
レポートナンバー 0000033506

アルツハイマー病治療薬(2022年版)- 市場の洞察、疫学、およびパイプラインの評価(分子タイプ別、投与経路別、パイプラインのフェーズ別)

Azoth Analytics

Alzheimer’s Disease Therapeutics (2022 Edition) - Market Insight, Epidemiology and Pipeline Assessment (By Molecule Type, By Route of Administration, By Pipeline Phase)

発刊日 2022/10/31








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


Azoth Analytics社の本調査レポートによると、アルツハイマー病治療薬のパイプライン分析には、いくつかの段階の臨床試験が進行中の101の有効な医薬品があります。

アルツハイマー病治療薬パイプラインは、アルツハイマー病を治すことができる効果的な治療薬のアンメットニーズのギャップの拡大によって推進されています。さらに、アメリカ、日本、中国などの主要経済国におけるさまざまな医療改革により、平均余命は伸びています。 これにより、この疾患の影響を最も受ける年齢層である老年人口が大きくなっています。


エーザイ(Eisai)社、Biogen社、Hoffmann-La Roche社、AZTherapies社、Cerecin社、Neurotrope社、AC Immune社、Cassava Sciences社、AB Science社、Anavex Life Sciences社、Athira Pharma社、Denali Therapeutics Inc.社、およびその他注目すべき企業がアルツハイマー病の診断・治療シナリオを改善する治療薬候補を開発しています。


  • 本レポートでは、パイプライン中のアルツハイマー病治療薬を分子タイプ(低分子、モノクローナル抗体、ワクチン、DNA/RNAベース、天然物、遺伝子治療、細胞治療、その他)別に分析しています。
  • 本レポートでは、アルツハイマー病の治療薬を投与経路(経口、静脈内、筋肉内、皮下、髄腔内、経鼻、その他)別に分析しています。
  • 本レポートでは、アルツハイマー病治療薬をパイプラインのフェーズ(フェーズI、フェーズI/II、フェーズII、フェーズII/III、フェーズIII、フェーズIV、前臨床)別に分析しています。
  • 本レポートでは、アルツハイマー病治療薬を地域別(南北アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋地域、中東・アフリカ(MEA))に分析しています。
  • 本レポートの主要な洞察は、主要企業のシェアの枠組みで提示されています。
  • また、業界の主要な動向、推進要因、課題、アンメットニーズについても分析されています。


  • Eli-Lily & Co,
  • Elsal Co., Ltd.
  • BioVie
  • Johnson and Johnson
  • 大塚製薬(Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.)
  • H. Lundbeck A/S
  • Novartis
  • Cognition Therapeutics
  • Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC
  • Biogen



Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Alzheimer's Disease Therapeutics Overview
1.2 Scope of Research

2. Executive Summary
2.1 Market Dashboard
2.2 Regional Insights
2.3 Market Ecosystem Factors

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Data Collection Process
3.2 Market Size Calculation-Top-to-Bottom

4. Macro Economic Indicator Outlook
4.1 Global, Region-wise GDP Growth
4.2 Global Medical Spending
4.3 Current Healthcare Expenditure
4.4 Pharmaceutical Spending/capita

5. Competitive Positioning
5.1 Companies - Product Positioning
5.2 Competitive positioning
5.2.1 Eli-Lily & Co
5.2.2 Elsal Co., Ltd.
5.2.3 BioVie
5.2.4 Johnson & Johnson
5.2.5 Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
5.2.6 H. Lundbeck A/S
5.2.7 Novartis
5.2.8 Cognition Therapeutics
5.2.9 Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC
5.2.10 Biogen

6. Alzheimer's disease background
6.1 AD Fact Sheet
6.2 Epidemiology
6.3 Causes and Risk Factors
6.4 Diagnosis and Assessment
6.5 Unmet Needs

