
レポートナンバー 0000034867


Kuick Research

Global Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Clinical Trials , Companies and Market Trends Insight 2023

発刊日 2023/04








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


  • 調査方法
  • 世界市場の動向、コラボレーション、ライセンシング、資金調達
  • 世界のドーパミン細胞置換療法の臨床試験:企業別、適応症別、フェーズ別
  • ドーパミン細胞置換治療アプローチ/技術プラットフォーム:企業別
  • ドーパミン細胞置換療法の将来展望
  • ドーパミン細胞置換療法の開発に関与する主要企業に関する洞察

ドーパミン細胞置換療法は、パーキンソン病などの神経変性疾患の治療方法を変える可能性を秘めた新しい革新的な治療方法として登場しました。ドーパミンは、運動、気分、およびモチベーションの調節において重要な役割を果たす神経伝達物質です。パーキンソン病においては、脳内のドーパミン産生細胞が徐々に死滅し、振戦、硬直、バランスや協調の困難など、さまざまな衰弱症状につながります。 この革新的な治療には、健康なドーパミン産生細胞を脳に移植して、疾患の症状の原因となる損傷または喪失した細胞の置き換えが含まれます。




1. Introduction to Dopamine Cell Therapy
1.1 Utilizing Dopamine To Treat Neurodegenerative Diseases
1.2 Evolution of Dopamine Into Cell Replacement Therapy

2. Dopamine Cell Therapy - Mechanism Of Action
2.1 Stem Cell Based Approaches
2.2 Fetal Cell Replacement

3. Global Dopamine Cell Replacements Therapy Clinical Trials Overview
3.1 By Company
3.2 By Country
3.3 By Indication
3.4 By Phase

4. Global Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Clinical Trials By Company, Indication and Phase
4.1 Research
4.2 Preclinical
4.3 Phase-I
4.4 Phase-I/II
4.5 Preregistration

5. Current Dopamine Cell Therapy Market Scenario
5.1 Regulatory Designations
5.2 Clinical Stance
5.3 Market Trends, Collaborations, Licensing and Financing

6. Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapeutic Approach By Company

7. Dopamine Cell Therapy Market Dynamics
7.1 Market Drivers
7.2 Market Challenges

8. Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Future Outlook

9. Competitive Landscape
9.1 Aspen Neuroscience
9.2 BlueRock Therapeutics
9.3 Sumitomo Pharma
9.4 Tel Aviv University
9.5 The Scripps Research Institute

List of Figures & Tables
Figure 3-1: Global - Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Clinical Trials By Company, 2023
Figure 3-2: Global - Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Clinical Trials By Country, 2023
Figure 3-3: Global - Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Clinical Trials By
Indication, 2023
Figure 3-4: Global - Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Clinical Trials By Phase, 2023
Figure 5-1: FDA Drug Approval Pathways
Figure 5-2: Clinical Development Strategy and Drug Approval By FDA
Figure 5-3: Multidisciplinary Product Development Strategies
Figure 6-1: Differentiation of Neural Precursor Cells in TED
Figure 6-2: TED Technology Mechanism
Figure 6-3: Expandability of TED Technology Platform
Figure 6-4: TED Technology used to Develop TED-A9
Figure 6-5: Clinical Pipeline of Aspen Neuroscience
Figure 6-6: Aspen Neuroscience’s Autologous Cell Replacement Therapy
Figure 6-7: BlueRock Therapeutics - Authentic Cells
Figure 6-8: Production of MSC-NTF Cells
Figure 6-9: Multiple Applications of Innervace’s Technology Platform
Figure 6-10: Innervace - Bioengineered Live Active Neurons
Figure 6-11: Advantages and Opportunities Associated with Innervace’s Technology
Figure 6-12: FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics - Making Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Figure 6-13: Sumitomo Pharma - iPS Drug Discovery Technology
Figure 7-1: Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Market Drivers
Figure 7-2: Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Market Challenges
Figure 8-1: Dopamine Cell Replacement Therapy Future Outlook
