
レポートナンバー 0000039181

2024年のPOC血液学およびフローサイトメトリーの検査別予測:2023年のサプライヤーシェア - 医師の診療所、ER、OR、ICU、がんクリニック、外来、手術および出産センター、介護施設


2024 POC Hematology and Flow Cytometry Forecasts by Test: 2023 Supplier Shares--Physician Offices, ER, OR, ICU, Cancer Clinics, Ambulatory, Surgery and Birth Centers, Nursing Homes

発刊日 2024/07/01





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  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。






  • 9つのPOC市場セグメントについて、そのダイナミクス、トレンド、構造、規模、成長、主要サプライヤーを含むレビュー
  • 血液学およびフローサイトメトリー検査の以下の市場セグメント別の5年間の検査量および試薬販売予測
      ◇ 医師の診療所/グループ診療所
      ◇ 緊急治療室
      ◇ 手術室/回復室
      ◇ ICU/CCU
      ◇ がんクリニック
      ◇ 外来診療センター
      ◇ 手術センター
      ◇ 介護施設
      ◇ 出産センター


  • 主要な血液学およびフローサイトメトリー試薬・機器メーカーの売上高と市場シェア




  • POC検査の現場で実施された血液学およびフローサイトメトリー手順の分析
  • 現在販売されているものと開発中のものの両方を含む主要な血液学およびフローサイトメトリー分析装置についての動作特性、特徴、販売価格などのレビュー


  • POC検査のための新しい技術とその応用
  • 血液学およびフローサイトメトリーのテスト技術と製品を開発または販売している企業の包括的なリスト(アッセイ別)


  • 主要サプライヤーおよび新興市場参入企業の評価(売上高、製品ポートフォリオ、マーケティング戦略、合弁事業、研究開発中の新製品など)


  • 今後5年間で市場への大きな訴求力を持つ可能性のある、新しい検査機器および試薬システムの具体的な機会
  • POC 検査製品の設計基準
  • 代替のビジネス拡大戦略
  • 潜在的な市場参入障壁およびリスク





Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Rationale for Testing Decentralization
1. Overview
2. Regulatory Trends
3. Economic Trends
4. Demographic Trends
5. Technological Trends
6. Social Trends
7. Quality of Care
8. Defensive Medicine
9. Quality Control Issues
Major Routine and Special Hematology Tests
1. CBC Analysis
a. Hemoglobin Concentration
b. Hematocrit Determination
c. Red Blood Cell Count
d. Platelets
Instrumentation: Hematology Analyzers Manufactured by:
- Abbott
- Becton Dickinson
- Beckman Coulter/Danaher
- Biocode
- Drew-Scientific
- Diesse Ves Matic
- Horiba
- Menarini
- Nihon Kohden
- Polymedco
- Sysmex
Current and Emerging Technologies
1. Monoclonal Antibodies
2. Immunoassays
a. Technological Principle
b. Enzyme Immunoassays (EIA)
Dot Immunobinding Assays
Capillary Immunoassays
Particle-Membrane Capture Immunoassay
Enzyme Amplification
c. Fluorescent Immunoassays
Fluorescent Polarization
Time-Resolved Pulse Fluorescence
d. Luminescence
e. Latex Agglutination
f. Immunoprecipitation
3. Dry Chemistry
4. Biosensors
5. IT and Automation
6. Molecular Diagnostics
a. Technology Overview
b. Amplification Methods
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Ligase Chain Reaction
Branched DNA
Q-Beta Replicase
Strand Displacement Activation
Self-Sustained Sequence Replicase
A. Market Overview
1. Business Environment
a. Health Care Expenditures
b. Cost Consciousness
c. Reimbursement
d. Industry Consolidation
e. Managed Care
f. Hospitals
g. Admissions
h. Length of Stay
i. Industry Diversification
j. Physician Demographics
k. Aging Population
More Chronic Illness
Disease Incidence
Susceptibility to latrogenesis
Multiple Illnesses Cases
l. Laboratory Regulations
2. Market Structure
a. Hospitals
b. Commercial/Private Laboratories
B. Physician Offices/Group Practices
1. Market Summary
2. Market Structure
3. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
C. Ancillary Hospital Locations
1. Introduction
a. Emergency Departments
b. Operating Suites
c. Intensive Care Units
2. Emergency Departments
a. Market Summary
b. Test volume and Sales Forecasts
3. Operating and Recovery Suites
a. Market Summary
b. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
4. ICUs/CCUs
a. Market Summary
b. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
D. Cancer Clinics
1. Introduction
2. Market Summary
3. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
E. Ambulatory Care Centers
1. Introduction
2. Market Summary
3. Market Structure
4. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
F. Surgery Centers
1. Introduction
2. Market Summary
3. Market Structure
4. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
G. Nursing Homes
1. Introduction
2. Market Summary
3. Market Structure
4. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
H. Birth Centers
1. Introduction
2. Market Summary
3. Market Structure
4. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
I. Major Suppliers’ Instrument Placements,
Installed Base, Instrument and Consumables Sales, and Market Shares
A. Market Overview
B. Market Structure
C. Market Summary
D. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
E. Major Suppliers’ Instrument Placements,
Installed Base, Instrument and Consumables Sales, and Market Shares
A. Business Environment
B. Market Structure
C. Market Summary
D. Test Volume and Sales Forecasts
E. Major Suppliers’ Instrument Placements,
Installed Base, Instrument and Consumables Sales, and Market Shares
Major Product Development Opportunities
Design Criteria for Decentralized Testing Products
Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for Decentralized
Testing Markets
1. Marketing Approaches
2. Product complexity
3. Customer Preference
4. Established Suppliers
5. Emerging Suppliers
6. Major Types of Distributors
7. Market Segmentation
Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
Company Profile
- Abbott
- Agilent Technologies
- Beckman Coulter/Danaher
- Becton Dickinson
- Bio-Rad
- CellaVision
- Horiba
- Nihon Kohden
- Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
- Roche
- Siemens Healthineers
- Sysmex

