
レポートナンバー 0000038698

ガンマデルタT細胞療法の世界市場:機会と臨床試験の洞察 2030

Kuick Research

Global Gamma Delta T Cell Cancer Therapy Market Opportunity and Clinical Trials Insight 2030

発刊日 2024/06








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


  • 試験中のガンマデルタT細胞療法の数:>30
  • 米国と中国が支配する臨床試験環境: >20の治療法
  • 世界のガンマデルタT細胞療法臨床試験の洞察:企業、国、適応症、フェーズ別
  • ガンマデルタT細胞療法の将来の市場機会:さまざまながん別
  • 進化するガンマデルタT細胞療法のための臨床プラットフォームに関する洞察:企業ごとに>10のプラットフォーム
  • がん別の臨床研究開発動向
  • ガンマデルタT細胞療法を開発する12社の洞察




Table of Content

1. Introduction To Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy
1.1 Emerging Role of T Cell Based Immunotherapies
1.2 Overview of Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy
1.3 Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy v/s Conventional Therapies

2. Role of Gamma Delta T Cells in Cancer
2.1 Gamma Delta T Cells in Cancer Progression
2.2 Anti Tumor Activity of Gamma Delta T Cells
2.3 Adopted Approaches for Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy

3. Global Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Overview
3.1 Current Market Scenario
3.2 Market Potential of Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market

4. Global Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Clinical Trials Overview
4.1 By Phase
4.2 By Country
4.3 By Company
4.4 By Indication
4.5 By Priority Status

5. Global Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Clinical Trials Insight By Company, Country, Indication and Phase
5.1 Research
5.2 Preclinical
5.3 Phase I
5.4 Phase I/II
5.5 Phase II

6. Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy in Leukemia
6.1 Ongoing Clinical Research and Development Trends
6.2 Future Market Opportunity of Gamma Delta T Cells in Leukemia

7. Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy in Lung Cancer
7.1 Ongoing Clinical Research and Development Trends
7.2 Future Market Opportunity of Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy in Lung Cancer

8. Gamma Delta T Cells in Breast Cancer
8.1 Ongoing Clinical Research and Development Trends
8.2 Future Market Opportunity of Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy in Breast Cancer

9. Gamma Delta T Cells in Colorectal Cancer
9.1 Ongoing Clinical Research and Development Trends
9.2 Future Market Potential of Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy in Colorectal Cancer

10. Gamma Delta T Cells in Pancreatic Cancer
10.1 Ongoing Clinical Research and Development Trends
10.2 Future Market Potential of Gamma Delta Therapy in Pancreatic Cancer

11. Gamma Delta T Cells in Lymphoma
11.1 Ongoing Clinical Research and Development Trends
11.2 Future Outlook in Lymphoma

12. Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy in Brain Tumors
12.1 Research and Development in Brain Tumors
12.2 Future Outlook in Brain Tumors

13. Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy in Head and Neck Cancer
13.1 Research and Development in Head and Neck Cancer
13.2 Future Outlook in Head and Neck Cancer

14. Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy in Autoimmune, Inflammatory and Microbial Ailments
14.1 Research and Development in Autoimmune, Inflammatory and Microbial Ailments

15. Combination Methodologies for Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy

16. Platforms for Evolving Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy

17. Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Dynamics
17.1 Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market: Favorable Parameters
17.2 Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market: Challenges

18. Competitive Landscape
18.1 Acepodia
18.2 Adicet
18.3 Cytomed Therapeutics
18.4 Expression Therapeutics
18.5 Janssen Biotech
18.6 Gadeta
18.7 GammaDelta Therapeutics (Takeda)
18.8 IN8bio
18.9 Kiromic Biopharma
18.10 Lava Therapeutics
18.11 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
18.12 TC Biopharm

