
レポートナンバー 0000034250



Global Hearing Aid Market 2023-2027

発刊日 2023/01/18








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。



世界の補聴器市場は、予測期間中に約7.24 %のCAGRで加速し、2022年から2027年の間に36億5,250万USドルの成長が見込まれています。本レポートは、総体的な分析、市場規模と予測、動向、成長推進要因、課題、および約25社のベンダーを対象とするベンダー分析を提供しています。



  • 市場セグメント
    ➣ 製品別
      ◇ 補聴器
      ◇ 聴覚インプラント
    ➣ エンドユーザー別
      ◇ 成人
      ◇ 小児科医
    ➣ 地域別
      ◇ ヨーロッパ
      ◇ 北アメリカ
      ◇ アジア
      ◇ その他の地域




  • 補聴器の市場規模
  • 補聴器の市場予測
  • 補聴器市場の業界分析


  • 調査企業
    ➣ Advin Health Care
    ➣ Amplifon SpA
    ➣ Arphi Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
    ➣ Audicus Inc.
    ➣ Audina Hearing Instruments Inc.
    ➣ Beltone
    ➣ Bernafon AG
    ➣ Cochlear Ltd.
    ➣ Demant AS
    ➣ GN Store Nord A
    ➣ Lisound Hearing Aid Fuzhou Co. Ltd.
    ➣ MED-EL Elektromedizinische Gerate GmbH
    ➣ Oticon Inc.
    ➣ RION Co. Ltd.
    ➣ SeboTek Hearing Systems LLC
    ➣ Sonova AG
    ➣ Starkey Laboratories Inc.
    ➣ Widex AS, WS Audiology AS
    ➣ Zounds Hearing Inc.







Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary
1.1 Market overview
Exhibit 01: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Overview
Exhibit 02: Executive Summary - Data Table on Market Overview
Exhibit 03: Executive Summary - Chart on Global Market Characteristics
Exhibit 04: Executive Summary - Chart on Market By Geographical Landscape
Exhibit 05: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Segmentation by Product
Exhibit 06: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Segmentation by End-user
Exhibit 07: Executive Summary - Chart on Incremental Growth
Exhibit 08: Executive Summary - Data Table on Incremental Growth
Exhibit 09: Executive Summary - Chart on Vendor Market Positioning

2 Market Landscape
2.1 Market ecosystem
Exhibit 10: Parent market
Exhibit 11: Market Characteristics

3 Market Sizing
3.1 Market definition
Exhibit 12: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition
3.2 Market segment analysis
Exhibit 13: Market segments
3.3 Market size 2022
3.4 Market outlook: Forecast for 2022-2027
Exhibit 14: Chart on Global - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 15: Data Table on Global - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 16: Chart on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 17: Data Table on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)

4 Historic Market Size
4.1 Global hearing aid market 2017 - 2021
Exhibit 18: Historic Market Size - Data Table on Global hearing aid market 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
4.2 Product Segment Analysis 2017 - 2021
Exhibit 19: Historic Market Size - Product Segment 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
4.3 End-user Segment Analysis 2017 - 2021
Exhibit 20: Historic Market Size - End-user Segment 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
4.4 Geography Segment Analysis 2017 - 2021
Exhibit 21: Historic Market Size - Geography Segment 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
4.5 Country Segment Analysis 2017 - 2021
Exhibit 22: Historic Market Size - Country Segment 2017 - 2021 ($ million)

5 Five Forces Analysis
5.1 Five forces summary
Exhibit 23: Five forces analysis - Comparison between 2022 and 2027
5.2 Bargaining power of buyers
Exhibit 24: Chart on Bargaining power of buyers - Impact of key factors 2022 and 2027
5.3 Bargaining power of suppliers
Exhibit 25: Bargaining power of suppliers - Impact of key factors in 2022 and 2027
5.4 Threat of new entrants
Exhibit 26: Threat of new entrants - Impact of key factors in 2022 and 2027
5.5 Threat of substitutes
Exhibit 27: Threat of substitutes - Impact of key factors in 2022 and 2027
5.6 Threat of rivalry
Exhibit 28: Threat of rivalry - Impact of key factors in 2022 and 2027
5.7 Market condition
Exhibit 29: Chart on Market condition - Five forces 2022 and 2027

