
レポートナンバー 0000035456

世界のペプチドがん治療薬市場、薬価、売上および臨床試験の洞察 2029

Kuick Research

Global Peptide Cancer Drug Market, Dosage, Price, Sales and Clinical Trials Insight 2029

発刊日 2023/06








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。




  • 世界のペプチド医薬品市場の機会: > 150億ドル
  • 市販のがんペプチド薬の売上高に関する洞察 2019 〜 2023 年
  • 市販のがんペプチド治療薬の投与量、特許、価格に関する洞察
  • 市販のがんペプチド薬の臨床および商業的洞察: 25 の薬剤
  • ペプチドがん治療薬の臨床試験に関する洞察: > 200 の薬剤
  • 世界のペプチド抗がん剤臨床試験に関する企業別、国別、適応症別およびフェーズ別の洞察
  • 企業別・適応症別のペプチド医薬開発独自技術



1. Introduction to Peptide Therapeutics
1.1 Overview of Peptide Therapeutics
1.2 Classification Of Anticancer Peptides
1.3 Significance of Peptides as Cancer Therapeutics

2. Global Cancer Peptide Therapeutics Market Insight
2.1 Current Market Scenario
2.2 Global Cancer Peptide Therapeutics Market Forecast

3. Global Peptide Cancer Therapeutics Market Trend By Region
3.1 Japan
3.2 South Korea
3.3 China
3.4 Australia
3.5 US
3.6 Europe

4. Marketed Cancer Peptides Drugs Insight - Availability, Cost, Dosage, Indication and Patent Insight
4.1 Firmagon (Degarelix)
4.2 Eligard (Leuprolide)
4.3 Lupron (Leuprolide Acetate)
4.4 Supprelin LA (Histrelin Acetate)
4.5 Gonax (Degarelix Acetate)
4.6 Trelstar (Triptorelin)
4.7 Decapeptyl SR (Treptorelin Acetate or Pamoate)
4.8 Velcade (Bortizomib)
4.9 Ninlaro (Ixazomib)
4.10 Kyprolis (Carfilzomib)
4.11 Istodax (Romidepsin)
4.12 Zoladex (Goserelin)
4.13 Cosmegen (Dactinomycin)
4.14 Somatuline Depot (Lanreotide)
4.15 Suprefact (Buserelin)
4.16 Sandostatin (Octreotide Acetate)
4.17 Bynfezia Pen (Octreotide)
4.18 Mepact (Mifamurtide)
4.19 Lutathera (Lutetium Lu 177 dotatate)
4.20 Netspot (Gallium Ga 68 dotatate)

5. Marketed Cancer Peptides Drugs Sales Insight (2019 -2023)
5.1 Lupron
5.2 Kyprolis
5.3 Zoladex
5.4 Lutathera
5.5 Sandostatin
5.6 Somatuline
5.7 Decapeptyl SR
5.8 Velcade
5.9 Ninlaro

6. Global Peptide Cancer Therapeutics Clinical Trials Overview
6.1 By Company
6.2 By Country
6.3 By Indication
6.4 By Patient Segment
6.5 By Phase
6.6 By Drug Formulation

7. Global Peptide Cancer Therapeutics Clinical Trials Insight By Company, Country, Indication and Peptide Segment
7.1 Research
7.2 Preclinical
7.3 Phase-I
7.4 Phase-I/II
7.5 Phase-II
7.6 Phase-II/III
7.7 Phase-III
7.8 Preregistration
7.9 Registered

8. Marketed Cancer Peptides Clinical Insight by Company, Country and Indication

9. Global Peptide Cancer Therapy Market Dynamics
9.1 Favorable Market Parameters
9.2 Commercialization Challenges

10. Targets for Therapeutic Peptides
10.1 Signal Transduction Pathways
10.2 Cell Cycle Regulation
10.3 Cell Death Pathways
10.4 Tumor Suppressor Protein
10.5 Transcription Factors

11. Peptide Drugs v/s Conventional Cancer Therapeutics
11.1 Peptide v/s Chemotherapy
11.2 Peptide v/s Monoclonal Antibody
11.3 Peptide v/s Gene Therapy
11.4 Peptide v/s Immunotherapy

12. Different Approaches of Peptides in Cancer Therapeutics
12.1 Hormonal Peptides
12.2 Peptide as Radionuclide Drug Carrier
12.3 Peptide Vaccines
12.4 Peptides as Cytotoxic Drug Carrier
12.5 Anticancer Peptides
12.6 Other Anticancer Drugs Closely Related to Peptides