7. Therapeutics in Pipeline
7.1 Pipeline Scenario
7.2 Alzheimer's Therapeutics Comparative Review

8. Pipeline Analysis

9. Phase I therapeutics Overview
9.1 LY3372993
9.1.1 Drug Description
9.1.2 Outcomes
9.2 Lu AF87908
9.2.2 Drug Description
9.2.3 Outcomes
9.3 anle138b
9.3.1 Drug Description
9.3.2 Outcomes
9.3.3 Collaborators
9.4 ASN51
9.4.1 Drug Description
9.4.2 Outcomes
9.4.3 Collaborators
9.5 CMS121
9.5.1 Drug Description
9.5.2 Outcomes
9.5.3 Collaborators
9.6 IBC-Ab002
9.6.1 Drug Description
9.6.2 Outcomes
9.6.3 Collaborators
9.7 LX1001
9.7.1 Drug Description
9.7.2 Outcomes
9.8 MK-2214
9.8.1 Drug Description
9.8.2 Outcomes
9.9 MK-8189
9.9.1 Drug Description
9.9.2 Outcomes
9.10 ACU193
9.10.1 Drug Description
9.10.2 Outcomes
9.10.3 Collaborators
9.11 NIO752
9.11.1 Drug Description
9.11.2 Outcomes
9.12 ALN-APP
9.12.1 Drug Description
9.12.2 Outcomes
9.13 TB006
9.13.1 Drug Description
9.13.2 Outcomes
9.14 SNK01
9.14.1 Drug Description
9.14.2 Outcomes
9.15 Pepinemab
9.15.1 Drug Description
9.15.2 Outcomes
9.15.3 Collaborators
9.16 GB-5001
9.16.1 Drug Description
9.16.2 Outcomes
9.17 AC-1202
9.17.1 Drug Description
9.17.2 Outcomes
9.18 SHR-1707
9.18.1 Drug Description
9.18.2 Outcomes
9.19 BEY2153
9.19.1 Drug Description
9.19.2 Outcomes
9.20 JNJ-40346527
9.20.1 Drug Description
9.20.2 Outcomes
9.20.3 Collaborators
9.21 APNmAb005
9.21.1 Drug Description
9.21.22 Outcomes
9.22 NPT 2042
9.22.1 Drug Description
9.22.2 Outcomes
9.23 ALZ-101
9.23.1 Drug Description
9.23.2 Outcomes

10. Phase I/II therapeutics Overview
10.1 Posiphen
10.1.1 Drug Description
10.1.2 Outcomes
10.1.3 Collaborators
10.2 PrimeProô/ PrimeMSKô
10.2.1 Drug Description
10.2.2 Outcomes
10.2.3 Collaborators
10.3 TB006
10.3.1 Drug Description
10.3.2 Outcomes
10.4 RO7126209
10.4.1 Drug Description
10.4.2 Outcomes
10.5 DNL593
10.5.1 Drug Description
10.5.2 Outcomes
10.5.3 Collaborators
10.6 BIIB080
10.6.1 Drug Description
10.6.1 Outcomes
10.7 E2814
10.7.1 Drug Description
10.7.2 Outcomes
10.8 Tdap
10.8.1 Drug Description
10.8.2 Outcomes
10.8.3 Collaborators
10.9 ACI-35.030/ JACI-35.054
10.9.1 Drug Description
10.9.2 Outcomes
10.9.3 Collaborators
10.10 ACI-24.060
10.10.1 Drug Description
10.10.2 Outcomes
10.10.3 Collaborators
10.11 IVL3003
10.10.1 Drug Description
10.10.2 Outcomes

