
レポートナンバー 0000035925

2023〜2027年のドイツの分子血液型判定、分類、および感染症 NAT スクリーニング分析装置および試薬 - 輸血市場の2027 年までの 40 の免疫血液学および NAT アッセイの新たな機会、競合シェア、および成長戦略、数量および販売セグメントの予測、 最新テクノロジー、機器パイプライン


2023-2027 Germany Molecular Blood Typing, Grouping and Infectious Disease NAT Screening Analyzers and Reagents--Transfusion Market Emerging Opportunities for Suppliers, Competitive Shares and Growth Strategies, Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts for 40 Immunohematology and NAT Assays through 2027, Latest Technologies and Instrumentation Pipeline

発刊日 2023/08/15





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このレポートは、ドイツにおける将来のマーケティングとテクノロジーのトレンドを調査しています。市場セグメント/検査場所ごとに検査量と売上予測を提供します。主要な自動分析装置と半自動分析装置の機能を比較します。有力な競合他社と新興の競合他社のプロフィールを作成します。そして、今後 5 年間にサプライヤーが直面する具体的な製品と市場の機会を特定します。


PCR、PCR-RFLP、AS-PCR または PCR-SSP、マルチプレックス PCR、リアルタイム PCR、サンガー DNA シーケンス、パイロシーケンス


BeadChip Array、BloodChip、Genome Lab SNP Stream、流体マイクロアレイ システム、TaqMan OpenArray、MALDI-TOF-MS、ミニシーケンス


ABO、抗体パネル、抗体スクリーニング/間接抗グロブリン、抗原タイピング(C、c、Duffy、E、e、I、i、Kell、Kidd、Le a、b、MN、P、S、s)、抗グロブリン(直接、 C3 + IgG、IgG、C3)、クロスマッチング(即時スピン、完全クロスマッチ)、Rh(D、Du)


エイズ(HIV NAT、HIV-1/2)、サイトメガロウイルス、肝炎(HAV NAT、HBV NAT、HBs抗原、抗HBc、HCV NAT、HCV、ALT/SGPT)、HTLV-I/II、パルボウイルスB19 NAT、梅毒、西ナイルウイルスNAT






  • 市場のダイナミクス、トレンド、構造、規模、成長、主要サプライヤーのレビューを含む、包括的な市場セグメンテーション
  • NAT アッセイを含む 40 を超える血液型判定、分類、感染症スクリーニング検査の検査量と売上予測
    ➣ 血液センター
    ➣ 病院
    ➣ 商業/民間研究所


  • 現在および新たな分子血液型判定、分類、および感染症 NAT スクリーニングアッセイの分析
  • 自動および半自動の分子および免疫血液学分析装置のレビュー


  • 現在および新興技術の評価、および血液バンク市場におけるそれらの潜在的な応用
  • 新しい技術や製品を開発またはマーケティングしている企業の検査別の包括的なリスト


  • 分子血液型判定、分類、感染症の NAT アッセイおよび市場に大きな魅力をもたらす機器のための新製品開発の機会
  • 代替の市場浸透戦略
  • 潜在的な市場参入障壁とリスク



