
レポートナンバー 0000039151

イギリスの病院止血診断市場(2024年)- サプライヤーシェアと売上セグメント予測


2024 U.K. Hospital Hemostasis Diagnostics Market: Supplier Shares and Sales Segment Forecasts

発刊日 2024/07/01





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  • イギリスの凝固検査室の実践に関する主要な問題、および今後 5 年間に市場に大きな影響を与える主要な経済、規制、人口、社会、技術の動向
  • イギリスの病院で行われている40の凝固手技の件数と売上予測(典型的な凝固手技の1日の作業負荷を含む)
  • 現在の計測技術のレビューと主要な分析装置の機能比較
  • 試薬・機器の売上予測
  • 主要試薬・機器メーカーの売上高と市場シェア
  • 凝固技術とその潜在的な市場応用のレビュー
  • 凝固器具と消耗品の主なビジネスチャンス
  • 売上高、市場シェア、製品ポートフォリオ、マーケティング戦術、技術ノウハウ、研究開発中の新製品、協業体制、事業戦略など、現在および新興の主要サプライヤーのプロファイル
  • 機器・試薬サプライヤーにとってのビジネスチャンスと戦略的提言



Table of Contents
Worldwide Market and Technology Overview
A. Major Routine and Special Coagulation Tests
1. Introduction
2. Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
3. Alpha-2 Antiplasmin
4. Antithrombin III
5. Bleeding Time
6. D-Dimer
7. Ethanol Flocculation Test
8. Euglobulin Lysis
9. Factor Assays
a. Introduction
b. Factor II
c. Factor V/Factor V Leiden
d. Factor VII
e. Factor VIII
f. Factor IX
g. Factor IXa
h. Factor X (Stuart Factor)
i. Factor Xa
j. Factor XI
k. Factor XII
l. Factor XIII
10. Fibrin Degradation Products
11. Fibrinogen
12. Heparin
13. Hirudin
14. Hypercoagulability and Thrombosis
15. Lipoprotein a
16. Plasmin
17. Plasminogen
18. Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI)
19. Platelet Function Tests
20. Platelet Aggregation
21. Proteins C and S
22. Prothrombin Fragment 1.2
23. Prothrombin Time (PT)
24. Reptilase Time
25. Thrombin Time
26. Tissue-Type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA)
27. Von Willebrand's Factor
B. Instrumentation Review
- Introduction
- Benk Hemolab
- Benk TRT Thrombotimer
- Bio/Data MCA 310
- Bio/Data MCA 210
- Bio/Data PAP-4C D/4D/4C
- Cardiovascular Diagnostics COAG
- Diagnostica Stago STA Compact
- Diagnostica Stago STA-R
- Diagnostica Stago Star 4/8
- Helena Laboratories Cascade 480
- Helena Laboratories Cascade M
- Helena Laboratories PACKS-4
- Helena THOR
- Instrumentation Laboratory ACL 100 and 1000 series
- Instrumentation Laboratory ACL6000
- Instrumentation Laboratory ACL7000
- Instrumentation Laboratory ACL9000
- Instrumentation Laboratory Electra 1000C
- Instrumentation Laboratory Electra 1400C
- Instrumentation Laboratory Electra 1600/C
- Instrumentation Laboratory Electra 1800C
- Instrumentation Laboratory Futura
- ITC Hemochron 8000
- Roche Diagnostics CoaguChek
- Siemens BCS
- Siemens BCT
- Siemens BF II/Fibrintimer Series
- Sysmex CA-50
- Sysmex CA-500
- Sysmex CA-1500
- Sysmex CA-5000/CA-1000
- Sysmex CA-6000
- Sysmex CA-7000
- Teco Coatron II/Jr./AccuStasis 5000
- Trinity Biotech Amax CS190
- Trinity Biotech Amax CS400
- Trinity Biotech Coag-A-Mate Max
- Trinity Biotech KC 40, 4A, 1A Series
- Trinity Biotech MDA 180
- Trinity Biotech Coag-A-Mate MTX
- Trinity Biotech Coag-A-Mate RA4
- Trinity Biotech Coag-A-Mate XC/Plus
- Trinity Biotech Coag-A-Mate XM
C. Major in Vitro Diagnostic Technologies and Their
Potential Applications
1. Chromogenic Substrates
2. Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies
3. Immunoassays
a. Applications
b. Technological Principle
c. Enzyme Immunoassays (EIA)
- Overview
- Dot Immunobinding Assays
- Capillary Immunoassays
- Enzyme Amplification
- Electrochemical Immunoassay
d. Fluorescent Immunoassays
- Fluorescence Polarization
- Time-Resolved Pulse Fluorescence
- Fluorescence Lifetime
e. Latex Agglutination
f. Immunoprecipitation
4. Microcomputers
5. Automation
6. Robotics
7. DNA Probes
a. Overview
b. Amplification Methods
- Ligase Chain Reaction
- Branched DNA
- Q-Beta Replicase
- 3 SR
- Two-Tiered System
8. Artificial Intelligence
9. Dry Chemistry
10. Biosensors
D. Worldwide Market Overview
1. Business Environment
2. Market Structure
3. Market Size and Growth
4. POC Testing Market
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers
Major Product Development Opportunities
Design Criteria For Decentralized Testing Products
Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for Decentralized Testing Markets
1. Marketing Approaches
2. Product Complexity
3. Customer Preference
4. Established Suppliers
5. Emerging Suppliers
6. Major Types Of Distributors
7. Market Segmentation
Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
Competitive Assessments
- Abbott
- ADI/American Diagnostica
- Alere/Biosite/Inverness
- Axis-Shield
- Beckman Coulter
- Becton Dickinson
- Bio/Data Corporation
- Chrono-Log
- Corgenix Medical
- Diagnostica Stago/Trinity Biotech
- Grifols
- Helena Laboratories
- HYPEN BioMed
- Instrumentation Laboratory
- Roche
- Siemens
- Sienco
- Sysmex
- Thermo Fischer
- ZyCare/Alere

List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Activated Clotting Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing APTT Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Alpha-2 Antiplasmin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Antithrombin III Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Bleeding Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing D-dimer Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Factor Assays
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Fibrin Degradation
Product Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Fibrinogen Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Heparin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasmin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasminogen Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Plasminogen Activator
Inhibitor Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Platelet Aggregation Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Protein C Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Protein S Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing PT Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Thrombin Time Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing TPA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Von Willebrand's
Factor Tests
Executive Summary Table: U.K., Hospital Coagulation Diagnostics
Market By Product Category
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Performing Coagulation Tests
By Bed Size
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Average Daily Test Volume
U.K., Hospital Laboratories Coagulation Test Volume by Assay
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Reagents
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Analyzers,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
U.K., Total Coagulation Diagnostics Market By Product Category
U.K., Major Suppliers of Coagulation Diagnostic Products,
Estimated Sales and Market Shares