6 Market Segmentation by Product
6.1 Market segments
Exhibit 30: Chart on Product - Market share 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 31: Data Table on Product - Market share 2022-2027 (%)
6.2 Comparison by Product
Exhibit 32: Chart on Comparison by Product
Exhibit 33: Data Table on Comparison by Product
6.3 Hearing devices - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 34: Chart on Hearing devices - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 35: Data Table on Hearing devices - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 36: Chart on Hearing devices - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 37: Data Table on Hearing devices - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
6.4 Hearing implants - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 38: Chart on Hearing implants - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 39: Data Table on Hearing implants - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 40: Chart on Hearing implants - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 41: Data Table on Hearing implants - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
6.5 Market opportunity by Product
Exhibit 42: Market opportunity by Product ($ million)

7 Market Segmentation by End-user
7.1 Market segments
Exhibit 43: Chart on End-user - Market share 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 44: Data Table on End-user - Market share 2022-2027 (%)
7.2 Comparison by End-user
Exhibit 45: Chart on Comparison by End-user
Exhibit 46: Data Table on Comparison by End-user
7.3 Adults - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 47: Chart on Adults - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 48: Data Table on Adults - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 49: Chart on Adults - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 50: Data Table on Adults - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
7.4 Pediatricians - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 51: Chart on Pediatricians - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 52: Data Table on Pediatricians - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 53: Chart on Pediatricians - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 54: Data Table on Pediatricians - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
7.5 Market opportunity by End-user
Exhibit 55: Market opportunity by End-user ($ million)

8 Customer Landscape
8.1 Customer landscape overview
Exhibit 56: Analysis of price sensitivity, lifecycle, customer purchase basket, adoption rates, and purchase criteria

9 Geographic Landscape
9.1 Geographic segmentation
Exhibit 57: Chart on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 58: Data Table on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2022-2027 (%)
9.2 Geographic comparison
Exhibit 59: Chart on Geographic comparison
Exhibit 60: Data Table on Geographic comparison
9.3 Europe - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 61: Chart on Europe - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 62: Data Table on Europe - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 63: Chart on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 64: Data Table on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.4 North America - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 65: Chart on North America - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 66: Data Table on North America - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 67: Chart on North America - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 68: Data Table on North America - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.5 Asia - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 69: Chart on Asia - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 70: Data Table on Asia - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 71: Chart on Asia - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 72: Data Table on Asia - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.6 Rest of World (ROW) - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 73: Chart on Rest of World (ROW) - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 74: Data Table on Rest of World (ROW) - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 75: Chart on Rest of World (ROW) - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 76: Data Table on Rest of World (ROW) - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.7 US - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 77: Chart on US - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 78: Data Table on US - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 79: Chart on US - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 80: Data Table on US - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.8 Germany - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 81: Chart on Germany - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 82: Data Table on Germany - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 83: Chart on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 84: Data Table on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.9 France - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 85: Chart on France - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 86: Data Table on France - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 87: Chart on France - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 88: Data Table on France - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.10 UK - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 89: Chart on UK - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 90: Data Table on UK - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 91: Chart on UK - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 92: Data Table on UK - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.11 Japan - Market size and forecast 2022-2027
Exhibit 93: Chart on Japan - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 94: Data Table on Japan - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibit 95: Chart on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibit 96: Data Table on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
9.12 Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape
Exhibit 97: Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape ($ million)

10 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends
10.1 Market drivers
10.2 Market challenges
10.3 Impact of drivers and challenges
Exhibit 98: Impact of drivers and challenges in 2022 and 2027
10.4 Market trends

11 Vendor Landscape
11.1 Overview
11.2 Vendor landscape
Exhibit 99: Overview on Criticality of inputs and Factors of differentiation
11.3 Landscape disruption
Exhibit 100: Overview on factors of disruption
11.4 Industry risks
Exhibit 101: Impact of key risks on business