11. Phase II therapeutics Overview
11.1 Lecanemab
11.1.1 Drug Description
11.1.2 Outcomes
11.1.3 Collaborators
11.2 Lomecel-B
11.2.1 Drug Description
11.2.2 Outcomes
11.2.3 Collaborators
11.3 AL002
11.3.1 Drug Description
11.3.2 Outcomes
11.3.3 Collaborators
11.4 AL001
11.4.1 Drug Description
11.4.2 Outcomes
11.5 CT1812 (Elaya)
11.5.1 Drug Description
11.5.2 Outcomes
11.6 APH-1105
11.6.1 Drug Description
11.6.2 Outcomes
11.7 ATH-1017
11.7.1 Drug Description
11.7.2 Outcomes
11.8 T-817MA
11.8.1 Drug Description
11.8.2 Outcomes
11.9 Montelukast buccal film
11.9.1 Drug Description
11.9.2 Outcomes
11.10 ABBV-916
11.10.1 Drug Description
11.10.2 Outcomes
11.11 Bepranemab
11.11.1 Drug Description
11.11.2 Outcomes
11.12 TB006
11.12.1 Drug Description
11.12.2 Outcomes
11.13 LY3372689
11.13.1 Drug Description
11.13.2 Outcomes
11.14 MW150
11.14.1 Drug Description
11.14.2 Outcomes
11.14.3 Collaborators
11.15 EX039
11.15.1 Drug Description
11.15.2 Outcomes
11.15.3 Collaborators
11.16 JNJ-42847922
11.16.1 Drug Description
11.16.2 Outcomes
11.17 REM0046127
11.17.1 Drug Description
11.17.2 Outcomes
11.18 Bryostatin
11.18.1 Drug Description
11.18.2 Outcomes
11.18.3 Collaborators
11.19 NanoLithiumÆ NP03
11.19.1 Drug Description
11.19.2 Outcomes
11.20 AstroStem
11.20.1 Drug Description
11.20.2 Outcomes
11.21 Gantenerumab
11.21.1 Drug Description
11.21.2 Outcomes
11.22 Semorinemab
11.22.1 Drug Description
11.22.1 Outcomes
11.23 Obicetrapib
11.23.1 Drug Description
11.23.2 Outcomes
11.24 ALZ-801
11.24.1 Drug Description
11.24.2 Outcomes
11.25 CY6463
11.25.1 Drug Description
11.25.2 Outcomes
11.26 Crenezumab
11.26.1 Drug Description
11.26.2 Outcomes
11.26.3 Collaborators
11.27 T3D-959
11.27.1 Drug Description
11.27.2 Outcomes
11.28 PMZ-1620
11.28.1 Drug Description
11.28.2 Outcomes
11.29 GV1001
11.29.1 Drug Description
11.29.2 Outcomes
11.30 ACZ885
11.30.1 Drug Description
11.30.2 Outcomes
11.31 PQ912
11.31.1 Drug Description
11.31.2 Outcomes
11.31.3 Collaborators
11.32 APH-1105
11.32.1 Drug Description
11.32.2 Outcomes
11.33 SLS-005
11.33.1 Drug Description
11.33.2 Outcomes
11.33.3 Collaborators
11.34 Flos gossypii flavonoids
11.34.1 Drug Description
11.34.2 Outcomes
11.34.3 Collaborators
11.35 Human Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs),
11.35.1 Drug Description
11.35.2 Outcomes
11.36 JNJ-63733657
11.36.1 Drug Description
11.36.2 Outcomes
11.37 IGC-AD1
11.37.1 Drug Description
11.37.2 Outcomes
11.38 TW001
11.38.1 Drug Description
11.38.2 Outcomes
11.39 ABvac40
11.39.1 Drug Description
11.39.2 Outcomes

12. Phase II/III therapeutics Overview
12.1 Tricaprilin
12.1.1 Drug Description
12.1.2 Outcomes
12.2 ANAVEX2-73
12.2.1 Drug Description
12.2.3 Outcomes
12.3 Piromelatine
12.3.1 Drug Description
12.3.2 Outcomes
12.3.3 Collaborators
12.4 AGB101
12.4.1 Drug Description
12.4.2 Outcomes
12.4.3 Collaborators

13. Phase III therapeutics Overview
13.1 Simufilam
13.1.1 Drug Description
13.1.2 Outcomes
13.1.3 Collaborators
13.2 ATH-1017
13.2.1 Drug Description
13.2.2 Outcomes
13.3 Lecanemab
13.3.1 Drug Description
13.3.2 Outcomes
13.3.3 Collaborators
13.4 Nilotinib BE
13.4.1 Drug Description
13.4.2 Outcomes
13.4.3 Collaborators
13.5 Brexpiprazole
13.5.1 Drug Description
13.5.2 Outcomes
13.5.3 Collaborators
13.6 Masitinib
13.6.1 Drug Description
13.6.2 Outcomes
13.7 Remternetug
13.7.1 Drug Description
13.7.2 Outcomes
13.8 Donanemab
13.8.1 Drug Description
13.8.2 Outcomes
13.9 NE3107
13.9.1 Drug Description
13.9.2 Outcomes
13.10 Gantenerumab
13.10.1 Drug Description
13.10.2 Outcomes
13.11 GV-971
13.11.1 Drug Description
13.11.2 Outcomes
13.12 Aducanumab
13.12.1 Drug Description
13.12.2 Outcomes
13.13 TRx0237
13.13.1 Drug Description
13.13.2 Outcomes
13.14 Semagludtide
13.14.1 Drug Description
13.14.2 Outcomes
13.15 BPDO-1603
13.15.1 Drug Description
13.15.2 Outcomes
13.16 AR1001
13.16.1 Drug Description
13.16.2 Outcomes
13.17 KarXT
13.17.1 Drug Description
13.17.2 Outcomes
13.18 AXS-05
13.18.1 Drug Description
13.18.2 Outcomes

14. Phase IV therapeutics Overview
14.1 Choline Alfoscerate
14.1.1 Drug Description
14.1.2 Outcomes
14.2 Ebicomb
14.2.1 Drug Description
14.2.2 Outcomes
14.3 Rivastigmine
14.3.1 Drug Description
14.3.2 Outcomes
14.4 GV-971
14.4.1 Drug Description
14.4.2 Outcomes