List of Tables
U.S.A., Physician Office/Group Practice
Laboratories Forecast by Practice Size
U.S.A., Physician Offices/Group Practices
Forecast by Type
U.S.A., Office-Based Physicians
Forecast by Practice Type
U.S.A., Physician Offices/Group Practices
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Physician Offices Laboratories
Flow Cytometry and Special Hematology
Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Physician Offices/Group Practices
Hematology and Flow Cytometry Test Volume
Forecast by Practice Type
U.S.A., Physician Offices/Group Practices
Hematology and Flow Cytometry Consumables
Market Forecast
U.S.A., Ancillary Hospital Locations Estimated Number
U.S.A., Ancillary Hospital Locations Annual Utilization
U.S.A., Hospital Emergency Departments
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Hospital Emergency Departments
Hematology Reagent Market Forecast
U.S.A., Hospital Operating and Recovery Suites
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Hospital Operating and Recovery Suites
Hematology Reagent Market Forecast
U.S.A., Hospital ICUs/CCUs
Routine Hemagology Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Hospital ICUs/CCUs
Hematology Reagent Market Forecast
U.S.A., Cancer Clinics Routine
Hematology/Flow Cytometry Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Cancer Clinics Hematology
and Flow Cytometry Reagent Market Forecast
U.S.A., Ambulatory Care Centers Estimated
Number of Facilities and Patient Visits
U.S.A., Ambulatory Care Centers
Most Frequent Diagnoses
U.S.A., Ambulatory Care Centers
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Ambulatory Care Centers
Hematology Reagent Market Forecast
U.S.A., Surgery Centers Most
Frequently Performed Procedures
U.S.A., Surgery Centers
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Surgery Centers Hematology
Consumable Market Forecast
U.S.A., Nursing Homes
Estimated Number of Facilities,
Beds and Occupancy Rate
U.S.A., Nursing Homes
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Nursing Homes
Hematology Reagent Market Forecast
U.S.A., Birth Centers Facilities,
Patient Visits, and Births
U.S.A., Birth Centers
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
U.S.A., Birth Centers
Hematology Reagent Market Forecast
U.S.A., Hematology Analyzers
Estimated Placements and Installed Base
U.S.A., Flow Cytometers
Estimated Placements and Installed Base
U.S.A., Hematology Diagnostics Market
Estimated Market Shares of Major Suppliers
U.S.A., Hematology Instrument Market
Estimated Market Shares of Major Suppliers
U.S.A., Hematology Consumable Market
Estimated Market Shares of Major Suppliers
U.S.A., Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Estimated Market Shares of Major Suppliers
U.S.A., Flow Cytometry Consumable Market
Estimated Market Shares of Major Suppliers
U.S.A., Flow Cytometry Instruments Market
Estimated Market Shares of Major Suppliers

Germany, Laboratory Performing Diagnostic Tests
by Market Segment
Germany, Physician Offices Laboratories
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Major Hematology Analyzers
Estimated Placements and Installed Base
Germany, Major Flow Cytometers
Estimated Placements and Installed Base
Germany, Hematology Diagnostics Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Germany, Hematology Instrument Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Germany, Hematology Consumable Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Germany, Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Germany, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Spain, Laboratory Performing Hematology
And Flow Cytometry Tests by Market Segment
Spain, Ambulatory Care Centers
Routine Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Spain, Ambulatory Care Centers Flow Cytometry
and Special Hematology Test Volume Forecast
Spain, Major Hematology Analyzers
Estimated Placements and Installed Base
Spain, Major Flow Cytometers
Estimated Placements and Installed Base
Spain, Hematology Diagnostics Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Spain, Hematology Consumables Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Spain, Hematology Instrument Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Spain, Flow Cytometry Diagnostics Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Spain, Flow Cytometry Consumables Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
Spain, Flow Cytometry Instrument Market
Market Shares of Major Suppliers