13. Application of Peptides Therapeutics and Detection Methodology by Cancer
13.1 Colorectal Cancer
13.1.1 Peptides in Treatment of Colorectal Cancer
13.1.2 Proprietary Technologies
13.2 Lung Cancer
13.2.1 Peptides in Treatment of Lung Cancer
13.2.2 Proprietary Technologies
13.3 Pancreatic Cancer
13.3.1 Peptide in Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer
13.3.2 Proprietary Technologies
13.4 Gastric Cancer
13.4.1 Peptides in Treatment of Gastric Cancer
13.4.2 Proprietary Technologies
13.5 Breast Cancer
13.5.1 Peptides in Treatment of Breast Cancer
13.5.2 Proprietary Technologies
13.6 Prostate Cancer
13.6.1 Peptides in Treatment of Prostate Cancer
13.6.2 Proprietary Technologies

14. Neoantigen Vaccine: An Emerging Tumor Immunotherapy
14.1 Personalized Neoantigen Based Vaccine in Cancer
14.2 Ongoing Clinical Advancements

15. Venom Peptides: New Era for Cancer Peptide Therapy
15.1 Relevance of Venom Based Peptide Therapeutics
15.2 Recent Clinical Trials and Future Growth Avenues of Venom Peptides

16. Competitive Landscape
16.1 3B Pharmaceuticals
16.2 AsclepiX Therapeutics
16.3 Bicycle Therapeutics
16.4 Biohaven Labs
16.5 BrightPath Biotherapeutics
16.6 Bristol-Myers Squibb
16.7 Edinburgh Molecular Imaging
16.8 FogPharma
16.9 GE Healthcare
16.10 Gnubiotics Sciences
16.11 Harvard University
16.12 Heidelberg Pharma AG
16.13 IDP Pharma
16.14 Janux Therapeutics
16.15 Medikine
16.16 Modulation Therapeutics
16.17 Novartis
16.18 PeptiDream
16.19 Pharm-Sintez
16.20 Roche
16.21 Sanofi
16.22 Sapience Therapeutics
16.23 Second Genome
16.24 Viewpoint Molecular Targeting
16.25 Vigeo Therapeutics

