
レポートナンバー 0000039278

世界のTROP2抗体市場と臨床試験の洞察 2029

Kuick Research

Global TROP2 Antibody Market and Clinical Trials Insight 2029

発刊日 2024/08








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


  • 世界のTROP2抗体市場機会:>30億ドル
  • 世界および地域市場に関する洞察
  • 承認済み医薬品の年間および四半期売上高:地域別
  • 承認された医薬品の投与量と価格に関する洞察
  • 臨床試験中のTROP2抗体:>45種類の薬剤
  • TROP2抗体の臨床試験に関する洞察:企業、国、適応症、フェーズ別
  • TROP2抗体の併用アプローチ

TROP2 (栄養膜細胞表面抗原2) は、乳がん、肺がん、尿路上皮がんなど、さまざまな上皮がんで過剰発現していることから、近年、がん治療の標的として注目されています。この膜タンパク質は、細胞の増殖と生存に不可欠であり、革新的な治療法、特に開発パイプラインを支配する抗体薬物複合体(ADC) の魅力的な標的を提示します。TROP2標的治療の展望は急速な進化を遂げており、大幅な進歩と、このバイオマーカーをより効果的ながん治療に活用することへの関心の高まりが特徴となっています。



Table of Content

1. Introduction to TROP2 Targeting Therapy Market
1.1 Overview
1.2 TROP2 Targeting Therapeutics Mechanism
1.3 TROP2 Ideal Clinical Biomarker for Cancer

2. TROP2 Targeted Antibodies Ongoing Clinical Trials Insight
2.1 By Company
2.2 By Country
2.3 By Patient Segment
2.4 By Phase
2.5 By Priority Status

3. Global TROP2 Antibody Market Outlook
3.1 Current Market Scenario
3.2 Future Market Opportunities

4. Trodelvy (Sacituzumab Govitecan) - First Approved TROP2 Targeting Antibody
4.1 Overview
4.2 Approval, Patent and Exclusivity

5. Trodelvy (Sacituzumab Govitecan) - Commercial Insight
5.1 Dosage and Price Analysis
5.2 Sales Analysis (2020 - 2024)

6. Unveiling TROP2 Therapeutic Frontiers Market Trend By Region
6.1 US
6.2 China
6.3 Australia
6.4 South Korea
6.5 Europe
6.6 Taiwan
6.7 Japan

7. Global TROP2 Targeting Antibodies Market by Cancer
7.1 Breast Cancer
7.2 Lung Cancer
7.3 Gastric Cancer
7.4 Urothelial Cancer
7.5 Ovarian Cancer

8. TROP2 Antibodies Clinical Trials Insight By Company, Country, Indication and Phase
8.1 Research
8.2 Preclinical
8.3 Phase I
8.4 Phase I/II
8.5 Phase II
8.6 Phase III
8.7 Preregistration

9. Marketed TROP2 Antibody Clinical Insight

10. Combination Approaches for TROP2 Antibody

11. Competitive Landscape
11.1 Abion Bio
11.2 Amunix
11.3 Aptamer Sciences
11.4 Arbele
11.5 Aston Science
11.6 AstraZeneca
11.7 Beijing Biocytogen
11.8 BiOneCure Therapeutics
11.9 Biosion
11.10 Bio-Thera Solutions
11.11 Daiichi Sankyo Company
11.12 Hangzhou DAC Biotech
11.13 Innovent Biologics
11.14 Janux Therapeutics
11.15 LegoChem Biosciences
11.16 Merck
11.17 Molecular Templates
11.18 OBI Pharma
11.19 Peak Bio
11.20 Radiopharm Theranostics
11.21 Shanghai Henlius Biotech
11.22 Suzhou GeneQuantum Healthcare

