
レポートナンバー 0000035295


Kuick Research

Global Cancer Vaccine Market ,Vaccine Price, Dosage, Sales and Clinical Trials Outlook 2029

発刊日 2023/06








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


  • 世界のがんワクチン市場の機会:2029年までに200億ドル以上
  • がんワクチン市場の地域動向に関する洞察: 10か国
  • 適応症別がんワクチン市場動向洞察: 10 の適応症
  • 臨床試験中の400を超えるがんワクチンに関する洞察
  • 市販されている15を超えるがんワクチンに関する洞察
  • 企業別、国別、適応症別、フェーズ別がんワクチンの臨床試験
  • 承認されたがんワクチンの価格と投与量の分析
  • 適応症別、独自のワクチン製造技術


がんワクチンの最も重要な特徴の 1 つは、個別化された精密医療を提供できることです。がんワクチンは、患者の腫瘍に存在する特定の抗原、変異、またはシグナル伝達経路を標的とするようにカスタマイズすることができます。これらのワクチンは、ゲノミクスと免疫学の進歩を活用することによって正確で的を絞ったアプローチを可能にし、有害な副作用を最小限に抑えながら治療効果を最大化します。



1. Introduction To Cancer Vaccines

2. Mechanism Of Cancer Vaccines
2.1 Idiotype Cancer Vaccine Mechanism
2.2 Cellular Cancer Vaccines Mechanism
2.3 Ganglioside Antigens based Cancer Vaccines Mechanism
2.4 Peptide Cancer Vaccine Mechanism
2.5 Tumor Host Interaction Cancer Vaccine Mechanism

3. Global Cancer Vaccine Market Overview
3.1 Current Market Scenario
3.2 Future Market Opportunity

4. Global Cancer Vaccine Market Trends By Country
4.1 US
4.2 Europe
4.3 China
4.4 Japan
4.5 India
4.6 South Korea
4.7 Australia
4.8 South America
4.9 Canada
4.10 UK

5. Cancer Vaccine Market Insight and Proprietary Vaccine Manufacturing Technologies By Indication
5.1 Lung Cancer
5.1.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.1.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.2 Pancreatic Cancer
5.2.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.2.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.3 Prostate Cancer
5.3.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.3.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.4 Bladder Cancer
5.4.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.4.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.5 Melanoma
5.5.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.5.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.6 Breast Cancer
5.6.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.6.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.7 Colorectal Cancer
5.7.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.7.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.8 Glioblastoma
5.8.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.8.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.9 Ovarian Cancer
5.9.1 Current Clinical Market Trends
5.9.2 Proprietary Manufacturing Technology Platforms
5.10 Human papillomavirus Associated Cancer
5.10.1 Current Clinical Market Trends

6. Approved Cancer Vaccines - Price and Dosage Analysis
6.1 Gardasil/ Gardasil
6.2 Cervarix
6.3 Heplisav-B
6.4 PreHevbrio
6.5 Engerix-B
6.6 Twinrix
6.7 Recombivax HB
6.8 Provenge
6.9 Cecolin
6.10 CimaVax
6.11 Vaxira
6.12 Riavax
6.13 Oncophage
6.14 Mycidac-C
6.15 Reniale
6.16 Cervavac*

7. Global Cancer Vaccines Clinical Trials Overview
7.1 By Company
7.2 By Country
7.3 By Indication
7.4 By Patient Segment/Disease Stage
7.5 By Phase

8. Global Cancer Vaccines Clinical Trials By Company, Country, Indication and Phase
8.1 Research
8.2 Preclinical
8.3 Phase-I
8.4 Phase-I/II
8.5 Phase-II
8.6 Phase-II/III
8.7 Phase-III
8.8 Registered