List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1-1: Traditional Structure-Based Design Strategies Used in Peptide Drug Discovery
Figure 1-2: Classification of Anticancer Peptides
Figure 1-3: Significance of Peptides as Cancer Therapeutics
Figure 1-4: US - Per Unit Cost of Cancer Drugs (US$)
Figure 1-5: Role of Peptides in Cancer Immunotherapy
Figure 2-1: Factors Driving The Global Market Of Cancer Peptides
Figure 2-2: Countries Leading In Research and Development Of Cancer Peptides
Figure 2-3: Global - Peptide Therapeutic Market Size (US$ Billion), 2022 - 2029
Figure 2-4: Global - Peptide Oncology Drugs Market Size (US$ Billion), 2022 - 2029
Figure 4-1: Firmagon - Patent Issue and Expiration Years
Figure 4-2: Firmagon - Price per Unit for Supply of 80 mg and 120 mg Powder for Subcutaneous Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-3: Firmagon - Starting and Maintenance Dosage (mg)
Figure 4-4: Firmagon - Treatment Costs of Initial Cycle and Maintenance Cycle (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-5: Eligard - Cost of Different doses of Extended-Release Subcutaneous Powder for Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-6: Eligard - Recommended Dosage for Prostate Cancer on Monthly Basis (mg)
Figure 4-7: Eligard - Annual Treatment cost of Prostate Cancer using Different available Doses (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-8: Lupron - Patent Issue and Expiration Year for Sustained Release Preparation
Figure 4-9: Lupron - Price for 7.5 mg, 22.5 mg, 30 mg and 40 mg Depot (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-10: Lupron - Price for 3.75 mg and 11.25 mg Supply of Intramuscular Powder for Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-11: Lupron - Recommended Dosage for Prostate Cancer Treatment on Monthly Basis (mg)
Figure 4-12: Lupron - Annual Treatment Cost of Prostate Cancer Treatment using Different Available Doses (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-13: Histrelin - FDA Approval Years by Brand Name
Figure 4-14: Supprelin LA - Patent Approval and Expiration Years
Figure 4-15: Histrelin - Price for Single 50mg Supprelin LA Implant (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-16: Gonax - Cost of 80mg and 120mg Supply of Powder for Subcutaneous Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-17: Gonax - Starting and Maintenance Dosage (mg)
Figure 4-18: Trelstar - Patent Issue and Expiration Year
Figure 4-19: Trelstar - Cost for a Supply of 3.75mg, 11.25mg and 22.5mg Powder for Intramuscular Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-20: Trelstar - Recommended Dose for Prostate Cancer Treatment (mg)
Figure 4-21: Trelstar - Annual Treatment Cost using 3.75 mg, 11.25mg and 22.5mg Powder for Intramuscular Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-22: Decapeptyl SR - Price for a Supply of 3mg, 11.25mg and 22.5mg Powder for Injection (GBP/US$), June’2023
Figure 4-23: Decapeptyl SR - Recommended Dosage for Prostate Cancer Treatment on Monthly Basis (mg)
Figure 4-24: Decapeptyl SR - Annual Treatment Cost of Prostate Cancer Treatment using Different Available Doses (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-25: Velcade - Price for a Supply of 3.5 mg Powder for Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-26: Bortizomib - Price for a Supply of 1mg, 2.5mg and 3.5mg Powder for Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-27: Bortizomib - Price for a Supply of 3.5mg Powder for Intravenous Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-28: Bortizomib - Price for a Supply of 1.4 mL Powder for Intravenous Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-29: Ninlaro - Patent Issue and Expiration Years
Figure 4-30: Ninlaro - Price for 3 Capsule Supply and Price per Unit of Ninlaro Capsule (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-31: Ninlaro - Recommended Dose and Dose Reductions for Treatment of Multiple Myeloma (Mg/Week)
Figure 4-32: Kyprolis - Issue and Expiration Years of Patents Assigned to Proteolix Inc
Figure 4-33: Kyprolis - Issue and Expiration Years of Patent Assigned to Cydex Pharmaceutical
Figure 4-34: Kyprolis - Issue and Expiration Years of Patents Assigned to Onyx Therapeutics
Figure 4-35: Kyprolis - Price of 10mg, 30mg and 60mg Intravenous Powder for Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-36: Kyprolis - Initial Dose and Maintenance Dose for Treatment of Multiple Myeloma (mg/m2/week)
Figure 4-37: Kyprolis - Initial Dose and Maintenance Dose as Monotherapy for Treatment of Multiple Myeloma (mg/m2 Twice a Week)
Figure 4-38: Romidepsin - FDA Approval Year by Indication
Figure 4-39: Romidepsin - Price for a Supply of 10mg Branded and Generic Intravenous Powder (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-40: Romidepsin- Price for 5.5ml Supply and Price per ml of 5mg/ml Intravenous Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-41: Romidepsin - Monthly and Yearly Cost Of Treatment (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-42: Zoladex - Cost of 3.6 mg and 10.8 mg Implant (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-43: Zoladex - Recommended Dose for Prostate cancer Management on Monthly Basis (mg)
