
レポートナンバー 0000036601

2023年 〜 2028年の血液学・フローサイトメトリー分析装置・試薬の韓国市場 - 2023年のサプライヤーシェア、2023年 〜 2028年の病院、商業/民間ラボ、POC拠点で実施される40以上の個別検査の検査量と売上セグメント予測 - 競争戦略、機器パイプライン、新興技術、サプライヤーの機会、市場の課題


2023-2028 South Korea Hematology and Flow Cytometry Analyzers and Reagents Market--2023 Supplier Shares, 2023-2028 Test Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts for over 40 Individual Tests, Growth Opportunities--Competitive Strategies, Instrumentation Pipeline, Emerging Technologies, Opportunities for Suppliers, Market Challenges

発刊日 2023/10/31





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本レポートでは、ビジネスと技術のトレンドの調査、40 件の検査について検体、販売、数量の予測、主要なアナライザーの機能の比較、主要な競合他社と新興市場参入者のプロフィール、そして、サプライヤーが直面する特定の製品とマーケティングの機会を提案します。

  • 本レポートで分析した血液検査
  • 本レポートで分析したフローサイトメトリー検査
  • 競争評価
    ➣ 主要サプライヤーと新興市場参入企業の戦略的プロフィール
  • 技術のレビュー
    ➣ 現在および新興の技術およびそれらの市場応用の評価
  • 戦略的提言
    ➣ 市場に大きな訴求力を持つ新製品開発の機会
    ➣ 市場浸透のための代替戦略
    ➣ 潜在的な市場参入障壁とリスク



Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Market and Technology Overview
A. Major Routine and Special Hematology Tests
1. Introduction
2. CBC Analysis
a. Hemoglobin Concentration
b. Hematocrit Determination
c. Red Blood Cell Count
d. Red Cell Indices
e. Red Cell Size Histograms
f. Platelets
- Platelet Count
- Platelet Size/MPV
- Automated Systems
g. Reticulocytes
3. White Blood Cell Analysis
a. W BC Count
b. Five-Partial Differential Major Suppliers
c. Pattern Recognition Systems
d. Comparison of Major Differential Analyzers
4. Reticulocytes
5. Platelet Function Tests
6. Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate/CRP
7. Red Cell Analysis
8. 2, 3 DPG
9. Red Cell Deformability
10. Neutrophil Function Tests
11. Semen Analysis
12. Bone Marrow Analysis
13. Urinalysis
B. Major Flow Cytometry Applications
1. Cell Surface Markers
a. Lymphocyte Subclassification CD4/CD8/CD34
- Instrumentation and Reagent Test Kits
b. Other Cell Markers
2. DNA Content Analysis
3. RNA Content Analysis
4. Chemotherapy Monitoring
5. Cell Cycle Analysis
6. Chromosome Analysis
7. Fetal Cell Analysis
8. HLA Typing
9. Microbiology
10. Protein Content Analysis
11. Multiparameter Analysis
12. Other Applications
C. Hematology and Flow Cytometry Instrumentation Review
1. Hematology Analyzers
a. Overview
- Electrical Aperture-Impedance Analyzers
- Light Scatter Analyzers
b. Review of major analyzers from:
Abbott, Beckman Coulter/Danaher, Bio-Rad, CellaVision, Horiba, Nihon Kohden,
Sekisui Diagnostics, Siemens Healthineers, Sysmex, and other suppliers.
2. Flow Cytometers
a. Introduction
b. System
3. Platelet Aggregometers
4. Sedimentation Rate Analyzers
D. Market Needs and Demand for Hematology Analyzers
E. Reagents and Controls
F. Current and Emerging Technologies
III. Market Size and Growth: Specimen, Sales and Volume Forecasts for 40 Tests
IV. Major Product Development Opportunities
A. Instrumentation
B. Reagent Kits and Test Systems/Panels
C. Information Technology
D. Auxiliary Products
V. Design Criteria for Decentralized Testing Products
VI. Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for the Decentralized Testing Markets
1. Four Marketing Approaches
2. Product Complexity Factor
3. Customer Preference Factor
4. Established Suppliers
5. Emerging Suppliers
6. Major Types of Distributors
7. Market Segmentation Factor
VII. Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
VIII. Competitive Assessments
The report provides strategic assessments of over 15 leading hematology and flow
cytometry market players and start-up companies with innovative technologies and
products, including:
- Abbott
- Agilent Technologies
- Beckman Coulter/Danaher
- Becton Dickinson
- Bio-Rad
- CellaVision
- Horiba
- Nihon Kohden
- QuidelOrtho
- Roche
- Sekisui Diagnostics
- Siemens Healthineers
- Sysmex and others

List of Tables
All Market Segments
Total Hematology and Flow Cytometry
Specimen Volume Forecast
All Market Segments
Total Hematology and Flow Cytometry
Test Volume Forecast
All Market Segments
Total Hematology and Flow Cytometry Market Forecast
All Market Segments, Total Routine
Hematology Test Volume Forecast by Assay
All Market Segments, Total Flow
Cytometry and Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast by Assay
