
レポートナンバー 0000033452


Kuick Research

China Cell Therapy Market Opportunity and Clinical Trials Insight 2028

発刊日 2022/10








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


  • 中国では400以上の細胞療法が臨床試験中
  • 2つの細胞治療薬の実用化が承認されている
  • 中国企業が開発した25を超える細胞治療薬の独自技術に関する洞察
  • 中国の細胞療法の市場機会の評価
  • 臨床試験中の400 を超える細胞治療薬に関する、フェーズ別、適応症別、企業別洞察
  • 薬価設定と医療制度に関する分析
  • 細胞治療薬の研究開発に関与している中国の主要製薬会社に関する洞察

中国は、近年の臨床研究開発活動の指数関数的な増加の結果として、世界最大の医薬品市場の 1 つとして浮上しています。さらに、さまざまな治療分野や疾患を網羅する 研究開発活動が行われており、臨床試験が最も多く実施される目的地の 1 つへと進化しました。中国の製薬会社は、国際的な製薬会社から学習した後、ジェネリック医薬品の製造から革新的な医薬品や治療法の開発に主軸を移しました。がん治療における最近の進歩、特に国際的な研究環境への免疫療法の導入は、中国の製薬業界における最も新しい変化の 1 つです。



1. China Cell Therapy Market Insight
1.1 Current Market Trends
1.2 Approved Cell Therapies

2. China Cell Therapy Market Collaborations

3. China Cell Therapies Market Proprietary Technologies Innovation
3.1 Overview
3.2 Insight on Proprietary Technologies Developed By Chines Companies

4. Dominance of CAR-T Therapy In China Cell Therapy Market

5. China Cell Therapy Pricing and Reimbursement Framework
5.1 Cell Therapy Pricing
5.2 Reimbursement Framework

6. China Cell Therapy Pipeline Overview
6.1 By Company
6.2 By Indication
6.3 By Patient Segment
6.4 By Phase

7. China Cell Therapies Clinical Pipeline Insight By Company, Indication and Phase
7.1 Research
7.2 Preclinical
7.3 Clinical
7.4 Phase-0
7.5 Phase-I
7.6 Phase-I/II
7.7 Phase-II
7.8 Phase-II/III
7.9 Phase-III
7.10 Preregistration
7.11 Registered

8. Marketed Cell Therapies Clinical Insight

9. China Cell Therapy Market Dynamics
9.1 Market Drivers
9.2 Growth Restraints

10. China Cell Therapies Market Future Outlook
10.1 Future Opportunity Insight
10.2 China Cell Therapy Contract Drug Manufacturing Opportunity

11. Competitive Landscape
11.1 Biocytogen
11.2 BRL Medicine
11.3 CARsgen Therapeutics
11.4 Cellular Biomedicine Group
11.5 Hebei Senlang Biotechnology
11.6 JW Therapeutics
11.7 Gracell Biotechnologies
11.8 Nanjing IASO Biotherapeutics
11.9 Nanjing KAEDI Biotech
11.10 PersonGen Biotherapeutics
11.11 TCRCure
11.12 Ubrigene

List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1-1: China - Cell Therapy market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2022 - 2028
Figure 1-2: FKC876 -NMPA Approval Timeline
Figure 1-3: Carteyva - NMPA Approval Timeline
Figure 3-1: FasTCAR - Advantages
Figure 3-2: TruUCAR - Advantages
Figure 3-3: SMART CART - Advantages
Figure 3-4: CycloCAR - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 3-5: THANK-uCAR - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 3-6: - LADAR - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 3-7: IADDP - Advantages
Figure 3-8: SMART - Features
Figure 3-9: MADDS - Features
Figure 3-10: RenMice - Features
Figure 3-11: UCAR-T/NK - Advantages
Figure 3-12: UCAR-T/NK - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 3-13: PrecisionCAR - Advantages
Figure 3-14: PrecisionCAR - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 3-15: PRIMECARandreg; - Advantages
Figure 3-16: PRIMECARandreg; - Steps Of Preparation
Figure 3-17: RESCARandreg; - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 3-18: PhiCARandreg; - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 3-19: HyeCARTM - Advantages
Figure 3-20: HyeCARTM - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 3-21: TMR CAR-T - Working Condition
Figure 3-22: CCT3 CAR-T - Procedure
Figure 3-23: rPOC SC CAR-TaNKs - Structure
Figure 3-24: rPOC SC CAR-TaNKs - Procedure
Figure 3-25: G-CAR - Lymph Node Production
Figure 3-26: Ubrigene’s Cell Development Platform: Advantages
Figure 5-1: China - Yescarta Costs Comparison By Country (US$), September’2022
Figure 6-1: China - Cell Therapies Clinical Pipeline by Company, 2022 till 2028
Figure 6-2: China - Cell Therapies Clinical Pipeline by Indication, 2022 till 2028
Figure 6-3: China - Number of Cell Therapies In Clinical Pipeline by Patient Segment, 2022 till 2028
Figure 6-4: China - Number of Cell Therapies In Clinical Pipeline by Phase, 2022 till 2028
