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Global Surgical Robot Market : Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2023-2027)

発刊日 2023/01/16








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世界の手術用ロボット市場 (種類別&地域別):洞察と予測、およびCOVID-19 の潜在的影響 (2023-2027)

世界の手術用ロボット市場は、2027 年には 382.7 億ドルに達すると予測され、2023 年から 2027 年までのCAGRは21.16% と推定されます。世界の手術用ロボット市場の成長要因としては、人口の高齢化、可処分所得の増加、健康への世界的な支出の加速、ロボット支援手術の利点、慢性疾患の急増、政府の有利な政策と支援、診断技術の進歩などがあります。一方で、外科用ロボットシステムとそれに関連する手技の高いコスト、熟練した専門家の不足が市場の成長を抑制する可能性があります。

世界の手術用ロボット市場は手術の種類別に、腹腔鏡ロボット、整形外科用ロボット、経皮的ロボット、自然開口部ロボット、汎血管ロボット、その他の手術用ロボットに分類できます。2022年には、腹腔鏡ロボットが世界の手術用ロボット市場で圧倒的なシェアを保持し、整形外科用ロボットがそれに続きました。腹腔鏡下手術用ロボットは、低侵襲手術 (MIS) アプローチを使用して幅広い複雑な手術を処理でき、標準的な腹腔鏡検査よりも多くの利点 (器用さ、より広い可動範囲、振戦抑制効果、3DHD ビジョン、および柔軟な腹腔鏡制御) があります。



1. Market Overview
1.1 Surgical Robots
1.1.1 Surgical Robots- Introduction
1.1.2 Key Features of Surgical Robots
1.2 Type of Surgical Robots
1.3 Advantages of Surgical Robots
1.4 Disadvantages of Surgical Robots

2. Impact of COVID-
2.1 Impact of COVID-19 on Global Surgical Robot Market
2.2 Impact of COVID-19 on Elective Surgeries
2.3 Challenges for Surgical Workforce
2.4 Post-COVID Scenario

3. Market Analysis
3.1 Global Surgical Robot Market by Value
3.2 Global Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
3.3 Global Surgical Robot Market by Surgery Type
3.3.1 Global Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market by Value
3.3.2 Global Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
3.3.3 Global Orthopedic Surgical Robot Market by Value
3.3.4 Global Orthopedic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
3.3.5 Global Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market by Value
3.3.6 Global Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
3.3.7 Global Natural Orifice Surgical Robot Market by Value
3.3.8 Global Natural Orifice Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
3.3.9 Global Panvascular Surgical Robot Market by Value
3.3.10 Global Panvascular Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
3.4 Global Surgical Robot Market by Region

4. Regional Market
4.1 North America
4.1.1 North America Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.1.2 North America Surgical Robot Market by Region
4.1.3 The US Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.1.4 The US Surgical Robot Market by Surgery Type
4.1.5 The US Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.1.6 The US Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market by Component
4.1.7 The US Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Components Market Forecast by Value
4.1.8 The US Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.1.9 The US Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Market by Component
4.1.10 The US Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Components Market Forecast by Value
4.1.11 Rest of North America Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.2 Europe
4.2.1 Europe Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3 Asia Pacific
4.3.1 Asia Pacific Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3.2 Asia Pacific Surgical Robot Market by Region
4.3.3 China Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3.4 China Surgical Robot Market by Surgery Type
4.3.5 China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3.6 China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market by Component
4.3.7 China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Components Market Forecast by Value
4.3.8 China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market by Number of Robots
4.3.9 China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Number of Robots
4.3.10 China Orthopedic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3.11 China Orthopedic Surgical Robot Market by Type
4.3.12 China Joint Replacement and Other Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3.13 China Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Market by Cumulative Number of Robots
4.3.14 China Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Cumulative Number of Robots
4.3.15 China Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3.16 China Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market by Number of Newly Installed Robots
4.3.17 China Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Number of Newly Installed Robots
4.3.18 China Panvascular Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3.19 China Panvascular Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Number of Newly Installed Robots
4.3.20 China Natural Orifice Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.3.21 China Natural Orifice Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Number of Newly Installed Robots
4.3.22 Rest of Asia Pacific Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value
4.4 Rest of the World
4.4.1 Rest of the World Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value

