
レポートナンバー 0000034760


Kuick Research

Global Galectin Inhibitors Market Trends and Clinical Trials Insight 2023

発刊日 2023/04








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


  • 世界のガレクチン阻害剤の臨床パイプライン:企業別、適応症別、フェーズ別
  • 臨床パイプラインにある16 種類のガレクチン阻害剤すべてに関する洞察
  • 主な薬剤別の臨床試験の開始と完了のタイムライン
  • 世界のガレクチン阻害剤の市場動態
  • ガレクチン阻害薬の開発に関与する上位 10 社の洞察
  • ガレクチン阻害剤市場の将来の事業機会見通し


これまで、OTX008 や LLS30 など、ガレクチンを標的とする多くの医薬品が開発されてきましたが、臨床試験にまで到達したのはごくわずかです。それでも、多くの申請者がさまざまな理由で試験を中止または取り下げました。この種の要因は、製薬部門に大きな打撃を与えます。それにもかかわらず、さまざまなガレクチンを標的とする医薬品や治療法の創出に主眼を置いたいくつかの新しいビジネスが出現しています。これらのいくつかは、すでに臨床試験を開始しています。さまざまな疾患におけるガレクチンの機能と病理学に関する長年の経験と知識を持つ専門家のサポートを受けているバイオテクノロジー企業が、これらの医薬品の市場を支配しています。



1. Introduction to Galectin Inhibitors
1.1 Overview
1.2 Discovery of Galectins and Their Inhibitors

2. Role of Galectin Inhibitors and Mechanism of Action by Indication
2.1 Cancer
2.2 Viral Infection
2.3 Liver Diseases
2.4 Neurodegenerative Disease
2.5 Cardiovascular Diseases

3. Global Galectin Inhibitors Clinical Trials Landscape
3.1 By Company
3.2 By Country
3.3 By Indication
3.4 By Phase
3.5 By Patient Segment

4. Global Galectin Inhibitors Clinical Pipeline By Company, Indication and Phase
4.1 Research
4.2 Preclinical
4.3 Phase-I/II
4.4 Phase-II
4.5 Phase-II/III

5. Global Galectin Inhibitors Market Dynamics
5.1 Favorable Factors and Opportunities
5.2 Challenges and Restraints

6. Global Galectin Inhibitors Market Opportunity Outlook

7. Competitive Landscape
7.1 BioXyTran
7.2 G3 Pharmaceuticals
7.3 Galectin Therapeutics
7.4 Galecto
7.5 GlycoMimetics
7.6 HiFiBiO
7.7 PureTech Health
7.8 TrueBinding
7.9 University Medical Center Groningen
7.10 University Of Michigan Medical School

List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1-1: Timeline of Discovery of Galectin Inhibitors
Figure 2-1: Roles of Galectins in Cancer
Figure 2-2: LYT-200 Phase I/II Study - Initiation and Completion Years
Figure 2-3: GR-MD-02 Phase I Study - Initiation and Completion Years
Figure 2-4: GB1211 Phase I/II Study - Initiation and Completion Years
Figure 2-5: Roles of Galectins in Viral Infections
Figure 2-6: ProLectin M Phase III PROTECT Study - Initiation and Completion Years
Figure 2-7: ProLectin-M Phase II Study - Initiation and Completion Years
Figure 2-8: Roles of Galectins in Liver Diseases
Figure 2-9: Belapectin Phase II/III NAVIGATE Study - Initiation and Completion Years
Figure 2-10: GB1211 Phase I/II GULLIVER-2 Study - Initiation and Completion Years
Figure 2-11: Roles of Galectins in Neurodegenerative Disease
Figure 2-12: Roles of Galectins in Cardiovascular Diseases
Figure 3-1: Global - Galectin Inhibitors Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Company (Numbers), 2023
Figure 3-2: Global - Galectin Inhibitors Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Country (Numbers), 2023
Figure 3-3: Global - Galectin Inhibitors Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Indication (Numbers), 2023
Figure 3-4: Global - Galectin Inhibitors Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Phase (Numbers), 2023
Figure 3-5: Global - Galectin Inhibitors Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Patient Segment (Numbers), 2023
Figure 5-1: Factors Driving Galectin Inhibitors Market
Figure 5-2: Factors Limiting Galectin Inhibitors Market
Table 2-1: Galectins and Their Disease Implications