List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Evolution of TROP2 Targeting Therapeutics
Figure 1-2: TROP2 Stimulated Effectors, Biomarker and Pathways
Figure 1-3: TROP2 Regulated Oncogenic Cell Signaling Pathways
Figure 1-4: General Mechanism of TROP2 Targeting Therapy
Figure 1-5: Trodelvy - Mechanism of Action
Figure 1-6: Frequency of TROP2 Expression by Cancer Type (%)
Figure 1-7: Role of TROP2 in Cancer
Figure 2-1: Global -TROP2 Antibodies Clinical Pipeline By Company, 2024 - 2029
Figure 2-2: Global -TROP2 Antibodies Clinical Pipeline By Country, 2024 - 2029
Figure 2-3: Global -TROP2 Antibodies Clinical Pipeline By Patient Segment, 2024 - 2029
Figure 2-4: Global -TROP2 Antibodies Clinical Pipeline By Phase, 2024 - 2029
Figure 2-5: Global -TROP2 Antibodies Clinical Pipeline By Priority Status, 2024 - 2029
Figure 3-1: Global - TROP2 Antibody Market (US$ Million), 2020-2024
Figure 3-2: Global - TROP2 Antibody Market (US$ Million), Q1 - Q2’2024
Figure 3-3: Global - TROP2 Antibody Market by Region (US$ Million), H1’2024
Figure 3-4: Global - TROP2 Antibody Market by Region (%), H1’2024
Figure 3-5: Phase 3 - Key TROP2 Drugs and Companies
Figure 3-6: Gilead Secures Investment From Abingworth To Fund Trodelvy Trials
Figure 3-7: Future TROP2 Market
Figure 3-8: Global - TROP2 Antibodies Market (US$ Million), 2024-2029
Figure 4-1: Trodelvy - FDA Approval Year by Indication
Figure 4-2: Trodelvy - Patent Expiration Year by Region
Figure 4-3: Trodelvy - Approval Year by Region
Figure 4-4: Trodelvy - FDA Orphan Designation Year by Indication
Figure 5-1: US - Price of 180mg Vial of Trodelvy Intravenous Powder (US$), August’2024
Figure 5-2: EU - Price of 180mg and 200mg Vials of Trodelvy Intravenous Powder (US$), August’2024
Figure 5-3: Global - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), 2020-2024
Figure 5-4: Global - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), Q1 - Q2’2024
Figure 5-5: Regional -Trodelvy Sales by Region (US$ Million), H1’2024
Figure 5-6: Trodelvy Sales by Region (%), H1’2024
Figure 5-7: US -Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), Q1 - Q2’2024
Figure 5-8: Europe - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), Q1 - Q2’2024
Figure 5-9: ROW - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), Q1 - Q2’2024
Figure 5-10: US -Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), 2021-2024
Figure 5-11: Europe - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), 2021-2024
Figure 5-12: ROW - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), 2021-2024
Figure 5-13: Global - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), Q1- Q4’2023
Figure 5-14: Trodelvy - Sales By Region (US$ Million), 2023
Figure 5-15: Trodelvy - Sales By Region (%), 2023
Figure 5-16: US - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), Q1 - Q4’2023
Figure 5-17: Europe - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), Q1 - Q4’2023
Figure 5-18: ROW - Trodelvy Sales (US$ Million), Q1 - Q4’2023
Figure 6-1: China TROP2 - Key Players and Drugs
Figure 6-2: FDA018-ADC Phase III Study (NCT06519370) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-3: SHR-A1921 Phase III Study (NCT06394492) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-4: FZ-AD004 Phase I Study (NCT05914545) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-5: Trodelvy - TGA Priority Review for HR+/HER2 Metastatic Breast Cancer
Figure 6-6: MT-302 Phase I Study (NCT05969041) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-7: Radiopharm Theranostics and Lantheus Holdings Agreement
Figure 6-8: South Korea - Key TROP2 Companies
Figure 6-9: LegoChem Biosciences (LCB) and Johnson and Johnson Collaboration
Figure 6-10: LCB84 with an Anti-PD-1 Antibody Phase I/II Study (NCT05941507) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-11: Dato-DXd Received two EMA marketing authorization applications (MAAs)
Figure 6-12: DB-1305/BNT325 Phase I/II Study (NCT05438329) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-13: Mediterranea TROP2 antibody, Hu-2G10
Figure 6-14: OBI Pharma TROP2 Therapy Pipeline
Figure 6-15: OBI-992 Phase I/II Study (NCT06480240) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-16: Dato-DXd and Durvalumab Phase III Study (NCT06112379) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-1: Breast Cancer - Estimated and Projected Cases, 2022 and 2030
Figure 7-2: Lung Cancer - Estimated and Projected Cases, 2022 and 2030
Figure 7-3: TROPION-Lung01 Phase 3 Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-4: EVOKE-01 Phase 3 Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-5: EVOKE-03 Phase 3 Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-6: EVOKE-02 Phase 2 Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-7: Gastrointestinal Cancer - Estimated and Projected Cases, 2022 and 2030
Figure 7-8: MK-2870-015 Phase 3 Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-9: MK-3475-06C Phase 1/2 Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-10: KL264-01 Phase 1/2 Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 7-11: Urothelial Cancer - Estimated and Projected Cases, 2022 and 2030
Figure 7-12: Urothelial Cancer - Estimated and Projected Cases, 2022 and 2030
Figure 7-13: BNT-325 (NCT05438329) Phase 1/2 Study - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 10-1: TROP2 Antibodies Combinations

List of Tables
Table 5-1: Trodelvy - Dose Modifications for Adverse Reactions
Table 6-1: US - Some Clinical Trials Assessing TROP2 Targeting Therapies
Table 6-2: China - Ongoing Clinical Trial for TROP2 Therapies
Table 6-3: SKB264 (MK-2870) - NMPA Designations, Indications and Year Insight
Table 6-4: Preclinical TROP2 Candidates Development in China
Table 6-5: Australia - Ongoing Clinical Trial for TROP2 Therapies
Table 6-6: South Korea - Ongoing Clinical Trial for TROP2 Therapies
Table 6-7: Europe - Ongoing Clinical Trial for TROP2 Therapies
Table 6-8: Taiwan - Ongoing Clinical Trial for TROP2 Therapies
Table 6-9: Japan - Ongoing Clinical Trial for TROP2 Therapies
Table 7-1: Breast Cancer - TROP2 ADC under Review
Table 7-2: Breast Cancer - Some TROP2 Targeted Candidates in Development
Table 7-3: Lung Cancer - TROP2 ADC under Review
Table 7-4: Lung Cancer - Some TROP2 Targeted Candidates in Development
Table 7-5: Gastric Cancer - Some TROP2 Targeted Candidates in Development
Table 7-6: Urothelial Cancer -Key TROP2 Targeted Candidates in Development
Table 7-7: Urothelial Cancer - Key TROP2 Targeted Candidates in Development
Table 10-1: Ongoing Preclinical and Clinical trials for Combination of TROP2 Therapy