5. Market Dynamics
5.1 Growth Drivers
5.1.1 Aging Population
5.1.2 Rise in Disposable Income
5.1.3 Accelerating Spending on Health
5.1.4 Advantages of Robotic-assisted Surgery
5.1.5 Rapid Increase in Chronic Disorders
5.1.6 Favorable Government Policies and Support
5.1.7 Advances in Diagnostic Tech
5.2 Key Trends & Developments
5.2.1 Integration of New Technologies
5.2.2 5G to Revolutionize Robotic-assisted Surgery
5.2.3 Diversification in Revenue Streams
5.2.4 Diversification in Surgery Types
5.2.5 Increasing C-Section Surgeries
5.3 Challenges
5.3.1 High Cost of Surgical Robotic Systems and their Associated Procedures
5.3.2 Shortage of Skilled Professionals

6. Competitive Landscape
6.1 Global Market
6.1.1 Global Market Share - Key Players

7. Company Profiles
7.1 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.2 Stryker Corporation
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.3 Medtronic plc
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.4 Smith & Nephew plc
7.4.1 Business Overview
7.5 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
7.5.1 Business Overview
7.6 Johnson & Johnson (Auris Health, Inc.)
7.6.1 Business Overview

List of Figures
History of Surgical Robots
Key Features of Surgical Robots
Type of Surgical Robots
Global Surgical Robot Market by Value (2018-2022)
Global Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Global Surgical Robot Market by Surgery Type (2022)
Global Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market by Value (2018-2022)
Global Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Global Orthopedic Surgical Robot Market by Value (2018-2022)
Global Orthopedic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Global Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market by Value (2018-2022)
Global Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Global Natural Orifice Surgical Robot Market by Value (2018-2022)
Global Natural Orifice Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Global Panvascular Surgical Robot Market by Value (2018-2022)
Global Panvascular Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Global Surgical Robot Market by Region (2022)
North America Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
North America Surgical Robot Market by Region (2022)
The US Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
The US Surgical Robot Market by Surgery Type (2022)
The US Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
The US Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market by Component (2022)
The US Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Components Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
The US Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
The US Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Market by Component (2022)
The US Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Components Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
Rest of North America Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
Europe Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
Asia Pacific Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
Asia Pacific Surgical Robot Market by Region (2022)
China Surgical Robot Market Forecast by value (2020-2027)
China Surgical Robot Market by Surgery Type (2022)
China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market by Component (2022)
China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Components Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market by Number of Robots (2018-2022)
China Laparoscopic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Number of Robots (2023-2027)
China Orthopedic Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
China Orthopedic Surgical Robot Market by Type (2022)
China Joint Replacement and Other Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
China Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Market by Cumulative Number of Robots (2018-2022)
China Joint Replacement Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Cumulative Number of Robots (2023-2027)
China Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
China Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market by Number of Newly Installed Robots (2018-2022)
China Percutaneous Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Number of Newly Installed Robots (2023-2027)
China Panvascular Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
China Panvascular Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Number of Newly Installed Robot (2023-2027)
China Natural Orifice Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
China Natural Orifice Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Number of Newly Installed Robot (2023-2027)
Rest of Asia Pacific Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
Rest of the World Surgical Robot Market Forecast by Value (2020-2027)
Global Population Ages 65 and Above (2016-2022)
Global Gross National Income (GNI) Per Capita (2016-2022)
Global Health Spending Per Capita by Region (2017-2022)
Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Market Revenue (2020-2024)
Key Players - Global Market Share (2022)
Products & Services
Business Segments
Business Segments