Figure 4-44: Zoladex - Annual Treatment Cost using 3.6mg and 10.8mg Implant (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-45: Dactinomycin - Price for Generic and Branded 0.5 mg Powder for Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-46: Cosmegen - Annual Cost of Wilms Tumor Treatment (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-47: Somatuline Depot - Price of 60mg/0.2 ml Supply and Price per ml of Somatulin Depot Subcutaneous Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-48: Somatuline Depot - Price of 90mg/0.3ml Supply and Price per unit of Somatulin Depot Subcutaneous Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-49: Somatuline Depot - Price of 120mg/0.5ml Supply and Price per unit of Somatulin Depot Subcutaneous Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-50: Lanreotide - Price of 120mg/0.5ml Supply and Price per unit of Generic Lanreotide Subcutaneous Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-51: Somatuline Depot - Treatment cost of 1 Cycle and Annual Treatment Cost of GEP-NETs and Carcinoid Syndrome (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-52: Suprefact - Price of 6.3mg and 9.45mg Depot (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-53: Suprefact - Cost for a Supply of 1ml/ml Nasal Spray and Injectable solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-54: Suprefact Injection - Recommended Initial Dose and Final Dose for Prostate Cancer Treatment (mg/Day)
Figure 4-55: Suprefact Depot - Recommended Dose for Prostate Cancer Treatment on Monthly Basis (mg)
Figure 4-56: Suprefact Depot - Annual Prostate Cancer Treatment Cost (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-57: Sandostatin - Price for 10 Vial Supply and per Unit Price of 50mcg/ml Injectable Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-58: Sandostatin - Price for 10 Vial Supply and per Unit Price of 100mcg/ml Injectable Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-59: Sandostatin - Price for 10 Vial Supply and per Unit Price of 500mcg/ml Injectable Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-60: Sandostatin LAR - Price for Various Supplies of Intramuscular Powder for Injection (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-61: Octreotide - Price for 50 mcg/mL Vials of Generic Octreotide Injectable Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-62: Octreotide - Price for 100 mcg/mL Vials of Generic Octreotide Injectable Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-63: Octreotide - Price for 200 mcg/mL Vials of Generic Octreotide Injectable Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-64: Octreotide - Price for 500 mcg/mL Vials of Generic Octreotide Injectable Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-65: Octreotide - Price for 1000 mcg/mL Vials of Generic Octreotide Injectable Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-66: Sandostatin - Mean Initial Dose for Treatment of Carcinoid Tumor and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Tumor (mg)
Figure 4-67: Bynfezia Pen - Patent Issue and Expiration Year
Figure 4-68: Bynfezia Pen - Price for 2.8ml Supply and Price per ml of 2500mcg/ml Subcutaneous Solution (US$), June’2023
Figure 4-69: Bynfezia Pen - Mean Dose for First 2 Week and Subsequent Weeks (mcg/day)
Figure 4-70: Mepact - Recommended Number of Dose Administration/ Week for 12 and 24 Weeks Treatment
Figure 4-71: Germany - Cost of Single Dose and Full Treatment (EUR/US$), June’2023
Figure 4-72: Lutathera - Patent Issue and Expiration Years
Figure 4-73: Lutathera - RDP and ODE Regional Expiry Years
Figure 5-1: Global - Lupron Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2021
Figure 5-2: US - Lupron Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2021
Figure 5-3: ROW - Lupron Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2021
Figure 5-4: Kyprolis - Annual Sales Value (US$ Million), 2018-2023
Figure 5-5: Kyprolis - Annual Sales by Region (%), Q1’2023
Figure 5-6: Global - Kyprolis Quarterly Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-7: US - Kyprolis Quarterly Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-8: ROW - Kyprolis Quarterly Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-9: Global - Zoladex Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-10: Regional - Zoladex Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2023
Figure 5-11: Regional - Zoladex Annual Sales (%), 2023
Figure 5-12: Global - Zoladex Quarterly Sales (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-13: Regional - Zoladex Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-14: Regional - Zoladex Annual Sales (%), 2022
Figure 5-15: US - Zoladex Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-16: EU - Zoladex Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-17: EM - Zoladex Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-18: ROW - Zoladex Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-19: Global - Lutathera Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-20: Global - Lutathera Quarterly Sales (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-21: Global - Sandostatin Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-22: Global - Sandostatin Quarterly Sales (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-23: Global - Somatuline Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-24: Global - Somatuline Quarterly Sales (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-25: Global - Decapeptyl Annual Sales (US$ Million), 2019-2023*