15. Preclinical Phase therapeutics Overview
15.1 PMN310
15.1.1 Drug Description
15.1.2 Outcomes
15.1.3 Collaborators
15.2 PRX123
15.2.1 Drug Description
15.2.2 Outcomes

16. Pipeline analysis, By molecule type
16.1 Alzheimer's Therapeutics Comparative Review, by Molecule type

17. Pipeline Analysis, By Route of Administration
17.1 Alzheimer's Therapeutics Comparative Review, By Route of Administration

List of Figures
Fig 1: Alzheimer's Disease Therapeutics for next 7 years (in USD Millions)
Fig 2: Alzheimer's Disease Therapeutics Size, By Sales Channel, 2018 & 2028 (USD Million)
Fig 3: Alzheimer's Hospitalization Statistics, 2022 (per 1,000 Medicare Beneficiaries)
Fig 4: Eli Lilly and Company Revenues, 2019-2021 (USD Million)
Fig 5: Eli Lilly and Company Revenue, By Business Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 6: Eli Lilly and Company Revenue, By Geographical Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 7: Eisai Co., Revenues, 2019-2021 (USD Million)
Fig 8: Eisai Co., Revenue, By Business Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 9: Eisai Co., Revenue, By Geographical Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 10: Johnson & Johnson Revenues, 2019-2021 (USD Million)
Fig 11: J&J Revenue, By Business Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 12: J&J Revenue, By Geographical Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 13: Otsuka Pharmaceuticals Revenues, 2019-2021 (USD Million)
Fig 14: Otsuka Revenue, By Business Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 15: Otsuka Revenue, By Business Segments, 2020 (%)
Fig 16: H. Lundbeck Revenues, 2019-2021 (USD Million)
Fig 17: H. Lundbeck Revenue, By Business Segment by Product, 2021 (%)
Fig 18: H. Lundbeck Revenue, By Geographical Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 19: Novartis Revenues, 2019-2021 (USD million)
Fig 20: Novartis Revenue, By Business Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 21: Novartis Revenue, By Geographic Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 22: Merck & Co., Inc. Revenues, 2019-2021 (USD Million)
Fig 23: Merck & Co., Inc. Revenue, By Business Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 24: Merck & Co., Inc. Revenue, By Geographic segment, 2021 (%)
Fig 25: Biogen Revenues, 2019-2021 (USD Million)
Fig 26: Biogen Revenue, By Business Segments- By Products, 2021 (%)
Fig 27: Biogen Revenue, By Geographic Segments, 2021 (%)
Fig 28: Global Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, 2017-2019 (Millions)
Fig 29: Global Incidence of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, 2017-2019 (Millions)
Fig 30: Global Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, In Females, 2017-2019 (Millions)
Fig 31: Global Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, In Males, 2017-2019 (Millions)
Fig 32: Global Diabetes data report 2000 ó 2045(E), (in thousands)
Fig 33: Estimated global prevalence and numbers of people with obesity and severe obesity in 2020, 2025 (E) and 2030 (E)
Fig 34: Estimated prevalence of obesity amongst women in, 2030 (E)
Fig 35: Estimated prevalence of obesity amongst men in, 2030 (E)
Fig.36: Therapeutics in Phase I, by Molecule type
Fig.37: Therapeutics in Phase I/II by Molecule type
Fig. 38: Therapeutics in Phase II by Molecule type
Fig.39: Therapeutics in Phase II/III by Molecule type
Fig. 40: Therapeutics in Phase III by Molecule type
Fig.41: Therapeutics in Phase IV by Molecule type
Fig. 42: Therapeutics in Preclinical Phase, by Molecule type

List of Tables
Table 1: Key Company Financials, 2019-2021
Table 2: Key Company Financials, 2019-2021
Table 3: Key Company Financials, 2019-2021
Table 4: Key Company Financials, 2019-2021
Table 5: Key Company Financials, 2019-2021
Table 6: Key Company Financials, 2019-2021
Table 7: Key Company Financials, 2019-2021
Table 8: Key Company Financials, 2019-2021
Table 9: Total Drugs in Alzheimerís Disease Pipeline
Table 10: Total Alzheimerís Disease Drugs in Phase I of Pipeline
Table 11: Total Alzheimerís Disease Drugs in Phase I/II of Pipeline
Table 12: Total Alzheimerís Disease Drugs in Phase II of Pipeline
Table 13: Total Alzheimerís Disease Drugs in Phase II/III of Pipeline
Table 14: Total Alzheimerís Disease Drugs in Phase III of Pipeline
Table 15: Total Alzheimerís Disease Drugs in Phase IV of Pipeline
Table 16: Total Alzheimerís Disease Drugs in Preclinical Phase of Pipeline