I. Introduction

II. Worldwide Technology and Market Overview
A. Major Blood Typing, Grouping and Infectious
Disease Screening Tests
 1. Blood Typing and Grouping Tests
  a. ABO
  b. Antibody Panels
  c. Antibody Screening
  d. Antigen Typing
  e. Antiglobulin Test
  f. Crossmatch
  g. HLA Typing
  h. Rh
  i. Other Blood Groups
 2. Blood Group Genotyping
  a. PCR
  c. AS-PCR or PCR-SSP
  d. Multiplex PCR
  e. Real Time PCR
  f. Sanger DNA Sequencing
  g. Pyrosequencing
  b. Microarrays
   - BeadChip Array
   - BloodChip
   - Genome Lab SNP Stream
   - Fluidic Microarray Systems
   - TaqMan OpenArray
   - Mini-Sequencing
 3. Infectious Disease Screening Tests
  a. AIDS
   - Structure and Composition
   - Classification
   - Origin of AIDS
   - Animal Lentivirus Systems
   - Virus Receptors
   - HIV Infections in Humans
    -Pathogenesis & Pathology
    -Overview of Course of HIV Infection
   - CD4T Lymphocytes and Memory Cells
   - Monocytes and Macrophages
   - Lymphoid Organs
   - Neural Cells
   - Viral Coinfections
    -Clinical Findings
   - Plasma Viral Load
   - Pediactric AIDS
    -Neurologic Disease
    -Opportunistic Infections
   - Viruses
   - Cancer
   - Immunity
   - Laboratory Diagnosis
    -Virus Isolation
    -Detection of Viral Nucleic Acid or Antigens
   - Epidemiology
    -Worldwide Spread of AIDS
    -United States
    -Routes of Transmission
   - Prevention, Treatment, And Control
    -Antiviral Drugs
    -Vaccines Against HIV
   - Transmission of HIV in Blood Products
   - HIV Transmission in Transplant and Artificial Insemination Recipients
   - Diagnostic Tests
   - Enzyme Immunoassay Interpretation
   - Specificity, Sensitivity, and Predictive
Value of Enzyme Immunoassay
   - Competition Assays
   - Western Blot Technique
   - Immuno-Fluorescence Assay (IFA)
   - Radioimmunoprecipitation
   - HIV-1/HIV-2 Combination Testing
   - Methods of HIV-Antigen Detection
   - Antigen Assays and Blood Screening
   - Urine Tests
   - DNA Probes
   - Overview
   - Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction
   - In Situ PCR
   - Needed Improvements
   - Viral Load/Drug Resistance Testing
   - Genotype and Phenotype Testing
   - Blood Banking Considerations
  b. Hepatitis
   - Hepatitis A
   - Hepatitis B
    -Structure and Composition
    -Replication of Hepatitis B Virus
   - Hepatitis C
   - Hepatitis D (Delta Hepatitis)
   - Hepatitis E
   - Hepatitis G
   - Hepatitis Virus Infections In Humans
   - Clinical Findings
   - Laboratory Features
    -Hepatitis A
    -Hepatitis B
    -Hepatitis C
    -Hepatitis D
    -Hepatitis E
   - Virus-Host Immune Reactions
   - Epidemiology
    -Hepatitis A
    -Hepatitis B
    -Hepatitis C
    -Hepatitis D (Delta Agent)
   - Vaccines and Drugs
  c. Cytomegalovirus
   - Background
   - Chorioretinitis
   - Gastrointestinal
   - Central Nervous System Disease
   - Diagnostic Tests
   - Vaccines and Drugs
  d. Syphilis
   - Background
   - Diagnostic Tests
   - Vaccines and Drugs
  e. West Nile Virus
   - Background
   - Clinical Syndromes
   - Diagnostic Tests
   - Vaccines and Drugs
  f. Parvovirus B19
   - Microbiology
   - Epidemiology
   - Clinical Syndromes
    -Erythema Infectiosum Slapped (cheek)
    -Adult Polyarthropathy
    -Transient Aplastic Crisis
    -Transient Pancytopenia
    -Red Cell Aplasia in the Immunocompromised
    -Perinatal Infections
   - Diagnosis
   - Treatment
  g. Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s Disease
   - Background
   - Transmission
   - Diagnostic Tests
   - Major Commercial and Academic Players
    -Disease Sciences/BioTec Global
    -Imperial College School of Medicine
    -Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
    -ProMetic Life Sciences
    -Proteome Sciences/Idexx
    -Q-One Biotech
    -U.S. Agricultural Research Service
   - Drugs
   - Vaccines
  h. Malaria
  i. Chagas Disease
  j. Babesiosis
 4. Pathogen Reduction
 5. Leukocyte Reduction
   - Background
   - Methods
B. Instrumentation Review: Operating Characteristics, Features and Selling Prices of Leading Automated and Semiautomated Analyzers Manufactured by:
   - Abbott
   - Beckman Coulter/Danaher
   - Becton Dickinson
   - Bio-Rad
   - BioMerieux
   - Cepheid
   - Curtis Unyvero
   - Gen-Probe/Hologic
   - GenMark
   - Grifols
   - HTG
   - Immucor
   - Life Technologies
   - Nanosphere
   - Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
   - Qiagen
   - Roche
   - Sarstedt
   - Siemens
   - Tecan
C. Major in Vitro Diagnostic Technologies and Their Potential Applications
 1. Molecular Diagnostics
  a. Overview
  b. NAT
 2. Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies
 3. Immunoassays
  a. Technological Principle
  b. Chemiluminescence
  c. Enzyme Immunoassays (EIA)
   - Overview
   - ELISA
   - EMIT
   - Electrochemical
  d. Radioimmunoassays (RIA)
  e. Immunoprecipitation
  f. Affinity Chromatography
 4. Microtitration Plates
 5. IT and Automation
 6. Lasers
 7. Robotics
 8. Synthetic Red Cell Substitutes
 9. Genetically Engineered Blood Components
  a. Albumin
  b. Factor VIII
  c. Alpha-2 Antiplasmin
  d. Antithrombin III
  e. Factor IX
  f. Von Willebrand's Factor
  g. Fibrinogen
  h. t-PA
 10. Blood Preservation
 11. Autologous Blood Transfusion/Freezing