9. Marketed Cancer Vaccines Clinical Insight By Company, Country andIndication

10. Competitve Landscape
10.1 Ayala Pharmaceuticals
10.2 BioNTech
10.3 CureVac
10.4 Elicio Therapeutics
10.5 Enochian BioSciences
10.6 Enterome
10.7 EpiThany
10.8 Gradalis
10.9 Hookipa Pharma
10.10 Immunitor
10.11 Immunomic Therapeutics
10.12 In3Bio
10.13 IO Biotech
10.14 ISA Pharmaceuticals
10.15 Jiangsu Recbio Technology
10.16 Mary Crowley Cancer Research Center
10.17 Mayo Clinic
10.18 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
10.19 Mendus
10.20 Merck
10.21 MGFB Bio
10.22 Nykode Therapeutics
10.23 OncoTherapy Science
10.24 pHion Therapeutics
10.25 Qu Biologics
10.26 Scancell
10.27 UbiVac
10.28 Vaccitech
10.29 VAXIMM
10.30 Zhongsheng Kangyuan Biotechnology

List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1-1: Categorization and Function of Cancer Vaccines
Figure 2-1: Classification of Different Types of Cancer vaccines
Figure 3-1: Global - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Billion), 2023 - 2029
Figure 3-2: Countries Leading In Clinical Trials for Cancer Vaccines
Figure 4-1: US - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-2: Europe - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-3: China - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-4: Japan - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-5: India - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-6: South Korea - Cancer Cases and Deaths, 2020
Figure 4-7: South Korea - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-8: Australia - Cancer Cases and Deaths, 2020
Figure 4-9: Australia - Pricing for Non-Scheduled NIP HBV and HPV Vaccines (US$), 2023
Figure 4-10: Australia - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-11: Canada - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-12: CERVARIX - Canada Patents Numbers Approval and Expiration Dates
Figure 4-13: GARDASIL-9 - Canada Patents Numbers Approval and Expiration Dates
Figure 4-14: UK - Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 5-1: Global - Lung Cancer Incidence and Deaths, 2020
Figure 5-2: Global - Lung Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 5-3: Elicio Therapeutics - AMP Platform
Figure 5-4: Global - Pancreatic Cancer Incidence and Deaths, 2020
Figure 5-5: Global - Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 5-6: Global - Prostate Cancer Incidence Among Other cancers, 2020
Figure 5-7: Global - Prostate Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 5-8: The UV1 Vaccine Technology
Figure 5-9: Oxford Vacmedix - Recombinant Overlapping Peptides
Figure 5-10: General Scheme of Process Development and TAPCells Treatment
Figure 5-11: Global - Bladder Cancer Incidence and Death, 2020
Figure 5-12: Global - Bladder Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2023 - 2029
Figure 5-13: Lerapolturev - Mechanism of Action
Figure 5-14: Lerapolturev - Activation of APCs and Stimulating Anti Cancer Response
Figure 5-15: T-Win Vaccines - Mechanism of Action
Figure 5-16: Global - Melanoma Incidence and Death, 2020
Figure 5-17: Global - Melanoma Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2025 - 2029
Figure 5-18: PIONEER - Designing Personalized Cancer Immunotherapy Vaccines
Figure 5-19: Seviprotimut-L - Mechanism of Action
Figure 5-20: Global - Breast Cancer Incidence and Death, 2020
Figure 5-21: Global - Breast Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2024 - 2029
Figure 5-22: VLP Technology Platform
Figure 5-23: Global - Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Death, 2020
Figure 5-24: Global - Colorectal Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2025 - 2029
Figure 5-25: BioNTech - iNeST Platform
Figure 5-26: Global - Brain Cancer Incidence and Deaths, 2020
Figure 5-27: Global - Glioblastoma Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2025 - 2029
Figure 5-28: Imvax - Goldspire Platform
Figure 5-29: Goldspire Platform - Antigen Signature Preparation
Figure 5-30: Goldspire Platform - Immune System Training
Figure 5-31: Enterome - OncoMimics Technology Platform
Figure 5-32: UNITE - Mode of Action
Figure 5-33: VBI Vaccines - eVLP Benefits and Structure
Figure 5-34: Global - Ovarian Cancer Incidence and Death, 2020
