
レポートナンバー 0000033769


Global Markets Direct

Diabetic Retinopathy Drugs in Development by Stages, Target, MoA, RoA, Molecule Type and Key Players, 2022 Update

発刊日 2022/10/31





Enterprisewide (Global Site)



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  • 糖尿病網膜症治療薬(代謝障害)の世界的な治療状況についてのスナップショットを提供します。
  • 企業や業界固有の情報源から得た情報に基づいて、企業や大学・研究機関が開発中の糖尿病網膜症治療薬のパイプラインをレビューしています。
  • 登録前から創薬、未公開段階までの様々な開発段階のパイプライン製品をカバーしています。
  • 本レポートでは、パイプライン製品について、製品の説明、ライセンスおよび共同研究の詳細、研究開発の概要、作用機序(MoA)やその他の開発活動を含む、治療薬プロファイルを提供します。
  • 糖尿病網膜症治療薬に関わる主要企業をレビューし、その主要および小規模プロジェクトをすべて掲載します。
  • 作用機序(MoA)、薬物標的、投与経路(RoA)、および分子タイプに基づいて、糖尿病網膜症治療薬を評価します。
  • すべての休止中および中止されたパイプラインプロジェクトを要約します。
  • 糖尿病網膜症を標的としたパイプライン治療薬に関連する最新のニュースをレビューします。



Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures
Global Markets Direct Report Coverage
Diabetic Retinopathy - Overview
Diabetic Retinopathy - Therapeutics Development
Pipeline Overview
Pipeline by Companies
Pipeline by Universities/Institutes
Products under Development by Companies
Products under Development by Universities/Institutes
Diabetic Retinopathy - Therapeutics Assessment
Assessment by Target
Assessment by Mechanism of Action
Assessment by Route of Administration
Assessment by Molecule Type
Diabetic Retinopathy - Companies Involved in Therapeutics Development
Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profiles
A-717 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
A-91 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
aflibercept - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
aflibercept biosimilar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
aflibercept biosimilar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
aflibercept biosimilar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AIC-104 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AMD/DR - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AMTX-100 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
APTA-1004 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
APX-3330 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AR-13503 SR - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ARVN-006 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AST-202 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AT-003 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AVD-302 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
AVMX-116 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
axitinib SR - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BAT-5906 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
bevacizumab biosimilar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BI-764524 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BI-765128 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Bi-specific Monoclonal Antibodies for Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Biologic for Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Biologics to Antagonize Semaphorin 3A for Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Biologics to Inhibit Semaphorin 3A and VEGF for Diabetic Complications - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BNC-1601 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BNN-27 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
bosentan - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
brolucizumab - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
BT-2 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CCT-101 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CD-52 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Cell Therapy For Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
cibinetide - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CLT-020 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
CRB-217 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
deulinoleate ethyl - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Drug for Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinopathy of Prematurity - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
EB-102 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
EB-105 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
EG-401 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
EG-Mirotin - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ELB-00824 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
emixustat hydrochloride - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ENN-0403 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ENN-106 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
faricimab - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
FB-216A12 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
fenofibrate - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
finerenone - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
FNP-120 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
FP-008 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Fusion Protein to Activate Caspases for Age Related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy and Solid Tumors - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Gene Therapy for Diabetes Induced Eye Complications - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Gene Therapy for Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Gene Therapy for Diabetic Retinopathy, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Wet Macular Degeneration - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
GLY-230 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
GYT-088 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
HL-190 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
HP-TAT - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
IM-201 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
imatinib mesylate - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
IVMED-60 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
JP-153 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
KIO-101 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
KNP-301 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
KSI-501 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
KTH-223 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
LKA-651 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
MDH-001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
MDH-101 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
metformin - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Monoclonal Antibodies for Age Related Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Monoclonal Antibodies for Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Monoclonal Antibodies to Inhibit SCG3 for Oncology, Ophthalmology and Diabetic Complications - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Monoclonal Antibody for Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Monoclonal Antibody to Agonize Frizzled receptor 4 and LRP5 for Diabetic Retinopathy and Retinopathy of Prematurity - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Monoclonal Antibody to Inhibit IAP for Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
MR-MC-01 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
MS-553 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
NAV-2729 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
NB-2222 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
New Chemical Entities - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
NG-004 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
NM-108 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
NN-2101 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
NS-001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
NTX-101 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
OCU-200 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
OCX-063 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
OPL-0401 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
OTT-166 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
P-016 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Peptagon - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PF-07 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PL-8177 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PL-8331 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PL-9643 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PL-9654 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PMC-401 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PMC-403 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Protein for Metabolic Disorders, Oncology and Ophthalmology - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PT-698 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
PTG-6 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ranibizumab biosimilar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ranibizumab biosimilar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ranibizumab biosimilar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ranibizumab biosimilar - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ranibizumab SR - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RBM-008 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RC-28 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
REG-001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Resolvine ER - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Retinopathies - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RG-7774 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RGX-314 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RO-5461111 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RPEC-1009a - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
RT-002 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
runcaciguat - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SB-2 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SBT-200 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SER-130 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecule for Chronic Kidney Disease and Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecule to Block Cav1.3 and Free Radicals for Central Nervous System, Metabolic Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecule to Inhibit TRAP1 for Diabetic Retinopathy and Wet Age Related Macular Degeneration - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecules to Agonize Sigma-1 Receptor for Metabolic and Central Nervous System Disorders - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecules to Antagonize Renin-Prorenin Receptor for End-Organ Damage - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecules to Inhibit ARF6 for Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecules to Inhibit PDGFR and VEGFR for Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Small Molecules to Inhibit VAP-1 for Ophthalmology and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
sorafenib tosylate - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Spx-815 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ST-266 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetic Retinopathy, Peripheral Arterial Disease and Unspecified Cardiovascular Disorders, and Unspecified Indication - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Stem Cell Therapy for Ophthalmology - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SYL-136001v10 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SYL-1801 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Synthetic Peptide for Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Retinopathy - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
SZN-413 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
tarcocimab tedromer - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TATX-21 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TGT-101 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
THR-687 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Tie2/VEGF bi-specific - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TMi-018 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
tonabersat - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TOPV-122 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
TRV-32R - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
UBX-1325 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
UBX-1967 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
UBX-2050 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
VLTR-557 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
vorolanib - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
VT-1001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Wnt-001 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
XW-006 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
YDB-201 - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
ziv-aflibercept - Drug Profile
Product Description
Mechanism Of Action
Diabetic Retinopathy - Dormant Projects
Diabetic Retinopathy - Discontinued Products
Diabetic Retinopathy - Product Development Milestones
Featured News & Press Releases
Oct 19, 2022: OcuTerra reports publication of OTT166 safety and biological activity data from phase 1b study in diabetic eye disease
Oct 14, 2022: Ocuphire Pharma hosting Key Opinion Leader event on oral APX3330 for diabetic eye disease
Sep 29, 2022: EyePoint Pharmaceuticals announces first patient dosed in phase 2 PAVIA clinical trial of EYP-1901 for the treatment of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Sep 26, 2022: Surrozen publishes study in Translational Vision Science and Technology demonstrating the promise of SZN-413 in preclinical models of diabetic retinopathy
Sep 19, 2022: Coherus to launch CIMERLI (ranibizumab-eqrn) in the United States on October 3, 2022
Sep 08, 2022: Ocuphire Pharma announces last patient completes final visit in ZETA-1 phase 2b 24-week trial of oral APX3330 in diabetic retinopathy
Aug 18, 2022: Valo Health announces first patient dosed in the OPL-0401 phase 2 study of an oral ROCK1/2 inhibitor for the treatment of non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Aug 05, 2022: Kodiak Sciences completes enrollment in GLOW phase 3 clinical trial of Tarcocimab Tedromer (KSI-301) in patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Aug 02, 2022: FDA approves Coherus' CIMERLI (ranibizumab-eqrn) as the first and only interchangeable biosimilar to Lucentis for all five indications, with 12 months of interchangeability exclusivity
Aug 02, 2022: OcuTerra Therapeutics announces first patient dosed in OTT166 phase 2 DR:EAM clinical trial for diabetic retinopathy
Jun 29, 2022: Ocuphire granted new U.S. patent for late-stage oral drug candidate APX3330 for use in diabetics and announces new peer-reviewed APX3330 publication
Jun 29, 2022: EYLEA (aflibercept) injection sBLA for Every 16-week dosing regimen in patients with diabetic retinopathy accepted for FDA review
Jun 11, 2022: Ocuphire to present new interim masked safety data for oral APX3330 in Diabetics at Annual Macula Society Meeting
May 11, 2022: Ocuphire Pharma announces upcoming presentations at the Retina World Congress, clinical trials at the Summit, and the H.C. Wainwright Global Investment Conference
May 02, 2022: Palatin to present on PL-9654 at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2022 Annual Conference
Secondary Research
Primary Research
Expert Panel Validation
Contact Us

List of Tables
Number of Products under Development for Diabetic Retinopathy, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Universities/Institutes, 2022
Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Products under Development by Universities/Institutes, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Target, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Mechanism of Action, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Route of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Molecule Type, 2022
Diabetic Retinopathy - Dormant Projects, 2022
Diabetic Retinopathy - Discontinued Products, 2022

List of Figures
Number of Products under Development for Diabetic Retinopathy, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Companies, 2022
Number of Products under Development by Universities/Institutes, 2022
Number of Products by Top 10 Targets, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Targets, 2022
Number of Products by Top 10 Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Mechanism of Actions, 2022
Number of Products by Top 10 Routes of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Routes of Administration, 2022
Number of Products by Top 10 Molecule Types, 2022
Number of Products by Stage and Top 10 Molecule Types, 2022