III. Germany
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Supplier
Sales and Market Shares for Blood Typing, Grouping and Infectious Disease Screening Tests

IV. Major Product Development Opportunities
A. Molecular Blood Typing and Grouping
B. Infectious Disease Screening
C. Auxiliary

V. Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts

VI. Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection

VII. Competitive Assessments
Beckman Coulter/Danaher
Becton Dickinson
Proteome Sciences
Quest Diagnostics
Siemens Healthineers
Thermo Fisher

List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Blood Typing and Grouping Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
HLA Typing Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
AIDS Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Hepatitis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
CMV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Syphilis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Blood Bank Analyzers
Executive Summary Table: Germany, Total Blood Bank
Test Volume and Reagent Sales Forecast by Test Category
Germany, Facilities Performing Blood
Bank Tests by Market Segment
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Performing
Blood Bank Tests by Bed Size
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Blood Bank Tests by Annual Test Volume
Germany, All Market Segments Blood Typing and Grouping Test Volume Forecast by Market
Germany, All Market Segments Blood Typing and Grouping Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Blood
Typing and Grouping Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Blood Banks Blood Typing and Grouping Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Blood Typing and Grouping Test Volume Forecast
Germany, All Market Segments Infectious
Disease Screening Test Volume Forecast by Market Segment
Germany, All Market Segments Infectious
Disease Screening Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Blood Banks Infectious Disease
Screening Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Infectious Disease Screening Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Infectious
Disease Screening Test Volume Forecast
Germany, All Market Segments Blood Typing and Grouping Reagent Market Forecast by Market Segment
Germany, All Market Segments Blood Typing and Grouping Reagent Market Forecast by Major Test
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Blood
Typing and Grouping Reagent Market Forecast by Major Test
Germany, Blood Banks Blood Typing and Grouping Reagent Market By Major Test Forecast
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Blood Typing and Grouping Reagent Market Forecast by Major Test
Germany, All Market Segments Infectious
Disease Screening Reagent Market Forecast by Market Segment
Germany, All Market Segments Infectious
Disease Screening Reagent Market Forecast by Test
Germany, Blood Banks Infectious Disease
Screening Reagent Market Forecast by Test
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Infectious Disease Screening Reagent Market Forecast by Test
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Infectious
Disease Screening Reagent Market Forecast by Test
Germany, Major Suppliers of Blood Typing and Grouping Reagents Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Germany, HIV-1/2 Blood Screening Market, Reagent Sales by Major Supplier
Germany, Hepatitis Blood Screening Market, Reagent Sales by Major Supplier
Germany, HIV/Hepatitis NAT Market, Reagent Sales by Major Supplier
Germany, CMV Blood Screening Market, Reagent Sales by Major Supplier