List of Figures & Tables
Figure 1-1: History of T cell Based Immunotherapy
Figure 1-2: Gamma Delta T cell Therapy
Figure 1-3: Stimulants of Gamma Delta T Cells
Figure 1-4: Limitation of CAR T Cell Therapy
Figure 1-5: Limitations of TIL
Figure 1-6: Limitations of Monoclonal Antibodies
Figure 1-7: Drawbacks of Chemotherapeutic Drugs
Figure 2-1: Pro-Tumor Role of Gamma Delta T Cells
Figure 2-2: Antigen Presentation Functions of Gamma Delta T-Cells
Figure 2-3: Anti-Tumor Activity of Gamma Delta T-Cells
Figure 2-4: Gamma Delta T Cell Bispecific Antibodies - Mechanism of Action
Figure 2-5: Functional Advantages of andgamma;anddelta; T Cells for CAR T Cancer Therapy
Figure 2-6: CAR andgamma;anddelta; T Cells - Mechanism of Action
Figure 3-1: Global - Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024 - 2030
Figure 3-2: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 1% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-3: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 2% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-4: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 3% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-5: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 4% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-6: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 5% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-7: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 6% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-8: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 7% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-9: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 8% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-10: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 9% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 3-11: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Market Opportunity by 10% of Total Cell Therapy Market (US$ Billion), 2024-2030
Figure 4-1: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Clinical Trials By Phase (Numbers), 2024 - 2030
Figure 4-2: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Clinical Trials By Country (Numbers), 2024 - 2030
Figure 4-3: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Clinical Trials By Company (Numbers), 2024 - 2030
Figure 4-4: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Clinical Trials By Indication (Numbers), 2024
Figure 4-5: Global - Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Clinical Trials By Priority Status (Numbers), 2024
Figure 6-1: Benefits of Gamma Delta T Cells in Leukemia
Figure 6-2: CD33CART Phase 1/2 (NCT03971799) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-3: CD33CART Phase 2 (NCT03971799) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-4: INB-100 Phase 1 (NCT03533816) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-5: Mechanism of Action of Vandgamma;9/CD123 Bispecific Antibody
Figure 6-6: Global - Estimated Leukemia Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 6-7: US - Estimated Leukemia Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 6-8: Europe - Estimated Leukemia Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 6-9: China - Estimated Leukemia Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 6-10: Japan - Estimated Leukemia Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 7-1: Role of Gamma Delta T Cells in Lung Cancer
Figure 7-2: KB-GDT-01 Phase 1 (NCT06069570) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-3: Global - Estimated Lung Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 7-4: US - Estimated Lung Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 7-5: Europe - Estimated Lung Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 7-6: China - Estimated Lung Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 7-7: Japan - Estimated Lung Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 8-1: Global - Estimated Breast Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 8-2: US - Estimated Breast Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 8-3: Europe - Estimated Breast Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 8-4: China - Estimated Breast Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 8-5: Japan - Estimated Breast Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 9-1: Role of Gamma Delta T Cells in Colorectal Cancer
Figure 9-2: Mechanism Underlying B7-H3 Regulating andgamma;anddelta; T Cells Killing Colon Cancer Cells
Figure 9-3: PF-08046052 Phase I (NCT05983133) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 9-4: Global - Estimated Colorectal Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 9-5: US - Estimated Colorectal Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 9-6: Europe - Estimated Colorectal Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 9-7: China - Estimated Colorectal Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 9-8: Japan - Estimated Colorectal Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 10-1: Auspicious Outcomes Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy
Figure 10-2: Role of Gamma Delta T Cells in Pancreatic Cancer Progression
Figure 10-3: Global - Estimated Pancreatic Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 10-4: US - Estimated Pancreatic Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 10-5: Europe - Estimated Pancreatic Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 10-6: China - Estimated Pancreatic Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 10-7: Japan - Estimated Pancreatic Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 11-1: ACE1831 Phase I (NCT05653271) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 11-2: ADI-001 Phase I (NCT04735471) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 11-3: Global - Estimated Lymphoma Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 11-4: US - Estimated Lymphoma Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 11-5: Europe - Estimated Lymphoma Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 11-6: China - Estimated Lymphoma Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 11-7: Japan - Estimated Lymphoma Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 12-1: DeltEx With Temozolomide (TMZ) Phase 1/2 (NCT05664243) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 12-2: IN8bio - Autologous (INB-400) and Allogeneic (INB-410) Candidates
Figure 12-3: andgamma;anddelta; T Cells Phase 1 (NCT04165941) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 12-4: Aflac-NBL-2002 Phase 1 (NCT05400603) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 12-5: Global - Estimated Brain Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 12-6: US - Estimated Brain Tumor Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 12-7: Europe - Estimated Brain Tumor Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 12-8: China - Estimated Brain Tumor Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 12-9: Japan - Estimated Brain Tumor Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 13-1: Acepodia Biotech Clinical Pipeline Insight
Figure 13-2: Pfizer and Lava Therapeutics Collaboration
Figure 13-3L: SGN-EGFRd2 Phase 1 (NCT05983133) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 13-4: Global - Estimated Head and Neck Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 13-5: US - Estimated Head and Neck Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 13-6: Europe - Estimated Head and Neck Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 13-7: China - Estimated Head and Neck Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 13-8: Japan - Estimated Head and Neck Cancer Cases, 2024-2030
Figure 14-1: ADI-001 Phase 1 (NCT06375993) Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 14-2: Adicet Bio ADI-001 Fast Track Designation
Figure 14-3: ImCheck Therapeutics - Clinical Candidates Indications and Mode of Action Insights
Figure 14-4: ICT21 - Mechanism of Action
Figure 15-1: Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy Combinations
Figure 16-1: IN8bio - DeltEx DRI Auto
Figure 16-2: Diamond AI - Prediction Engine
Figure 16-3: Diamond AI - Immune Surveillance
Figure 16-4: Acepodia - Antibody-Cell Conjugation
Figure 16-5: Lava Therapeutics - Gammabody Platform
Figure 16-6: Adicet Bio - Gamma Delta Cell Platform
Figure 16-7: ADI-001 - Gamma Delta Cell Therapy
Figure 16-8: Century Therapeutics - Allo-Evasion
Figure 16-9: ViGenCell - ViRanger Platform
Figure 16-10: Legend Biotech - CAR-andgamma;anddelta; T Platform
Figure 16-11: Immatics - ACTalloandreg; Manufacturing Process
Figure 17-1: Global - Cancer Incidences and Mortality Rates (Billion), 2020 and 2040
Figure 17-2: Gamma Delta T Cells Favorable Market Parameters
Figure 17-3: Stages of Drug Development

