
レポートナンバー 0000038563

世界のmRNAがんワクチンの臨床試験と市場の将来展望 2024

Kuick Research

Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines Clinical Trials and Market Future Outlook 2024

発刊日 2024/06








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


  • 臨床試験におけるmRNAがんワクチン: >60ワクチン
  • 臨床試験の最高段階:第III相 (2ワクチン)
  • mRNAがんワクチンの臨床試験:企業別、国別、適応症別、フェーズ別
  • 2029年までに初のmRNAワクチンの商業承認が見込まれる
  • mRNAがんワクチンの臨床試験を支配する米国と中国: >45ワクチン
  • 皮膚がんのdominating試験のためのmRNAワクチン:>10種類のワクチン


これまでのところ、mRNAがんワクチンは商業世界市場に参入しておらず、mRNAワクチンの候補であるCMB-305とmRNA 4157が結合しており、開発の後期段階(フェーズIII)にあり、最初の画期的なmRNAがんワクチンが今後5〜7年で世界市場に参入すると予測でき、最初のmRNAがんワクチンの窓は、12-18か月以内の承認後に1億ドルの総収益をもたらすと想定しています。世界のmRNA臨床状況に関するKuicK Researchの最近の調査によると、3〜4種類のmRNAがんワクチンが、次の10年間で商業的に市場に参入する可能性が高いとのことです。また、今後数年間で50億ドルを超える累積売上高が見込まれています。



Table of Content

1. mRNA Vaccines as Next Generation Cancer Immunotherapy
1.1 mRNA Vaccines Overview
1.2 mRNA Vaccines v/s Other Cancer Therapeutic Approaches
1.3 mRNA Vaccines v/s Other Vaccines

2. Global mRNA Cancer Vaccine Clinical Trials Insight By Company, Country, Indication and Phase
2.1 Research
2.2 Preclinical
2.3 Phase I
2.4 Phase I/II
2.5 Phase II
2.6 Phase II/III
2.7 Phase III

3. Global Cancer mRNA Vaccines Clinical Pipeline Overview
3.1 By Company
3.2 By Country
3.3 By Indication
3.4 By Patient Segment
3.5 By Phase
3.6 By Priority Status

4. Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines Market Overview
4.1 Current Market Trends
4.2 Future Market Commercialization and Clinical Opportunities

5. Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines Market Trends by Country
5.1 US
5.2 China
5.3 Australia
5.4 Europe
5.5 Canada
5.6 UK

6. Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines Clinical Landscape by Indication
6.1 Breast Cancer
6.2 Brain Cancer
6.3 Melanoma
6.4 Colorectal Cancer
6.5 Head and Neck Cancers
6.6 Lung Cancer
6.7 Cervical Cancer
6.8 Digestive System Cancer

7. Global mRNA Cancer Vaccines Market Collaborations, Deals and Investments

8. Proprietary Technologies and Methodologies for mRNA Cancer Vaccine Development
8.1 FixVac - BioNTech
8.2 iNeST - BioNTech
8.3 NanoReady - Samyang Holdings
8.4 CureVac Method - CureVac
8.5 mRNA platform - Moderna
8.6 NeoCura Ag - NeoCura
8.7 OligoPhoreandtrade; and SemaPhoreandtrade; - Altamira Therapeutics
8.8 mRNA Medicines Platform and Proprietary LNP Delivery Technology - Providence
8.9 Therapeutic
8.10 RNAimmune

9. Competitive Landscape
9.1 BioNTech
9.2 Combined Therapeutics
9.3 CureVac
9.4 EpiVax
9.5 HDT Bio
9.6 Immorna
9.7 Immune Design
9.8 MDimune
9.9 Moderna Therapeutics
9.10 NeoCura
9.11 pHion Therapeutics
9.12 Providence Therapeutics
9.13 Regen BioPharma
9.14 RNAimmune
9.15 TransCode Therapeutics

List of Figures
Figure 3-1: Global - mRNA Cancer Vaccines Clinical Pipeline by Company (Numbers), 2024
Figure 3-2: Global - mRNA Cancer Vaccines Clinical Pipeline by Country (Numbers), 2024
Figure 3-3: Global - mRNA Cancer Vaccines Clinical Pipeline by Indication (Numbers), 2024
Figure 3-4: Global - mRNA Cancer Vaccines Clinical Pipeline by Patient Segment (Numbers), 2024
Figure 3-5: Global - mRNA Cancer Vaccines Clinical Pipeline by Phase (Numbers), 2024
Figure 3-6: Global - mRNA Cancer Vaccines Clinical Pipeline by Priority Status (Numbers), 2023
Figure 6-1: KEYNOTE-603 Phase I (NCT03313778) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-2: Autogene Cevumeran Phase I (NCT03289962) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-3: CVGBM Phase I (NCT05938387) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-4: Autogene Cevumeran Phase I (NCT03289962) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-5: BNT111 Phase I (NCT04526899) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-6: mRNA-4157 Phase II (NCT03897881) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-7: mRNA-4157 Phase III (NCT05933577) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-8: BNT122 Phase II (NCT04486378) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-9: BNT113 Phase II (NCT04534205) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-10: mRNA-4157 Phase I (NCT03313778) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-11: BI1361849 Phase I/II (NCT03164772) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-12: V940 Phase III (NCT06077760) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-13: Autogene cevumeran Phase I (NCT04161755) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-14: Autogene cevumeran Phase II (NCT05968326) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 8-1: BioNTech - uRNA products
Figure 8-2: BioNTech - iNeST technology
Figure 8-3: CureVac - CureVac Method for Generation of mRNA Therapeutics
Figure 8-4: Moderna - mRNA Technology
Figure 8-5: NeoCura - NeoCura Ag Platform
Figure 8-6: Providence Therapeutic - mRNA Medicines Platform Benefits

List of Tables
Table 1-1: mRNA Vaccines v/s Other Cancer Therapeutic Approaches
Table 1-2: mRNA-Based Cancer Vaccines vs. Other Cancer Vaccines
Table 4-1: Regulatory Designations Granted to Investigational mRNA Cancer Vaccines
Table 5-1: Europe - Ongoing Clinical Trials for mRNA Cancer Vaccines
Table 5-2: UK - Ongoing Clinical Trials for mRNA Cancer Vaccines
Table 6-1: Breast Cancer - Some mRNA Vaccines in Clinical Trials
Table 6-2: Brain Cancer - Some mRNA Vaccines in Clinical Trials
Table 6-3: Melanoma - Some mRNA Vaccines in Clinical Trials
Table 6-4: Colorectal Cancer - Some mRNA Vaccines in Clinical Trials
Table 6-5: Head and Neck Cancer mRNA Vaccines in Clinical Trials
Table 6-6: Lung Cancer - Some mRNA Vaccines in Clinical Trials
Table 6-7: Cervical Cancer - Some mRNA Vaccines in Clinical Trials
Table 6-8: Digestive System Cancers - Some mRNA Vaccines in Clinical Trials
