
レポートナンバー 0000034289


Kuick Research

Global CD276 Antibody Clinical Trials and Market Sales Forecast 2028

発刊日 2023/02








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世界のCD276抗体臨床試験および市場売上予測2028 レポートの概要:

  • 世界のCD276 抗体市場機会評価: > 10 億ドル
  • 世界のCD276 抗体の予想される医薬品承認
  • 世界のCD276 抗体の臨床試験: > 30 剤が試験中
  • 単剤療法、併用療法、標的療法による CD276 の標的化
  • CD276抗体オーファンおよび優先ステータスレビュー
  • 企業別、適応症別、フェーズ別、世界のCD276抗体臨床試験
  • CD276 抗体の開発に関与する 25 社に関する洞察

がん治療に向けた新しい治療アプローチを見つける競争の中で、製薬業界は新規治療法を模索してきました。既存のアプローチによって残された大きなギャップを埋めることができるさまざまなターゲットをスカエンジング(清掃)することによって、別のがん免疫療法のターゲットとなりうる CD276 または B7-H3 (B7 ホモログ 3 タンパク質) が発見されました。この最近発見された免疫チェックポイント標的は、腫瘍形成との関連性から製薬業界で頭角を現しています。持続的な技術革新によって、バイオテクノロジー企業を合理化し、創薬プロセスの主導的な地位に置く技術と技術を開発するための競争が激化しています。



1. CD276 - Emergence Of A New Era Of Immunotherapy

2. Introduction To CD276 Inhibitors
2.1 Role In Cancer Progression
2.2 The Need To Inhibit B7-H3/CD276

3. Clinical Approaches To Target CD276
3.1 Monoclonal Antibodies Against CD276
3.2 CAR-T Cell Therapy Against CD276
3.3 Multispecific (Bispecific and Trispecific) Antibodies and Killer Engagers Against
3.4 CD276
3.5 Antibody Drug Conjugates Against CD276
3.6 Small Molecule Inhibitors Of CD276

4. Targeting CD276 As A Strategy For Cancer Treatment
4.1 As Targeted Therapy
4.2 As Monotherapy
4.3 As Combination Therapy

5. Global CD276 Antibody Market Assessment 2028
5.1 Expected Drug Approvals and Sales Assesment
5.2 Future Market Trend Analysis

6. FDA and EMA Designations In Promoting Development Of CD276 Antibody
6.1 Orphan Drug Designation
6.2 Priority Review

7. Global CD276 Antibody Clinical Trials Overview
7.1 By Company
7.2 By Country
7.3 By Indication
7.4 By Patient Segment
7.5 By Phase

8. Global CD276 Antibody Clinical Trials By Company, Indication and Phase
8.1 Research
8.2 Preclinical
8.3 Phase-I
8.4 Phase-I/II
8.5 Phase-II
8.6 Phase-II/III
8.7 Preregistration

9. Global CD276 Inhibitors Market Dynamics
9.1 Drivers and Opportunities
9.2 Challenges and Restraints

10. Competitive Landscape
10.1 Aleta Biotherapeutics
10.2 Antengene Corporation
10.3 Beijing Biocytogen
10.4 Beijing Mabworks Biotech
10.5 BioAtla
10.6 Bio-Thera Solutions
10.7 BoYuan RunSheng Pharma
10.8 Daiichi Sankyo Company
10.9 Elpis Biopharmaceuticals
10.10 Fate Therapeutics
10.11 I-MAB Biopharma
10.12 Innate Pharma
10.13 Invenra
10.14 MacroGenics
10.15 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
10.16 Minghui Pharmaceutical (Shanghai)
10.17 Nanjing Kati Medical Technology
10.18 PersonGen Biotherapeutics
10.19 Radiopharm Ventures
10.20 Seattle Childrens Therapeutics
10.21 Shanghai Hansoh Biomedical
10.22 Shattuck Labs
10.23 Takeda
10.24 TC BioPharm
10.25 TrueBinding
10.26 University Of Minnesota
10.27 Xencor
10.28 Y-Biologics

List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1-1: Global - Estimated Newl Cancer Cases and Deaths (Millions), 2020 and 2040
Figure 2-1: Role of CD276 With Respect To Cancer Cells
Figure 2-2: Role of CD276 With Respect To Cancer Tumor
Figure 2-3: B7-H3 Pathways and Their Effects
Figure 3-1: General Mechanism of Action Of Radiolabeled Antibodies
Figure 3-2: Mechanism of Action Of Blocking Monoclonal Antibodies
Figure 3-3: Mechanism of Action Of CD276 Directed CAR T Therapy
Figure 3-4: Mechanism of Action Of CD276 Directed Bispecific Antibody
Figure 3-5: Mechanism of Action Of CD276 Directed Bispecific NK Cell Engager
Figure 3-6: Mechanism of Action Of CD276 Directed Antibody Drug Conjugate
Figure 3-7: Mechanism of Action Of CD276 Directed Small Molecule Inhibitor
Figure 5-1: Global - First CD276 Antibody Sales Estimates After Approval (2024/2025)
Figure 5-2: Global - CD276 Antibody Sales Estimates (Million), 2028
Figure 6-1: Benefits Associated With FDA Orphan Drug Designation
Figure 6-2: Benefits Of PRIME Designation
Figure 7-1: Global -CD276 Antibody Clinical Pipeline By Company, 2023 till 2028
Figure 7-2: Global -CD276 Antibody Clinical Pipeline By Country, 2023 till 2028
Figure 7-3: Global -CD276 Antibody Clinical Pipeline By Indication, 2023 till 2028
Figure 7-4: Global - CD276 Antibody Clinical Pipeline By Patient Segment, 2023 till 2028
Figure 7-5: Global -CD276 Antibody Clinical Pipeline By Phase, 2023 till 2028
Figure 7-6: Global -CD276 Antibody Clinical Pipeline By Patient Segment, 2023 till 2028
Figure 9-1: Drivers and Opportunities In The CD276 Inhibitors Market
Figure 9-2: Challenges and Restraints Of The CD276 Inhibitors Market
