
レポートナンバー 0000035946

ASEANの医療診断市場(シンガポール、マレーシア、インドネシア、タイ、ベトナム)-洞察と予測、COVID-19の潜在的影響 (2023-2027)

Koncept Analytics

ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand & Vietnam): Insights & Forecast with Potential Impact of COVID-19 (2023-2027)

発刊日 2023/08/21








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


ASEAN の医療診断市場は 2027 年に 163 億 6,000 万ドルに達すると予想されており、2023 年から 2027 年までにCAGR 12.59%で成長する見込みです。高齢者人口の増加、ストレスレベルの上昇、医療費の増加、都市化の拡大、東南アジア諸国における西洋型疾患の蔓延などの要因が市場の成長を促進すると考えられます。しかし、熟練した労働力の不足、対象国全体での高額な自己負担、医療費の上昇などが市場の成長の課題となるでしょう。いくつかの注目すべき動向としては、メディカルツーリズムの活況、ポイントオブケア(POC)と迅速検査の出現、個別化医療と新しい専門検査に対する意識の高まり、予防医療への移行の高まりなどが挙げられます。

東南アジア諸国連合 (ASEAN) は、東南アジアの 10 加盟国の政治経済連合であり、政府間協力を促進し、加盟国とアジア太平洋諸国の間の経済、政治、安全保障、軍事、教育、社会文化の統合を促進しています。ASEAN の医療診断市場はソリューション別に、サービスと製品に分類されます。世界中で診断検査の数が継続的に増加しているため、サービス部門が市場を支配しました。




1. Market Overview
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of Diagnostics
1.3 General Components of a Diagnostic Procedure
1.4 Clinical Laboratory Market Value Chain
1.5 Anatomy of a Diagnostic Test
1.6 Categories of Diagnostic Tests
1.7 Major Roles of Diagnostic Testing

2. Impact of COVID-19
2.1 Demand Surge for Medical Diagnostics
2.2 Impact on Global Diagnostics Market

3. ASEAN Market Analysis
3.1 ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market by Value
3.2 ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value
3.3 ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market by Solution
3.3.1 ASEAN Diagnostics Services Market by Value
3.3.2 ASEAN Diagnostics Services Market Forecast by Value
3.3.3 ASEAN Diagnostics Products Market by Value
3.3.4 ASEAN Diagnostics Products Market Forecast by Value
3.4 ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market by Country

4. Country Market Analysis
4.1 Singapore
4.1.1 Singapore Medical Diagnostics Market by Value
4.1.2 Singapore Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value
4.2 Malaysia
4.2.1 Malaysia Medical Diagnostics Market by Value
4.2.2 Malaysia Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value
4.2.3 Malaysia Medical Testing-Accredited Laboratories by Type
4.2.4 Malaysia Medical Diagnostic Laboratories by State
4.3 Indonesia
4.3.1 Indonesia Medical Diagnostics Market by Value
4.3.2 Indonesia Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value
4.3.3 Indonesia Medical Diagnostic Laboratories by Region
4.4 Thailand
4.4.1 Thailand Medical Diagnostics Market by Value
4.4.2 Thailand Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value
4.4.3 Thailand Medical Diagnostic Laboratories by Type
4.5 Vietnam
4.5.1 Vietnam Medical Diagnostics Market by Value
4.5.2 Vietnam Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value
4.5.3 Vietnam Medical Diagnostic Laboratories by Region

5. Market Dynamics
5.1 Growth Drivers
5.1.1 Increasing Geriatric Population
5.1.2 Escalating Stress Levels
5.1.3 Hike in Healthcare Expenditure
5.1.4 Expanding Urbanization
5.1.5 Growing Healthcare Burden
5.1.6 Surging Prevalence of Western-Type Diseases in South East Asian Countries
5.2 Key Trends and Developments
5.2.1 Upsurge in Medical Tourism
5.2.2 Emergence of POC and Rapid Testing
5.2.3 Growing Awareness of Personalized Medicine & New Specialized Tests
5.2.4 Escalating Shift towards Preventive Healthcare
5.3 Challenges
5.3.1 Dearth of Skilled Workforce
5.3.2 High Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Expenditure across Target Countries
5.3.3 Rising Cost of Healthcare

6. Competitive Landscape
6.1 Malaysia Market
6.1.1 Malaysia Medical Diagnostics Market Share by Key Players
6.2 Thailand Market
6.2.1 Thailand Medical Diagnostics Market Share by Key Players

7. Company Profiles
7.1 IHH Healthcare Berhad
7.1.1 Business Overview
7.2 Bangkok Dusit Medical Services PCL (BDMS)
7.2.1 Business Overview
7.3 Raffles Medical Group Ltd.
7.3.1 Business Overview
7.4 PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk
7.4.1 Business Overview
7.5 PT Diagnos Laboratorium Utama Tbk
7.5.1 Business Overview
7.6 Pathology Asia Holdings Pte. Ltd.
7.6.1 Business Overview

List of Figures
Process of Medical Diagnosis
Types of Diagnostics
General Components of a Diagnostic Procedure
Clinical Laboratory Market Value Chain
Categories of Diagnostic Tests
Major Roles of Diagnostic Testing
Number of Confirmed COVID Tests Performed Daily in Indonesia (March-December 2020)
Global Diagnostics Market (2018-2020)
ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market by Value (2018-2022)
ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market by Solution (2022)
ASEAN Diagnostics Services Market by Value (2018-2022)
ASEAN Diagnostics Services Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
ASEAN Diagnostics Products Market by Value (2018-2022)
ASEAN Diagnostics Products Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
ASEAN Medical Diagnostics Market by Country (2022)
Singapore Medical Diagnostics Market by Value (2018-2022)
Singapore Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Malaysia Medical Diagnostics Market by Value (2018-2022)
Malaysia Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Malaysia Medical Testing-Accredited Laboratories by Type (2022)
Malaysia Medical Diagnostic Laboratories by State (2022)
Indonesia Medical Diagnostics Market by Value (2018-2022)
Indonesia Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Indonesia Medical Diagnostic Laboratories by Region (2022)
Thailand Medical Diagnostics Market by Value (2018-2022)
Thailand Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Thailand Medical Diagnostic Laboratories by Type (2022)
Vietnam Medical Diagnostics Market by Value (2018-2022)
Vietnam Medical Diagnostics Market Forecast by Value (2023-2027)
Vietnam Medical Diagnostic Laboratories by Region (2022)
Proportion of People Aged 60 or Above in South East Asian Countries (2021-2050)
Prevalence of Stress Among Individuals in South East Asian Countries (2022)
Indonesia Current Healthcare Spending Forecast (2020-2025)
Degree of Urbanization in ASEAN Countries (2017-2022)
ASEAN Healthcare Expenditure as Share of GDP (2022)
Medical Tourism in Thailand, Singapore & Malaysia (2021-2022)
Brief History of Pandemics in ASEAN Countries (1998-2020)
Malaysia Medical Diagnostics Market Share by Key Players (2022)
Thailand Medical Diagnostics Market Share by Key Players (2022)

List of Tables
Anatomy of a Diagnostic Test
Medical Tourism in Thailand, Singapore & Malaysia (2021-2022)
Brief History of Pandemics in ASEAN Countries (1998-2020)
