
レポートナンバー 0000033748


Global Markets Direct

Diabetic Foot Ulcers Drugs in Development by Stages, Target, MoA, RoA, Molecule Type and Key Players, 2022 Update

発刊日 2022/10/31





Enterprisewide (Global Site)



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糖尿病性足潰瘍は、1 型糖尿病と 2 型糖尿病の人の足にできるびらんです。 症状には、足または下肢のただれ、潰瘍、または水ぶくれ、痛み、歩行困難、足の変色(黒、青、または赤)、足の冷えと発熱、皮膚の赤みまたは腫れ、またはその他の感染症の徴候が含まれます。 素因には、糖尿病性神経障害、末梢血管疾患、足の奇形、喫煙障害の病歴などがあります。



  • 糖尿病性足潰瘍治療薬(代謝障害)の世界的な治療状況についてのスナップショットを提供します。
  • 企業や業界固有の情報源から得た情報に基づいて、企業や大学・研究機関が開発中の糖尿病性足潰瘍治療薬のパイプラインをレビューしています。
  • 登録前から創薬、未公開段階までの様々な開発段階のパイプライン製品をカバーしています。
  • 本レポートでは、パイプライン製品について、製品の説明、ライセンスおよび共同研究の詳細、研究開発の概要、作用機序(MoA)やその他の開発活動を含む、治療薬プロファイルを提供します。
  • 糖尿病性足潰瘍治療薬に関わる主要企業をレビューし、その主要および小規模プロジェクトをすべて掲載します。
  • 作用機序(MoA)、薬物標的、投与経路(RoA)、および分子タイプに基づいて、糖尿病性足潰瘍治療薬を評価します。
  • すべての休止中および中止されたパイプラインプロジェクトを要約します。
  • 糖尿病性足潰瘍を標的としたパイプライン治療薬に関連する最新のニュースをレビューします。



Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures
Global Markets Direct Report Coverage
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Overview
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Therapeutics Development
Pipeline Overview
Pipeline by Companies
Pipeline by Universities/Institutes
Products under Development by Companies
Products under Development by Universities/Institutes
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Therapeutics Assessment
Assessment by Target
Assessment by Mechanism of Action
Assessment by Route of Administration
Assessment by Molecule Type
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Drug Profiles
3K3A-APC - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Amesanar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AP-185 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
APO-2 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ASCP-02 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AUP-16 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AV-001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BB-101 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BFP-001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BFP-101 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Biologic for Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Cell Therapy for Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Cell Therapy to Activate VEGF for Venous Leg Ulcers and Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CHF-6467 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Corlicyte - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CSA-144 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CTX-001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CVBT-141 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CVBT-141B - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CYP-006TK - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
diperoxochloric acid - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
donaperminogene seltoplasmid - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Drug for Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ENERGIF-703 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Epoetin alfa - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
EscharEx - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
EscharEx Second Generation - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
esmolol hydrochloride - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
exeporfinium chloride - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
FGF-1 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Gene Therapy for Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Wound - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Gene Therapy to Activate HIF-1 Alpha for Wound and Ulcers - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ISN-001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
MR-MC-01 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
MSC Exosomal Topical Suspension - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
MT-003 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Mul-1867 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
NORS-2791 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Nu-3 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
OLX-106 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PCSPH-08 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PP-2351 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RECCE-327 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Recombinant Human Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Gel - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
recombinant plasminogen - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
rhPDGF-BB - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ropocamptide - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RP-557 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
rusalatide acetate - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SER-190 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SLIF-06 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecule for Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecule to Inhibit NOX for Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecules for Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Cystic Fibrosis - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecules for Infected Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SR-0379 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Injuries and Liver Diseases - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Stempeucel - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
suramin - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SymHeal - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
tobramycin + triclosan - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TOPN-53 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TP-102 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TTAX-01 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TWB-103 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
udonitrectag - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
WF-10 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Dormant Projects
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Discontinued Products
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Product Development Milestones
Featured News & Press Releases
Sep 27, 2022: Recce Pharmaceuticals announces expansion and acceleration of clinical programs
Sep 26, 2022: CellResearch to present promising new stem cell products for the treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers at the world's premier diabetic foot conference (DFCon) in Los Angeles
Sep 19, 2022: Ceria Therapeutics awarded a $300,000 SBIR Grant to advance development of a novel treatment of non-healing diabetic foot ulcers
Sep 16, 2022: CellResearch (CRC) announces positive results of phase I study for CorLiCyte
Aug 10, 2022: Promore Pharma granted EU patent regarding treatment of chronic wounds
Jul 07, 2022: Destiny Pharma announces publication of XF-73 drug synergy data
Apr 21, 2022: Cynata advances clinical trial in Diabetic Foot Ulcers
Apr 12, 2022: MediWound's EscharEx highlighted in poster and oral presentation at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) Spring 2022
Apr 05, 2022: Lakewood-Amedex enrolls first patient in phase 2 clinical trial for patients with chronic diabetic foot Ulcers (cDFU
Mar 29, 2022: MediWound to present EscharEx Clinical Data at the Symposium on Advanced Wound Care (SAWC) Spring 2022
Dec 22, 2021: Cynata commences DFU clinical trial
Nov 04, 2021: TechnoPhage announces first clinical safety results with innovative biological product TP-102
Oct 22, 2021: Helixmith announces phase 3 study results of novel gene therapy treatment for diabetic foot ulcers at 2021 Annual Meeting of Diabetic Foot Ulcer Conference (DFCon)
Aug 24, 2021: Another take on TP-102 Phase I/IIa Clinical Trial by Jornal Expresso
Jul 09, 2021: MediWound announces peer-reviewed paper detailing Escharex phase 2 randomized control trial results published in the online Wound Repair and Regeneration Journal
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Expert Panel Validation
Contact Us

List of Tables
Number of Products under Development for Diabetic Foot Ulcers, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Universities/Institutes, 2022
Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Products under Development by Universities/Institutes, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Target, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Target, 2022 (Contd..1)
Number of Products by Stage and Mechanism of Action, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Mechanism of Action, 2022 (Contd..1)
Number of Products by Stage and Route of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Type, 2022
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Dormant Projects, 2022
Diabetic Foot Ulcers - Discontinued Products, 2022

List of Figures
Number of Products under Development for Diabetic Foot Ulcers, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Number of Products by Top 10 Targets, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Targets, 2022
Number of Products by Top 10 Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Top 10 Routes of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Routes of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Top 10 Molecule Types, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Molecule Types, 2022
