ライフサイエンス分析市場は、予測期間 (2020-30年) 中13.3%のCAGRで成長し、2019年の203億ドルから2030年までに451億ドルを超える見込みです。世界的に、臨床試験の販売やマーケティングにおけるアナリティクスの採用が増加していることが、ライフサイエンスアナリティクスの市場の成長を促進すると予想されます。さらに、世界的な慢性疾患の有病率の増加と、患者の転帰の改善に伴う医療費の増加が、この市場の成長を後押ししています。さらに、精密医療やカスタマイズされた医療における分析の使用が、ライフサイエンス分析の世界市場の成長を促進しています。さらに、医療インフラ開発への政府投資の増加も推進要因です。
1. Executive Summary
2. Digital Pathology Market
1. Product Overview
2. Market Definition
3. Segmentation
4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
1. Research Objectives
2. Primary Research
3. Secondary Research
4. Forecast Model
5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
1. Growth Drivers
2. Restraints
3. Opportunity
4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
1. Correlation Matrix
2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
1. Demand Risk Analysis
2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Digital Pathology Analysis
1. Porters Five Forces
1. Threat of New Entrants
2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
3. Threat of Substitutes
4. Rivalry
2. PEST Analysis
1. Political
2. Economic
3. Social
4. Technological
11. Digital Pathology Market
1. Market Size & forecast, 2019A-2030F
1. By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
2. By Volume (Million Units) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12. Digital Pathology: Market Segmentation
1. By Regions
1. North America:
• By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
2. Europe:
• By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
3. Asia-Pacific:
• By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
4. MEA:
• By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
5. Latin America:
• By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2. By Product: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.2.1. Software, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.2. Scanner, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.1. Communication Systems, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.2. Storage Systems, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3 By Application: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.3.1. Disease Diagnosis, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.2. Teleconsultation, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.3. Drug Discovery, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.3. Training & Education, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4 By End User: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.4.1. Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.2. Hospitals and Clinics, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.3. Academics Institutes & Research Laboratories, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
13. Company Profile
1. 3DHistech Ltd
1. Company Overview
2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
3. Market Potential
4. Global Presence
5. Key Performance Indicators
6. SWOT Analysis
7. Product Launch
2. Hamamatsu Photonics KK
3. Danaher Corporation (Leica Biosystems Nussloch GmbH)
4. Mikroscan Technologies Inc.
5. Nikon Corporation
6. Olympus Corporation
7. Koninklijke Philips NV
8. F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG(Ventana Medical Systems Inc.)
9. Visiopharm AS
10. Proscia Inc.
11. Sectra AG
Consultant Recommendation
The above-given segmentations and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.