Figure 5-26: Global - Decapeptyl Quarterly Sales (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-27: Global - Velcade Sales Value (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-28: Regional - Velcade Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-29: Regional - Velcade Sales Value (%), 2022
Figure 5-30: Global - Velcade Quarterly Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-31: Ninlaro - Annual Sales Value (US$ Million), 2019-2023
Figure 5-32: Ninlaro - Annual Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-33: Ninlaro - Annual Sales by Region (%), Q1’2023
Figure 5-34: Ninlaro - Annual Sales Value (US$ Million), 2022
Figure 5-35: Ninlaro - Annual Sales by Region (%), 2022
Figure 6-1: Global - Peptide Cancer Drug Clinical Pipeline by Company (Number of Drugs), 2021 till 2026
Figure 6-2: Global - Peptide Cancer Drug Clinical Pipeline by Country (Number of Drugs), 2023
Figure 6-3: Global - Peptide Cancer Drug Clinical Pipeline by Indication (Number of Drugs), 2023
Figure 6-4: Global - Peptide Cancer Drug Clinical Pipeline by Patient Segment (Number of 2023
Figure 6-5: Global - Peptide Cancer Drug Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Number of Drugs), 2023
Figure 6-6: Global - Peptide Cancer Drug Clinical Pipeline by Drug Formulation (Number of Drugs), 2023
Figure 9-1: Favorable Market Factors for Cancer Peptide Development
Figure 9-2: Factors Challenging the Commercialization of Cancer Peptides
Figure 10-1: Therapeutic Peptides Based on Their Biological Targets
Figure 10-2: MAPK Signaling Pathways
Figure 10-3: Cell Cycle in Eukaryotic
Figure 10-4: Cell Death Pathways
Figure 10-5: Features of Bcl-2 Family Proteins
Figure 11-1: Limitations of Monoclonal Antibody
Figure 11-2: Monoclonal Antibodies and Peptide Therapeutics - Cost of Production per gram (US$)
Figure 11-3: Pre-Requisite for Gene Therapy
Figure 11-4: Limitations of Gene Therapy
Figure 11-5: Drawbacks of Immunotherapy
Figure 12-1: Different Approaches of Peptide in Cancer Management
Figure 12-2: Mode of Action - LHRH Agonist and LHRH Antagonist
Figure 12-3: Effects of Somatostatin Analogs
Figure 12-4: Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy
Figure 12-5: Mechanism of Peptide Vaccines
Figure 13-1: EO2040 - Study Initiation and Expected Completion Year, June’2023
Figure 13-2: EO4010 - Study Initiation and Competition Year, June’2023
Figure 13-3: ELI-002 - Study Initiation and Competition Year, June’2023
Figure 13-4: CBX-12 - Study Initiation and Completion Year’2023
Figure 13-5: Enterome - OncoMimics Platform
Figure 13-6: Elicio Therapeutics - The AMP Platform
Figure 13-7: Alphalex - Selective Targeting of Tumor Cells
Figure 13-8: Treos Bio - PolyPEPI Approach
Figure 13-9: UCPVax - Study Initiation and Expected Completion Year, June’2023
Figure 13-10: GRN-1201 - Study Initiation and Competition Year, June’2023
Figure 13-11: PeptiCRAd-1 - Study Initiation and Completion Year, June’2023
Figure 13-12: Owlstone Medical - EVOC Probes for Targeted Assessment of Biological Pathways
Figure 13-13: Bicycle Therapeutics - Simple Bicycles
Figure 13-14: Bicycle Therapeutics - Tandems
Figure 13-15: Bicycle Therapeutics - Higher Order Bicycles
Figure 13-16: Bicycle Therapeutics - Bicycle Toxin Conjugate
Figure 13-17: PeptiCRAd - Immunology
Figure 13-18: T-Win Vaccines - Mechanism of Action
Figure 13-19: MB1707 - Study Initiation and Completion Year, June’2023
Figure 13-20: BT5528 - Study Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 13-21: IMU-131 - Study Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 13-22: OTSGC-A24 - Study Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 13-23: Bicycle Therapeutics - Bicycle Toxin Conjugate
Figure 13-24: HER-Vaxx - Active Immunization Mechanism of Action
Figure 13-25: Stress-Induced Post-Translational Modifications Cell Surface Peptides
Figure 13-26: Moditope - Mechanism of Action
Figure 14-1: Benefits of Neoantigens
Figure 14-2: Steps of Producing Neoantigen Vaccine
Figure 14-3: Neoantigen Vaccine - Mode of Action
Figure 15-1: Advantages of Venom Peptides
Table 1-1: Source or Chemical Nature of Early Peptides
Table 4-1: Velcade - Dosage Regimen for Patients with Previously Untreated Multiple Myeloma
Table 12-1: Peptides in Clinical Trials
Table 13-1: Peptides and Their Targets in Colorectal Cancer
Table 13-2: Colorectal Cancer - Peptide Based Therapies Currently Under Clinical Trials
Table 13-3: Lung Cancer - Peptide Based Therapies Currently Under Clinical Trials
Table 13-4: Antigens Utilized as Molecular Targets
Table 13-5: Pancreatic Cancer - Peptide Based Therapies Currently Under Clinical Trials
Table 13-6: Gastric Cancer - - Peptide Based Therapies Currently Under Clinical Trials
Table 13-7: Breast Cancer - Peptide Vaccines under Development
Table 13-8: Prostate Cancer - Examples of Therapeutic Peptides
Table 14-1: Global - Late Stage Neoantigen Vaccines
Table 15-1: Other Venom Peptides in Cancer Therapy