List of Tables
Table 3-1: Candidates with Regulatory Designations
Table 6-1: Global - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Leukemia, 2024-2030
Table 6-2: US - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Leukemia, 2024-2030
Table 6-3: Europe - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Leukemia, 2024-2030
Table 6-4: China - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Leukemia, 2024-2030
Table 6-5: Japan - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Leukemia, 2024-2030
Table 7-1: Global - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lung Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 7-2: US - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lung Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 7-3: Europe - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lung Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 7-4: China - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lung Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 7-5: Japan - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lung Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 8-1: Global - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Breast Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 8-2: US - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Breast Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 8-3: Europe - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Breast Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 8-4: China - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Breast Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 8-5: Japan - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Breast Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 9-1: Global - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Colorectal Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 9-2: US - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Colorectal Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 9-3: Europe - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Colorectal Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 9-4: China - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Colorectal Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 9-5: Japan - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Colorectal Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 10-1: Global - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Pancreatic Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 10-2: US - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Pancreatic Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 10-3: Europe - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Pancreatic Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 10-4: China - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Pancreatic Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 10-5: Japan - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Pancreatic Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 11-1: Global - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lymphoma , 2024-2030
Table 11-2: US - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lymphoma , 2024-2030
Table 11-3: Europe - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lymphoma, 2024-2030
Table 11-4: China - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lymphoma , 2024-2030
Table 11-5: Japan - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Lymphoma , 2024-2030
Table 12-1: Global - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Brain Tumors, 2024-2030
Table 12-2: US - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Brain Tumors, 2024-2030
Table 12-3: Europe - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Brain Tumors, 2024-2030
Table 12-4: China - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Brain Tumors , 2024-2030
Table 12-5: Japan - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Brain Tumors , 2024-2030
Table 13-1: Global - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Head and Neck Cancers, 2024-2030
Table 13-2: US - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Head and Neck Cancers, 2024-2030
Table 13-3: Europe - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Head and Neck Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 13-4: China - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Head and Neck Cancers, 2024-2030
Table 13-5: Japan - Estimated Adoption Rate of Gamma Delta T Cell in Head and Neck Cancer, 2024-2030
Table 15-1: Ongoing Preclinical and Clinical Trials for Combination of Gamma Delta T Cell Therapy
