
レポートナンバー 0000034086


Kuick Research

Global STAT3 Inhibitors Market and Clinical Trials Outlook 2028

発刊日 2023/01








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  • Global STAT3市場見通し
  • 標的療法、単剤療法、およびSTAT3阻害剤との併用療法に関する洞察
  • 世界の STAT3 阻害剤臨床パイプラインの、国別、適応症別、組織別、フェーズ別洞察
  • 臨床試験中の包括的な STAT3 阻害剤::30品目以上
  • 実用化された STAT3 阻害剤の臨床および特許に関する洞察
  • STAT3阻害薬を開発している企業:20社以上

STAT3 の調節不全は、いくつかの悪性腫瘍に関与しており、がん治療の脚光を浴びています。効率的な STAT3 シグナル伝達阻害剤の開発に多くの労力が費やされてきましたが、FDA も EMA もまだ承認していません。パイプラインの拡大によって証明されているように、このタンパク質に関連するがん促進シグナル伝達が、このタンパク質の人気が着実に高まっている理由です。いくつかの候補が臨床試験の第 II 相にあるため、そのうちのいくつかは今後 10 年以内に承認されるものと予想されます。



1. Introduction To STAT3 Inhibitors

2. STAT3 Inhibition Approaches
2.1 Direct Inhibition
2.2 Indirect Inhibition

3. Role Of STAT3 Inhibitors In Cancers
3.1 Breast Cancer
3.2 Pancreatic Cancer
3.3 Lung Cancer
3.4 Melanoma
3.5 Lymphoma

4. Therapeutic Approaches For STAT3 Inhibition
4.1 Targeted Therapy With STAT3 Inhibitors
4.2 Monotherapy With STAT3 Inhibitors
4.3 Combination Therapies With STAT3 Inhibitors

5. Global STAT3 Inhibitors Market Outlook

6. Global STAT3 Inhibitors Clinical Pipeline Overview
6.1 By Country
6.2 By Indication
6.3 By Organization
6.4 By Phase

7. Global STAT3 Inhibitors Clinical Pipeline By Company, Indication and Phase
7.1 Research
7.2 Preclinical
7.3 Phase-I
7.4 Phase-I/II
7.5 Phase-II
7.6 Phase-II/III
7.7 Phase-III
7.8 Preregistration

8. Marketed STAT3 Inhibitor Drug Clinical and Patent Insight

9. STAT3 Inhibitors Market Dynamics
9.1 Drivers and Opportunities
9.2 Challenges and Restraints

10. Competitive Landscape
10.1 ABM Therapeutics
10.2 Accendatech
10.3 Baylor College of Medicine
10.4 CandC Research Laboratories
10.5 Daewoong Pharmaceutical
10.6 First Wave BioPharma
10.7 GLG Pharma
10.8 Hanlim Pharmaceutical
10.9 Immix Biopharma
10.10 Institut Pasteur Korea
10.11 Ionis Pharmaceuticals
10.12 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co.
10.13 Kymera Therapeutics
10.14 NeuroBo Pharmaceuticals
10.15 NovoMedix
10.16 Phytoption
10.17 Rock Creek Pharmaceuticals
10.18 Singh Biotechnology
10.19 Sumitomo Pharma
10.20 TFF Pharmaceuticals
10.21 Tvardi Therapeutics
10.22 UNION Therapeutics
10.23 University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
10.24 Verta

List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1-1: Structure Of STAT3 and STAT3-STAT3 Dimer
Figure 1-2: Structure Of Stattic
Figure 1-3: STAT3 Inhibitors - Development Timeline
Figure 2-1: Classification Of STAT3 Inhibitors Based On Type
Figure 2-2: Advantages and Disadvantages Of Peptide-Based Inhibitors
Figure 2-3: Napabucasin - Mechanism Of Action
Figure 2-4: Direct and Indirect Mechanisms Of STAT3 Inhibition
Figure 3-1: Global - Estimated Breast Cancer Incidences and Deaths (Millions), 2020
Figure 3-2: US - Estimated Breast Cancer Incidences (Thousands), 2022
Figure 3-3: US - Estimated Breast Cancer Deaths (Thousands), 2022
Figure 3-4: STAT3-Associated Pathways In Breast Cancer Treatment Resistance
Figure 3-5: Investigative STAT3 Inhibitors For Breast Cancer
Figure 3-6: Global - Estimated Pancreatic Cancer Incidences and Deaths (Thousands), 2020
Figure 3-7: US - Estimated Pancreatic Cancer Cases and Deaths (Thousands), 2022
Figure 3-8: Investigative STAT3 Inhibitors For Pancreatic Cancer
Figure 3-9: Global - Estimated Lung Cancer Incidences and Deaths (Millions), 2020
Figure 3-10: US - Estimated Lung Cancer Cases and Deaths (‘000), 2022
Figure 3-11: Effects of STAT3 Hyperactivation
Figure 3-12: Investigative STAT3 Inhibitors For Lung Cancer
Figure 3-13: Global - Estimated Melanoma Incidences and Deaths (Thousands), 2020
Figure 3-14: US - Estimated Melanoma Cases and Deaths (Thousands), 2022
Figure 3-15: Investigative STAT3 Inhibitors For Melanoma
Figure 3-16: Global - Estimated Lymphoma Incidences and Deaths (Thousands), 2020
Figure 3-17: US - Estimated Lymphoma Cases and Deaths (Thousands), 2022
Figure 3-18: Causes and Effects Of Dysregulated STAT3 Signaling
Figure 3-19: Some Investigative Drugs For Lymphoma and Their Targets
Figure 4-1: Mechanism Of Action Of EGFR Inhibitors
Figure 5-1: Global - STAT3 Inhibitor Drug Market Forecast (US$ Million), 2024 and 2028
Figure 6-1: Global - Number Of STAT3 Inhibitors Clinical Trials By Country, 2023 Till 2028
Figure 6-2: Global - Number Of STAT3 Inhibitors Clinical Trials By Indication, 2023 Till 2028
Figure 6-3: Global - Number Of STAT3 Inhibitors Clinical Trials By Organization, 2023 Till 2028
Figure 6-4: Global - Number Of STAT3 Inhibitors Clinical Trials By Phase, 2023 Till 2028
Figure 9-1: STAT3 Inhibitors Market Drivers
Figure 9-2: Challenges for STAT3 Inhibitors Market