12 Vendor Analysis
12.1 Vendors covered
Exhibit 102: Vendors covered
12.2 Market positioning of vendors
Exhibit 103: Matrix on vendor position and classification
12.3 Advin Health Care
Exhibit 104: Advin Health Care - Overview
Exhibit 105: Advin Health Care - Product / Service
Exhibit 106: Advin Health Care - Key offerings
12.4 Amplifon SpA
Exhibit 107: Amplifon SpA - Overview
Exhibit 108: Amplifon SpA - Business segments
Exhibit 109: Amplifon SpA - Key news
Exhibit 110: Amplifon SpA - Key offerings
Exhibit 111: Amplifon SpA - Segment focus
12.5 Arphi Electronics Pvt. Ltd.
Exhibit 112: Arphi Electronics Pvt. Ltd. - Overview
Exhibit 113: Arphi Electronics Pvt. Ltd. - Product / Service
Exhibit 114: Arphi Electronics Pvt. Ltd. - Key offerings
12.6 Audicus Inc.
Exhibit 115: Audicus Inc. - Overview
Exhibit 116: Audicus Inc. - Product / Service
Exhibit 117: Audicus Inc. - Key offerings
12.7 Audina Hearing Instruments Inc.
Exhibit 118: Audina Hearing Instruments Inc. - Overview
Exhibit 119: Audina Hearing Instruments Inc. - Product / Service
Exhibit 120: Audina Hearing Instruments Inc. - Key offerings
12.8 Beltone
Exhibit 121: Beltone - Overview
Exhibit 122: Beltone - Product / Service
Exhibit 123: Beltone - Key offerings
12.9 Cochlear Ltd.
Exhibit 124: Cochlear Ltd. - Overview
Exhibit 125: Cochlear Ltd. - Business segments
Exhibit 126: Cochlear Ltd. - Key offerings
Exhibit 127: Cochlear Ltd. - Segment focus
12.10 Demant AS
Exhibit 128: Demant AS - Overview
Exhibit 129: Demant AS - Business segments
Exhibit 130: Demant AS - Key offerings
Exhibit 131: Demant AS - Segment focus
12.11 GN Store Nord AS
Exhibit 132: GN Store Nord AS - Overview
Exhibit 133: GN Store Nord AS - Business segments
Exhibit 134: GN Store Nord AS - Key offerings
Exhibit 135: GN Store Nord AS - Segment focus
12.12 Lisound Hearing Aid Fuzhou Co. Ltd.
Exhibit 136: Lisound Hearing Aid Fuzhou Co. Ltd. - Overview
Exhibit 137: Lisound Hearing Aid Fuzhou Co. Ltd. - Product / Service
Exhibit 138: Lisound Hearing Aid Fuzhou Co. Ltd. - Key offerings
12.13 MED EL Elektromedizinische Gerate GmbH
Exhibit 139: MED EL Elektromedizinische Gerate GmbH - Overview
Exhibit 140: MED EL Elektromedizinische Gerate GmbH - Product / Service
Exhibit 141: MED EL Elektromedizinische Gerate GmbH - Key offerings
12.14 RION Co. Ltd.
Exhibit 142: RION Co. Ltd. - Overview
Exhibit 143: RION Co. Ltd. - Product / Service
Exhibit 144: RION Co. Ltd. - Key offerings
12.15 Sonova AG
Exhibit 145: Sonova AG - Overview
Exhibit 146: Sonova AG - Business segments
Exhibit 147: Sonova AG - Key offerings
Exhibit 148: Sonova AG - Segment focus
12.16 Starkey Laboratories Inc.
Exhibit 149: Starkey Laboratories Inc. - Overview
Exhibit 150: Starkey Laboratories Inc. - Product / Service
Exhibit 151: Starkey Laboratories Inc. - Key offerings
12.17 WS Audiology AS
Exhibit 152: WS Audiology AS - Overview
Exhibit 153: WS Audiology AS - Product / Service
Exhibit 154: WS Audiology AS - Key offerings

13 Appendix
13.1 Scope of the report
13.2 Inclusions and exclusions checklist
Exhibit 155: Inclusions checklist
Exhibit 156: Exclusions checklist
13.3 Currency conversion rates for US$
Exhibit 157: Currency conversion rates for US$
13.4 Research methodology
Exhibit 158: Research methodology
Exhibit 159: Validation techniques employed for market sizing
Exhibit 160: Information sources
13.5 List of abbreviations
Exhibit 161: List of abbreviations

