
レポートナンバー 0000034043

分子診断のアメリカ市場(2023年)- 2022年のサプライヤーシェア、機器設置台数、および戦略、2022年から2027年までの個々の感染症、遺伝子疾患、癌、法医学、および父子鑑定に対する検査件数と売上セグメント予測


2023 U.S. Molecular Diagnostics Market: 2022 Supplier Shares, Instrumentation Installed Base and Strategies, 2022-2027 Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts for Individual Infectious, Genetic, Cancer, Forensic and Paternity Tests

発刊日 2023/01/23





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  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


このデータベースは、2022 年のサプライヤーのシェア、2022 年から 2027 年の感染症、遺伝子疾患、がん診断、法医学、および父子鑑定のアプリケーションに対する検査件数と売上予測、ならびに主要検査の新しい技術や製品を開発または販売している企業の包括的なリストを提供します。


  • 調査企業
    ➣ Abbott
    ➣ Agilent Technologies
    ➣ Applied Gene Technologies
    ➣ Arca Biopharma
    ➣ Beckman Coulter/Danaher/Cepheid
    ➣ Becton Dickinson
    ➣ Biokit
    ➣ bioMerieux
    ➣ Bio-Rad
    ➣ Decode Genetics
    ➣ Diasorin
    ➣ 栄研化学(Eiken Chemical)
    ➣ Elitech Group
    ➣ Enzo Biochem
    ➣ Exact Sciences
    ➣ 富士レビオ(Fujirebio)
    ➣ Grifols
    ➣ Hologic/Gen-Probe
    ➣ Illumina
    ➣ LabCorp/Sequenom
    ➣ Leica Biosystems/Kreatech
    ➣ Li-Cor Biosciences
    ➣ Myriad Genetics
    ➣ Proteome Sciences
    ➣ Qiagen
    ➣ Quest Diagnostics
    ➣ QuidelOrtho
    ➣ Roche
    ➣ 島津製作所(Shimadzu)
    ➣ Siemens Healthineers
    ➣ タカラバイオ(Takara Bio)
    ➣ Tecan Group
    ➣ Thermo Fisher



List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing AIDS Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Adenovirus
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Bartonella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Campylobacter
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Candida
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Chlamydia
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Clostridium
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Coronavirus
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Cryptosporidium
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CMV Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Echovirus Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Enterovirus Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing EBV Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Giardia
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Gonorrhea
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hantavirus
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Helicobacter
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hepatitis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Herpes
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Influenza
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Legionella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lyme
Disease Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Measles
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Meningitis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mononucleosis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mumps
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mycoplasma
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Pneumonia
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing RSV
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Rotavirus
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Rubella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Salmonella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Septicemia
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Shigella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Streptococci
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Syphilis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Toxoplasmosis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Trichomonas
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Tuberculosis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct
Identification Tests
Oncogenes Potential Application in Cancer Diagnosis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Cancer
Molecular Diagnostic Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Molecular
Diagnostic Tests For Genetic Diseases
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume And Sales
by Major Application
Laboratories Performing DNA Sequencing
by Market Segment
Molecular Diagnostics Market
Potential Laboratory Universe by Market Segment
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume
by Major Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume by Assay
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume by Method
Molecular Diagnostics Market
by Major Application
Molecular Diagnostics Market
Estimated Sales And Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market by Assay
AIDS Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Adenovirus Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Chlamydia Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
CMV Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Echovirus Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Enterovirus Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
EBV Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Gonorrhea Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Hepatitis Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Hepatitis C Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
HIV/Hepatitis Blood Screening NAT Market
Reagent Sales by Major Supplier
Herpes Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Influenza Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Meningitis Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Mycoplasma Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Pneumonia Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Rabies Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
RSV Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Salmonella Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
Shigella Testing Market
Estimated Sales by Major Supplier
West Nile Virus Nat Market
Reagent Sales by Major Supplier
