
レポートナンバー 0000038629

中東の核酸検査(NAT)市場機会(2024年):11カ国 - 競合シェアと成長戦略、2023年から2028年の100の感染症、遺伝子、がん、法医学、父子鑑定の検査量と売上セグメント予測 - 最新の技術と機器パイプライン、市場の障壁とリスク


2024 Middle East Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) Market Opportunities in 11 Countries--Competitive Shares and Growth Strategies, 2023-2028 Volume and Sales Segment Forecasts for 100 Infectious, Genetic, Cancer, Forensic and Paternity Tests--Latest Technologies and Instrumentation Pipeline, Market Barriers and Risks

発刊日 2024/06/11





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このレポートは、現在のサプライヤーと潜在的な市場参入者が、今後5年間に分子診断市場で出現する主要なビジネス チャンスを特定し、評価するのに役立つように設計されています。レポートはセクション別に提供されており、特定の情報ニーズと予算に合わせてカスタマイズできます。


  • 主要国におけるサプライヤーの売上と市場シェア
  • 5年間の検査量と売上予測
  • 革新的な技術と製品を開発している市場プレーヤーと新興企業の戦略的プロファイル
  • 新興技術
  • 分子診断分析装置のレビュー
  • 機器および消耗品サプライヤー向けの特定の製品とビジネスチャンス


分子診断市場は、疑いなく体外診断業界で最も急速に成長している分野です。今後 5 年間は、試薬システムと自動化の大きな進歩、そして革新的なマーケティング手法を必要とする幅広い新製品の導入が見られるでしょう。ただし、日常的な臨床検査室への市場浸透率は、増幅法を備えた費用対効果の高い自動化システムの導入にかかっています。





  • 主要市場における分子診断試薬キットおよびコンポーネントの主要サプライヤーの売上と市場シェア
  • 以下の主要アプリケーションに関する5年間の検査量と売上予測
    ➣ 感染症
    ➣ 法医学検査
    ➣ がん
    ➣ 父子鑑定/HLA タイピング
    ➣ 遺伝性疾患
    ➣ その他
  • 30種類以上のNAT検査の5年間の検査量と売上予測
  • 以下の国別および研究室セグメント別のシーケンシング市場の包括的な分析
    ➣ 産業
    ➣ 学術
    ➣ 政府
    ➣ 商業
  • 主要国の市場力学、動向、構造、規模、成長、サプライヤーのレビューを含む市場セグメンテーション分析


  • Abbott社、Beckman Coulter社、BD社、Bio-Rad社、Gen-Probe社、Roche社、Tecan社およびその他のサプライヤーが販売する主要分子診断分析装置の比較
  • 分子診断技術、検査形式、検出方法、検査自動化の動向、30以上の標的/シグナル増幅法の広範なレビュー
  • 新しい分子診断技術や製品を開発する大学や研究センター


  • 主要サプライヤーと新興市場参入企業の売上、製品ポートフォリオ、マーケティング戦略、協力体制、研究開発における新技術/製品など、広範な戦略的評価
  • 分子診断製品を開発・販売している企業(検査別と用途別)


  • 今後5年間で大きな市場訴求力を発揮する可能性のある具体的な新製品開発の機会
  • 新製品の設計基準
  • 代替市場浸透戦略
  • 潜在的な市場参入障壁とリスク
  • 事業計画の問題と懸念事項



Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Major Product Development Opportunities
A. Instrumentation
B. Reagent Kits and Test Systems/panels
C. Computers, Software and Automation
D. Auxiliary Products
III. Design Criteria for Decentralized Testing Products
IV. Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for Decentralized Testing Markets
V. Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
VI. Market and Technology Review
A. DNA Sequencing
1. Introduction
2. Sequencing Methods
3. Autoradiography
4. The Human Genome Project
5. Sequencing Automation
6. Image Scanners
7. Fluorescent Detection
8. Gene Profiling
9. Gene Expression
10. Polymorphism Screening
11. Protein Interaction Networks
B. DNA and RNA Probe Technologies
1. Basic Principles
2. Probe Preparation
3. The DNA Probe Test
4. Test Formats
5. Labeling Techniques
6. Amplification Methods
C. Detection Technologies
1. Radioactive Methods
2. Non-Isotopic Methods
D. Instrumentation
Review of latest analyzers from Abbott, Beckm an Coulter/Danaher, Becton Dickinson, bioMerieux,
Bio-Rad, Cepheid, Hologic, Qiagen, Roche, Siemens Healthineers, and others.
E. Biochips: Genosensors, Microarrays, Labs-on-the-Chip
- Liquid Transportation and Mixing
- Separation
- Reaction
- Detection
F. Pharmacogenomics
G. Major Applications
1. Microbiology/Infectious
a. Overview
b. Major Infectious
- Adenovirus
- Aeromonads
- Anthrax/Bacillus Anthracis
- Arboviruses
- Babesiosis
- Bacillary Epithelioid Angiomatosis (BEA), other Bartonella (Rochalimaea)
- Blastocystis Hominis
- Brucella
- Campylobacter
- Candida
- Chagas Disease
- Chancroid
- Chlamydia
- Clostridium Difficile
- Coronaviruses
- Coxsackieviruses
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob’s Disease
- Cryptosporidium Parvum
- Cyclospora Cayetanensis
- Cytomegalovirus
- Ebola Virus
- E. Coli
- EchoVirus
- Encephalitis
- Enteroviruses
- Epstein-Barr Virus
- Giardia Lamblia
- Gonorrhea
- Granuloma Inguinale
- Hantavirus
- Helicobacter Pylori
- Hepatitis
- Herpes Simplex Virus
- Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6)
- Influenza Viruses
- Legionella
- Lyme Disease
- Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
- Malaria
- Measles (Rubeo la)
- Meningitis
- Microsporidium
- Mononucleosis
- Mumps
- Mycoplasma
- Papillomaviruses
- Parvovirus B19
- Pneumonia
- Polyomaviruses
- Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
- Rabies
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
- Rhinoviruses
- Rotavirus
- Rubella
- Salmonellosis
- Septicemia
- Shigellosis
- Staphylococcus Aureus
- Streptococci
- Syphilis
- Toxoplasmosis
- Trichomonas Vaginalis
- Tuberculosis
- Vibrio
- West Nile Virus
- Yersina
- West Nile Virus
- Yersina
2. Cancer Testing
a. Overview
b. Major Cancer Types
- Prostate
- Lung
- Colon and Rectum
- Breast
- Skin
- Uterine
- Leukemia
- Oral
c. Oncogenes
The report provides review of both current and emerging oncogenes, including:
- Abl/abl-bcr
- AIB1
- BCL-2
- CD44
- C-fos
- C-myb
- C-myc
- CYP17
- Erb-B
- HPC1
- N-myc
- P40
- P51
- P53
- PTI-1
- Ras
- Reg
- Sis
- Src
3. Genetic Diseases
a. Overview
b. Nucleic Acid Amplification
c. Chromosome Imaging
d. Genomics Technologies
e. Proteomics Technologies
f. Current Pharmacogenomic Tests
g. Future Pharmacogenomic Testing
h. Major Diseases
- Achondroplasia
- Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Cancer
- Cosmetogenomics
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Down's Syndrome
- Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophy
- Factor V (Leiden)
- Factor IX Deficiency
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Heart Disease
- Hemochomatosis
- Hemophilia
- Huntington's Disease
- Maternal-Fetal Incompatibility
- Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia
- Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
- Prenatal Screening
- Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Retinoblastoma
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Vitamin B12 Metabolism
i. Social Issues and Concerns
4. Forensic Testing
a. Overview
b. Multilocus and Single Locus Probes
c. DNA Profile Data Banks
d. Judicial Implementation
e. Major Crime Categories
f. Factors Contributing to the DNA Probe Market Expansion
- Technology Availability
- Use of Hair as Evidence
g. Wildlife Forensics
5. Paternity Testing/HLA Typing
6. Other Applications
a. Disease Susceptibility Testing
b. Cardiovascular Diseases
c. Diabetes
d. Alzheimer's Disease
e. Periodontal Disease
f. Plasma Purification
g. Organ Transplantation
h. Water Contamination
i. Other
H. Competing/complementing
1. Monoclonal Antibodies/Immunoassays
2. RNA Probes
3. Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis
4. Flow Cytometry
VII. 11-Country Analyses: Volume and Sales Forecasts--Infectious Diseases, Genetic
Diseases, Cancer, Forensic and Paternity Testing
VIII. Competitive Assessments
The report provides strategic assessments of over 40 leading molecular diagnostics market players and
start-up companies with innovative technologies and products, including:
Abbott, Agilent Technologies, Beckman Coulter/Danaher, Becton Dickinson, bioMerieux, Bio-Rad,
Cepheid, DiaSorin, Eiken Chemical, Enzo, Fujirebio, Grifols, Hologic, Illumina, LabCorp/Sequenom, Leica
Biosystems, Myriad Genetics, Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Qiagen, Quest Diagnostics, Quidel, Roche,
Shimadzu, Siemens Healthineers, Sierra Molecular, Takara Bio, Tecan Group, Thermo Fisher, Wako and
IX. Appendix: Major Universities and Research Centers Developing Innovative
Molecular Diagnostic Technologies and Products

List of Tables
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Saudi Arabia
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
Saudi Arabia
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
Saudi Arabia
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
Saudi Arabia
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
Saudi Arabia
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
United Arab Emirates
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume and Sales Forecasts by Application
United Arab Emirates
Molecular Diagnostics Test Volume Forecasts by Application
United Arab Emirates
Major Infectious Disease Test Volume Forecasts by Assay
United Arab Emirates
Molecular Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Application
United Arab Emirates
Major Infectious Disease Diagnostics Market Forecasts by Assay
Major Companies Developing or Marketing AIDS Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Adenovirus
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Bartonella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Campylobacter
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Candida
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Chlamydia
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Clostridium
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Coronavirus
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Cryptosporidium
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CMV Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Echovirus Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Enterovirus Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing EBV Molecular
Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Giardia
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Gonorrhea
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hantavirus
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Helicobacter
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hepatitis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Herpes
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Influenza
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Legionella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lyme
Disease Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Measles
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Meningitis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mononucleosis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mumps
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mycoplasma
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Pneumonia
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing RSV
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Rotavirus
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Rubella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Salmonella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Septicemia
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Shigella
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Streptococci
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Syphilis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Toxoplasmosis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Trichomonas
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Tuberculosis
Molecular Diagnostic and Other Direct Identification Tests
Oncogenes Potential Application in Cancer Diagnosis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Cancer
Molecular Diagnostic Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Molecular
Diagnostic Tests for Genetic Diseases