Exhibits1: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Overview
Exhibits2: Executive Summary - Data Table on Market Overview
Exhibits3: Executive Summary - Chart on Global Market Characteristics
Exhibits4: Executive Summary - Chart on Market By Geographical Landscape
Exhibits5: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Segmentation by Product
Exhibits6: Executive Summary - Chart on Market Segmentation by End-user
Exhibits7: Executive Summary - Chart on Incremental Growth
Exhibits8: Executive Summary - Data Table on Incremental Growth
Exhibits9: Executive Summary - Chart on Vendor Market Positioning
Exhibits10: Parent market
Exhibits11: Market Characteristics
Exhibits12: Offerings of vendors included in the market definition
Exhibits13: Market segments
Exhibits14: Chart on Global - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits15: Data Table on Global - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits16: Chart on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits17: Data Table on Global Market: Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits18: Historic Market Size - Data Table on Global hearing aid market 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
Exhibits19: Historic Market Size - Product Segment 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
Exhibits20: Historic Market Size - End-user Segment 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
Exhibits21: Historic Market Size - Geography Segment 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
Exhibits22: Historic Market Size - Country Segment 2017 - 2021 ($ million)
Exhibits23: Five forces analysis - Comparison between 2022 and 2027
Exhibits24: Chart on Bargaining power of buyers - Impact of key factors 2022 and 2027
Exhibits25: Bargaining power of suppliers - Impact of key factors in 2022 and 2027
Exhibits26: Threat of new entrants - Impact of key factors in 2022 and 2027
Exhibits27: Threat of substitutes - Impact of key factors in 2022 and 2027
Exhibits28: Threat of rivalry - Impact of key factors in 2022 and 2027
Exhibits29: Chart on Market condition - Five forces 2022 and 2027
Exhibits30: Chart on Product - Market share 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits31: Data Table on Product - Market share 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits32: Chart on Comparison by Product
Exhibits33: Data Table on Comparison by Product
Exhibits34: Chart on Hearing devices - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits35: Data Table on Hearing devices - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits36: Chart on Hearing devices - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits37: Data Table on Hearing devices - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits38: Chart on Hearing implants - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits39: Data Table on Hearing implants - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits40: Chart on Hearing implants - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits41: Data Table on Hearing implants - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits42: Market opportunity by Product ($ million)
Exhibits43: Chart on End-user - Market share 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits44: Data Table on End-user - Market share 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits45: Chart on Comparison by End-user
Exhibits46: Data Table on Comparison by End-user
Exhibits47: Chart on Adults - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits48: Data Table on Adults - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits49: Chart on Adults - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits50: Data Table on Adults - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits51: Chart on Pediatricians - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits52: Data Table on Pediatricians - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits53: Chart on Pediatricians - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits54: Data Table on Pediatricians - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits55: Market opportunity by End-user ($ million)
Exhibits56: Analysis of price sensitivity, lifecycle, customer purchase basket, adoption rates, and purchase criteria
Exhibits57: Chart on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits58: Data Table on Market share By Geographical Landscape 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits59: Chart on Geographic comparison
Exhibits60: Data Table on Geographic comparison