Figure 5-35: Global - Ovarian Cancer Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Million), 2025 - 2029
Figure 5-36: Vididencel - Mode of Action
Figure 5-37: Global - Cancer Caused By High-Risk HPVs
Figure 5-38: Global - HPV Associated Cancer Incidence and Deaths, 2020
Figure 5-39: Global - HPV Vaccine Market Opportunity (US$ Billion), 2023 - 2029
Figure 6-1: Gardasil - Approval Year by Region
Figure 6-2: Gardasil 9 - Approval Year by Region
Figure 6-3: US - Gardasil Approval Year by Indication
Figure 6-4: Canada - Gardasil Approval Year by Indication
Figure 6-5: Gardasil 9 - Patent Expiration Year by Region
Figure 6-6: US - Cost of 5ml and Per Unit Cost of Gardasil 9 Intramuscular Suspension (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-7: UK - Per Unit Cost of Gardasil and Gardasil 9 Injection (GBP/US$), May’2023
Figure 6-8: Global - Gardasil/ Gardasil 9 Sales Value (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 6-9: Global - Gardasil/ Gardasil 9 Quarterly Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 6-10: Cervarix - Approval Year by Region
Figure 6-11: South Korea - Per Unit Cost of Cervarix Injection (KRW/US$), July’2022
Figure 6-12: Global - Cervarix Sales Value (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 6-13: Global - Cervarix Quarterly Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 6-14: Regional - Cervarix Annual Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 6-15: Regional - Cervarix Annual Sales Value (%), 2022
Figure 6-16: Regional - Cervarix Quarterly Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 6-17: Heplisav-B - Approval Years by Region
Figure 6-18: US - Cost of 2.5ml and Per Unit Cost of Heplisav-B Intramuscular Suspension (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-19: Global - Heplisav-B Sales Value (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 6-20: Global - Heplisav-B Quarterly Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 6-21: PreHevbrio - Approval Years by Region
Figure 6-22: US - Cost of 10 Vials and Per Unit Cost of PreHevbrio Intramuscular Suspension (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-23: PreHevbrio - Cost of One Cycle and Full Treatment (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-24: US - Cost of 10 Vials and Per Unit Cost of Engerix-B Intramuscular Suspension (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-25: Twinrix - Approval Years by Region
Figure 6-26: US - Cost of 10 Vials and Per Unit Cost of Twinrix Intramuscular Suspension (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-27: Twinrix - Cost of Standard and Accelerated Dosing (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-28: US - Cost of 10 Vials and Per Unit Cost of Recombivax HB Intramuscular Suspension (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-29: US - Cost of 250ml and Per Unit Cost of Provenge Intravenous Suspension (US$), May’2023
Figure 6-30: India - Per Unit Cost of Mycidac-C Injection (INR/US$), May’2022
Figure 7-1: Global - Number of Cancer Vaccines in Clinical Trials by Company, 2023 - 2029
Figure 7-2: Global - Number of Cancer Vaccines in Clinical Trials by Country, 2023 - 2029
Figure 7-3: Global - Number of Cancer Vaccines in Clinical Trials by Indication, 2023 - 2029
Figure 7-4: Global - Number of Cancer Vaccines Clinical Trials by Disease Stage, 2023 - 2029
Figure 7-5: Global - Number of Cancer Vaccines in Clinical Trials by Phase, 2023 - 2029
Figure 4-1: US - Ongoing Cancer Vaccines Clinical Trials
Figure 4-2: EMA - Approved Cancer Vaccines
Figure 4-3: Europe - Cancer Vaccines Currently Under Clinical Trial
Figure 4-4: China - NMPA Approved Human Papillomavirus Vaccines
Figure 4-5: Japan - Merck Held Clinical Trials
Figure 4-6: South Korea - Ongoing Cancer Vaccines Clinical Trials
Figure 4-7: Australia - TGA Approved Hepatitis-B Vaccines
Figure 4-8: Australia - TGA Approved Human Papillomavirus Vaccines
Figure 4-9: Australia - Ongoing Melanoma Vaccines Clinical Trials
Figure 4-10: South America - Cancer Vaccines Currently Under Clinical Trial
Figure 4-11: Canada - Approved Cancer Vaccines
Figure 4-12: Canada - Cancer Vaccines Currently Under Clinical Trial
Figure 4-13: UK - Approved Cancer Vaccines
Figure 4-14: UK - Cancer Vaccines Currently Under Clinical Trial
