9.8. Interview