Exhibits61: Chart on Europe - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits62: Data Table on Europe - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits63: Chart on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits64: Data Table on Europe - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits65: Chart on North America - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits66: Data Table on North America - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits67: Chart on North America - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits68: Data Table on North America - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits69: Chart on Asia - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits70: Data Table on Asia - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits71: Chart on Asia - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits72: Data Table on Asia - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits73: Chart on Rest of World (ROW) - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits74: Data Table on Rest of World (ROW) - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits75: Chart on Rest of World (ROW) - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits76: Data Table on Rest of World (ROW) - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits77: Chart on US - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits78: Data Table on US - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits79: Chart on US - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits80: Data Table on US - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits81: Chart on Germany - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits82: Data Table on Germany - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits83: Chart on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits84: Data Table on Germany - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits85: Chart on France - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits86: Data Table on France - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits87: Chart on France - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits88: Data Table on France - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits89: Chart on UK - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits90: Data Table on UK - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits91: Chart on UK - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits92: Data Table on UK - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits93: Chart on Japan - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits94: Data Table on Japan - Market size and forecast 2022-2027 ($ million)
Exhibits95: Chart on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits96: Data Table on Japan - Year-over-year growth 2022-2027 (%)
Exhibits97: Market opportunity By Geographical Landscape ($ million)
Exhibits98: Impact of drivers and challenges in 2022 and 2027
Exhibits99: Overview on Criticality of inputs and Factors of differentiation
Exhibits100: Overview on factors of disruption
Exhibits101: Impact of key risks on business
Exhibits102: Vendors covered
Exhibits103: Matrix on vendor position and classification
Exhibits104: Advin Health Care - Overview
Exhibits105: Advin Health Care - Product / Service
Exhibits106: Advin Health Care - Key offerings
Exhibits107: Amplifon SpA - Overview
Exhibits108: Amplifon SpA - Business segments
Exhibits109: Amplifon SpA - Key news
Exhibits110: Amplifon SpA - Key offerings
Exhibits111: Amplifon SpA - Segment focus
Exhibits112: Arphi Electronics Pvt. Ltd. - Overview
Exhibits113: Arphi Electronics Pvt. Ltd. - Product / Service
Exhibits114: Arphi Electronics Pvt. Ltd. - Key offerings
Exhibits115: Audicus Inc. - Overview
Exhibits116: Audicus Inc. - Product / Service
Exhibits117: Audicus Inc. - Key offerings
Exhibits118: Audina Hearing Instruments Inc. - Overview
Exhibits119: Audina Hearing Instruments Inc. - Product / Service
Exhibits120: Audina Hearing Instruments Inc. - Key offerings
Exhibits121: Beltone - Overview
Exhibits122: Beltone - Product / Service
Exhibits123: Beltone - Key offerings
Exhibits124: Cochlear Ltd. - Overview
Exhibits125: Cochlear Ltd. - Business segments
Exhibits126: Cochlear Ltd. - Key offerings
Exhibits127: Cochlear Ltd. - Segment focus
Exhibits128: Demant AS - Overview
Exhibits129: Demant AS - Business segments
Exhibits130: Demant AS - Key offerings
Exhibits131: Demant AS - Segment focus
Exhibits132: GN Store Nord AS - Overview
Exhibits133: GN Store Nord AS - Business segments
Exhibits134: GN Store Nord AS - Key offerings
Exhibits135: GN Store Nord AS - Segment focus
Exhibits136: Lisound Hearing Aid Fuzhou Co. Ltd. - Overview
Exhibits137: Lisound Hearing Aid Fuzhou Co. Ltd. - Product / Service
Exhibits138: Lisound Hearing Aid Fuzhou Co. Ltd. - Key offerings
Exhibits139: MED EL Elektromedizinische Gerate GmbH - Overview
Exhibits140: MED EL Elektromedizinische Gerate GmbH - Product / Service
Exhibits141: MED EL Elektromedizinische Gerate GmbH - Key offerings
Exhibits142: RION Co. Ltd. - Overview
Exhibits143: RION Co. Ltd. - Product / Service
Exhibits144: RION Co. Ltd. - Key offerings
Exhibits145: Sonova AG - Overview
Exhibits146: Sonova AG - Business segments
Exhibits147: Sonova AG - Key offerings
Exhibits148: Sonova AG - Segment focus
Exhibits149: Starkey Laboratories Inc. - Overview
Exhibits150: Starkey Laboratories Inc. - Product / Service
Exhibits151: Starkey Laboratories Inc. - Key offerings
Exhibits152: WS Audiology AS - Overview
Exhibits153: WS Audiology AS - Product / Service
Exhibits154: WS Audiology AS - Key offerings
Exhibits155: Inclusions checklist
Exhibits156: Exclusions checklist
Exhibits157: Currency conversion rates for US$
Exhibits158: Research methodology
Exhibits159: Validation techniques employed for market sizing
Exhibits160: Information sources
Exhibits161: List of abbreviations
