
レポートナンバー 0000039483


Kuick Research

Global CD47 Inhibitor Drug Clinical Trials Insight and Market Opportunity Outlook 2028

発刊日 2024/09








  • サンプルはお問い合わせください。


  • 世界および地域市場の機会見通し
  • 臨床試験における100種類以上のCD47阻害剤に関する知見
  • 世界のCD47阻害剤の臨床試験に関する洞察:企業、国、適応症、フェーズ別
  • オーファン、ファストトラック、ブレークスルーセラピー指定インサイト
  • 主要な医薬品の開始と完了年
  • CD47の臨床応用と開発の見通し:適応症別
  • CD47阻害剤:臨床開発と動向:国別
  • 世界のCD47阻害剤市場ダイナミクス




Table of Content

1. CD 47 As Novel Cancer Immunotherapy Target

2. Global CD47 Inhibitors Drug Clinical Pipeline Overview
2.1 By Country
2.2 By Company
2.3 By Indication
2.4 By Patient Segment
2.5 By Phase
2.6 By Priority Status

3. CD47 Inhibitors Clinical Trials Insight By Company, Country, Indication and Phase
3.1 Research
3.2 Preclinical
3.3 Phase I
3.4 Phase I/II
3.5 Phase II
3.6 Phase II/III
3.7 Phase III

4. Global CD47 Inhibitor Drug Market Opportunity Outlook
4.1 Current Market Overview
4.2 Future Outlook and Opportunities

5. CD47 Clinical Application and Development Outlook by Indication 5.1 Solid Cancers
5.1.1 Breast Cancer
5.1.2 Colorectal Cancer
5.1.3 Lung Cancer
5.1.4 Urogenital Cancer
5.1.5 Gastrointestinal Cancer 5.2 Hematological Malignancies
5.2.1 Lymphoma 5.2.2 Leukemia
5.2.3 Multiple Myeloma
5.2.4 Myelodysplastic Syndrome 5.3 Microbial Infections

6. CD47 Inhibitor Drugs Clinical Developments and Trends By Country
6.1 China
6.2 US
6.3 South Korea
6.4 Australia
6.5 Canada

7. Global CD47 Inhibitors Market Dynamics
7.1 Favorable Parameters
7.2 Market Restraints

8. Competitive Landscape
8.1 Adagene
8.2 ALX Oncology
8.3 ImmuneOncia Therapeutics
8.4 ImmuneOnco Biopharma
8.5 Light Chain Bioscience
8.6 Phanes Therapeutics
8.7 Virtuoso Therapeutics

List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Global - