
レポートナンバー 0000033444

臨床化学分析装置・試薬のアジア太平洋地域市場(2022年):18カ国における55検査に対するサプライヤーのシェア、数量、売上セグメントの予測 ‐ 新たなビジネスチャンス、成長戦略、最新技術、および計測器パイプライン


2022 Asia-Pacific Clinical Chemistry Analyzers and Reagent Market--Supplier Shares, Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts for 55 Tests in 18 Countries--Emerging Opportunities, Growth Strategies, Latest Technologies and Instrumentation Pipeline

発刊日 2022/10/03





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  • 調査国
  • 市場セグメント分析
    ➣ 市場力学、動向、構造、規模、成長、主要サプライヤーの包括的なレビュー
    ➣ 55種類以上の臨床化学アッセイの検査量と売上予測
  • 本レポートで分析した個別検査
    アルブミン、アルカリフォスファターゼ、ALT/SGPT、アンモニア、アミラーゼ、アポリポ蛋白A-1、アポリポ蛋白B、AST/SGOT、β-ヒドロキシブチレート、ビリルビン(直接)、ビリルビン(総)、BNP, BUN(血中尿素窒素)、カルシトニン、カルシウム、炭酸ガス/重炭酸塩、Cardio hs CRP、塩化物、コレステロール、コリンエステラーゼ、クレアチンキナーゼ(CK)、CK-MB、クレアチニン、CRP、シスタチンC、フェリチン、フルクトサミン、GGT、グルコース、HDLコレステロール、ホモシステイン、hs-CRP、インスリン、鉄、鉄(総結合能)、鉄(不飽和結合能)、LDH、LDLコレステロール、LDLコレステロールダイレクト、リパーゼ、リポタンパク質a、マグネシウム、マイクロアルブミン、ミオグロビン、NT-proBNP、リン、カリウム、ナトリウム、ST2、総蛋白、トランスフェリン、トリグリセライド、トロポニン、尿酸
  • 現行製品および新製品
    ➣ 現在および新たな臨床化学検査の分析
    ➣ 現在の計測技術のレビューと、大容量、中容量、および低容量/POC 分析装置の機能比較
  • 技術レビュー
    ➣ 現在の技術や新しい技術、およびそれらの潜在的な市場アプリケーションの評価
    ➣ 検査別の新技術・新製品の開発・販売企業
  • 戦略的な提言
    ➣ 市場で大きな魅力を持つ新製品開発の機会
    ➣ 市場浸透のための代替戦略
    ➣ 潜在的な市場参入障壁とリスク
  • 競合評価
    ➣ 主要サプライヤーおよび新興市場参入企業の戦略的評価(売上、製品ポートフォリオ、マーケティング戦術、提携関係、研究開発中の新製品など)
  • 調査企業
    ➣ Abbott Laboratories
    ➣ Agilent Technologies
    ➣ Beckman Coulter/Danaher
    ➣ bioMerieux
    ➣ Bio-Rad
    ➣ DiaSorin
    ➣ 栄研化学(Eiken Chemical)
    ➣ 富士レビオ(Fujirebio)
    ➣ Grifols
    ➣ Instrumentation Laboratory/Werfen
    ➣ 協和メデックス(Kyowa Medex)
    ➣ Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
    ➣ PerkinElmer
    ➣ Quest Diagnostics
    ➣ Roche
    ➣ Siemens Healthineers
    ➣ Sysmex
    ➣ Thermo Fisher
    ➣ 東ソー(Tosoh)



Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Major Product Development Opportunities

III. Design Criteria for Decentralized Testing Products

IV. Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. InternalDevelopment
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for Decentralized Testing Markets

V. Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges

VI. Worldwide Market and Technology Overview
A. Selected Tests Clinical Significance and Diagnostic Procedures
 1. Albumin
 2. Alkaline Phosphatase
 4. Ammonia
 5. Amylase
 7. Bilirubin, Total
 8. Blood Gases
 9. Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
 10. BNP
 11. Calcium
 12. Cardio CRP
 13. Cholesterol
 14. Cholinesterase
 15. CRP
 16. Creatinine
 17. Electrolytes
  a. Carbon Dioxide/Bicarbonate
  b. Chloride
  c. Potassium
  d. Sodium
 18. Ferritin
 19. Fructosamine
 20. Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT)
 21. Glucose
 22. High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
 23. Homocysteine
 24. hs-CRP
 25. Iron
 26. Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
 27. Magnesium
 28. NT-proBNP
 29. Phosphorus
 30. Protein
 31. ST2
 32. Triglycerides
 33. Uric Acid
 34. Troponin
B. Clinical Chemistry Instrumentation Review: Operating
Characteristics and Features of High-, Medium-, and Low-volume/POC analyzers
C. Major Clinical Chemistry Technologies and Their Potential Applications
 1. Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies
 2. Immunoassays
 3. Tandem Mass Spec
 4. IT and Automation
 5. Dry Chemistry
 6. Biosensors

VII. Country Analyses
Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam

VIII. Competitive Assessments
Agilent Technologies
Beckman Coulter/Danaher
Eiken Chemical
Fujifilm Wako
Instrumentation Laboratory/Werfen
Kyowa Medex
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
Quest Diagnostics
Siemens Healthineers
Thermo Fisher

List of Tables
Australia Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Australia All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Australia Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Australia All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Australia Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Bangladesh Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Bangladesh All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Bangladesh Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Bangladesh All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Bangladesh Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
China Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
China All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
China Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
China All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
China Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Hong Kong Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Hong Kong All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Hong Kong Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Hong Kong All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Hong Kong Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
India Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
India All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
India Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
India All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
India Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Indonesia Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Indonesia All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Indonesia Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Indonesia All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Indonesia Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Japan Executive Summary Table: Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay Test Volume and Diagnostics
Sales Forecast by Test Category
Japan, Laboratories Performing Chemistry and Immunoassay Testing by Market Segment
Japan, Hospital Laboratories Performing
Chemistry and Immunoassay Tests by Bed Size
Japan, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Chemistry and Immunoassay
Tests by Annual Test Volume
Japan, Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast
Japan, All Market Segments, Specimen Volume
Forecast by Test Category
Japan, Total Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Test Volume Forecast by Test Category
Japan, Routine Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Market Segment
Japan, All Market Segments, Profiles, Panels and Individual Tests Forecast
Japan, Hospital Laboratories, Profiles, Panels and Individual Tests Forecast
Japan, Commercial/Private Laboratories, Profiles, Panels and Individual Tests Forecast
Japan, All Market Segments, Routine Chemistry
Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Japan, Hospital Laboratories, Routine Chemistry
Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Japan, Commercial/Private Laboratories, Routine Chemistry Test Volume
Forecast by Assay
Japan, Total Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay Reagent Market
Forecast by Test Category
Japan, Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market
Forecast by Test Category
Japan, Routine Chemistry Reagent Market
Forecast by Market Segment
Japan, All Market Segments, Routine Chemistry
Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Japan, Hospital Laboratories, Routine Chemistry
Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Japan, Commercial/Private Laboratories, Routine Chemistry Reagent Market
Forecast by Assay
Japan, Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Japan, Major Suppliers of Clinical Chemistry
Diagnostic Products, Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Japan, Major Suppliers of Immunoassay Products, Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Malaysia Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Malaysia Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Malaysia All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Malaysia Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Malaysia All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Malaysia Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Myanmar Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Myanmar All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Myanmar Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Myanmar All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Myanmar Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
New Zealand Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
New Zealand All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
New Zealand Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
New Zealand All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
New Zealand Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Pakistan Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Pakistan All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Pakistan Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Pakistan All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Pakistan Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Philippines Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Philippines All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Philippines Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Philippines All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Philippines Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Singapore Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Singapore All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Singapore Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Singapore All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Singapore Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
South Korea Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
South Korea All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
South Korea Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
South Korea All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
South Korea Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Taiwan Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Taiwan All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Taiwan Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Taiwan All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Taiwan Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Thailand Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Thailand All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Thailand Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Thailand All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Thailand Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
Vietnam Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast by Specimen Type
Vietnam All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Vietnam Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Calibrator and Control Market Forecast by Test Category
Vietnam All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Vietnam Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast by Analyzer Type
