
レポートナンバー 0000037633

ヨーロッパの止血分析装置および試薬 - フランス・ドイツ・イタリア・スペイン・イギリス(2024年)- 病院、商業/民間研究所、POC 拠点向けの発色検査、免疫診断検査、分子凝固検査の検査量および売上セグメント予測 - 2023 年の競合シェアと成長戦略、最新の技術と機器のパイプライン、サプライヤーにとっての新たな機会


2024 Europe Hemostasis Analyzers and Reagents--France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK--Chromogenic, Immunodiagnostic, Molecular Coagulation Test Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts for Hospitals, Commercial/Private Labs and POC Locations--2023 Competitive Shares and Growth Strategies, Latest Technologies and Instrumentation Pipeline, Emerging Opportunities for Suppliers

発刊日 2024/03/01





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  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


この包括的な 5カ国レポートは、現在のサプライヤーと潜在的な市場参入企業が今後 5 年間にヨーロッパの凝固検査市場に出現するビジネスチャンスを特定し、評価できるように設計されています。


このレポートは、フランス、ドイツ、イタリア、スペイン、イギリスのビジネスおよび技術トレンドの調査、主要な競合他社の検査量と売上高および市場シェアの推定値の提供、主要分析装置の特徴の比較、主要な市場プレーヤーのプロフィール、そして、今後 5 年間に機器および消耗品のサプライヤーが直面する具体的な製品とビジネスチャンスの特定を行っています。

  • 本レポートで分析している凝固検査
    活性化凝固時間(ACT)(1)、活性化プロテインC抵抗性、活性化PTT(APTT)、アルファ2-アンチプラスミン、アンチトロンビンIII、出血時間、D-ダイマー、第II因子、第V因子、第V因子ライデン、第VII因子、第VII因子 VIII、第IX因子、第Ixa因子、第X因子(スチュアート因子)、第Xa因子、第XI因子、第XII因子、第XIII因子、フィブリン分解産物、フィブリノーゲン、フレッチャー因子/プレカリクレイン因子活性化、ヘパリン/抗第Xa因子、ヘパリン誘発性血小板減少症、プラスミン、プラスミノーゲン、プラスミノーゲン活性化因子阻害、血小板機能/凝集、プロテインC、プロテインS、プロトロンビン変異、プロトロンビン時間(PT)、レプチラーゼ時間、トロンビン時間、フォンヴィレブランド因子Fav/Agなど
  • 調査国
    ➣ フランス
    ➣ ドイツ
    ➣ イタリア
    ➣ スペイン
    ➣ イギリス
  • 売上と市場シェアの分析
    ➣ 主要な機器および試薬サプライヤーの売上高と市場シェア
  • 競合評価
    ➣ 主要サプライヤーと新興市場参入企業の広範な戦略的プロファイル
  • 市場セグメンテーション分析
    ➣ 以下を含む包括的な市場セグメンテーション分析
      ◇ 病院
      ◇ 商業/民間研究所
      ◇ 医師の診療所
      ◇ 外来治療センター
    ➣ 40 を超える主要な処置に関する国別および市場セグメント別の検査量の予測
  • 現行の製品と新製品
    ➣ 確立された手順と新たな手順のレビュー
    ➣ Diagnostica Stago、Helena社、IL社、Siemens社、Sysmex社 およびその他のサプライヤーが販売する自動および半自動分析装置の比較
  • 技術のレビュー
    ➣ 現在および新興の技術とその潜在的な市場応用の分析
    ➣ 検査別の新技術や新製品を開発または販売している企業
  • 戦略的提言
    ➣ 市場に大きな魅力をもたらす製品開発と事業拡大の機会
    ➣ 暫定的な価格と動作特性を備えた理想的な製品モデル
    ➣ 機器および試薬サプライヤー向けの代替市場浸透戦略
    ➣ 潜在的な市場参入障壁とリスク



Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Worldwide Market Overview
1. Business Environment
2. Market Structure
3. Market Size and Growth
4. POC Testing Market
III. Major Product Development Opportunities
IV. Design Criteria For Decentralized Testing Products
V. Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for Decentralized Testing Markets
VI. Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
VII. Worldwide Market and Technology Overview
A. Major Routine and Special Coagulation Tests
1. Introduction
2. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
3. Alpha-2 Antiplasmin
4. Antithrombin III
5. Bleeding Time
6. D-Dimer
7. Ethanol Flocculation Test
8. Euglobulin Lysis
9. Factor Assays
a. Introduction
b. Factor II
c. Factor V/Factor V Leiden
d. Factor VII
e. Factor VIII
f. Factor IX
g. Factor IXa
h. Factor X (Stuart Factor)
i. Factor Xa
j. Factor XI
k. Factor XII
l. Factor XIII
10. Fibrin Degradation Products
11. Fibrinogen
12. Heparin
13. Hirudin
14. Hypercoagulability and Thrombosis
15. Lipoprotein a
16. Plasmin
17. Plasminogen
18. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI)
19. Platelet Function Tests
20. Platelet Aggregation
21. Proteins C and S
22. Prothrombin Fragment 1.2
23. Prothrombin Time (PT)
24. Reptilase Time
25. Thrombin Time
26. Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA)
27. Von Willebrand's Factor
B. Coagulation Instrumentation Review: Centralized
and POC Testing Analyzers
C. Major Coagulation Testing Technologies
and Their Potential Applications
1. Chromogenic Substrates
2. Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies
3. Immunoassays
4. Molecular Diagnostics
5. Microcomputers
6. Automation
7. Robotics
8. Artificial Intelligence
9. Dry Chemistry
10. Biosensors
VIII. France Coagulation Testing Market
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Market Segment,
Major Instrument, Reagent Supplier Sales and Market Shares
IX. Germany Coagulation Testing Market
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Market Segment,
Major Instrument, Reagent Supplier Sales and Market Shares
X. Italy Coagulation Testing Market
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Market Segment,
Major Instrument, Reagent Supplier Sales and Market Shares
XI. Spain Coagulation Testing Market
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Market Segment,
Major Instrument, Reagent Supplier Sales and Market Shares
XII. U.K. Coagulation Testing Market
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Market Segment,
Major Instrument, Reagent Supplier Sales and Market Shares
Table of Contents (continued)
XIII. Competitive Assessments
The report provides strategic assessments of over 20 leading coagulation market
players and start-up companies with innovative technologies and products,
Beckman Coulter/Danaher
Becton Dickinson
Diagnostica Stago
Helena Laboratories
Sekisui Diagnostics
Siemens Healthineers
Thermo Fisher and others

List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Activated Clotting Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing APTT Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Alpha-2 Antiplasmin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Antithrombin III Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Bleeding Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing D-dimer Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Factor Assays
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Fibrin Degradation
Product Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Fibrinogen Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Heparin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasmin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasminogen Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasminogen Activator
Inhibitor Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Platelet Aggregation
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Protein C Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Protein S Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PT Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Thrombin Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing TPA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Von Willebrand's
Factor Tests
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Laboratories Performing
Coagulation Tests By Country
List of Tables (continued)
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Coagulation Test Volume
By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Coagulation Reagent
Market By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Coagulation Instrument
Market By Country
Worldwide, All Market Segments, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Country
Executive Summary Table: France, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
France, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
France, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
France, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
France, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
France, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
France, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
France, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
France, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
France, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
France, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
France, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents Estimated Sales
And Market Shares
France, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
France, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
France, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
France, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: Germany, Total Coagulation
Diagnostics Market By Market Segment and Product Category
Germany, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing
Coagulation Tests By Annual Test Volume
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily
Test Volume
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practice Average Daily Test Volume
Germany, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
Germany, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices Coagulation Test Volume
Germany, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
Germany, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents, Estimated
Sales and Market Shares
Germany, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
Germany, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
Germany, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
Germany, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: Italy, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
Italy, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
Italy, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
Italy, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
Italy, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Italy, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Italy, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
Italy, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
Italy, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Italy, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Italy, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
Italy, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents Estimated Sales
And Market Shares
Italy, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
Italy, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
Italy, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
Italy, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: Spain, Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
Spain, Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
Spain, Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
Spain, Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
Spain, Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Spain, Ambulatory Care Centers Average Daily Test Volume
Spain, Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
Spain, Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
Spain, All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
Spain, Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Spain, Ambulatory Care Centers Coagulation Test Volume
Spain, Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
Spain, Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
Spain, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents, Estimated
Sales and Market Shares
Spain, Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
Spain, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
Spain, Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
Spain, Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimates Sales and Market Shares
Executive Summary Table: U.K., Total Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Market Segment and Product Category
U.K., Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests By Market Segment
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
U.K., Commercial/Private Laboratories Performing Coagulation
Tests By Annual Test Volume
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
U.K., Commercial/Private Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
U.K., Total Coagulation Test Volume By Market Segment
U.K., All Market Segments Coagulation Test Volume
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
U.K., Commercial/Private Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume
U.K., Coagulation Reagent Market By Market Segment
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents Estimated Sales
and Market Shares
U.K., Coagulation Instrument Market By Market Segment
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers, Estimated
Instrument Sales and Market Shares
U.K., Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
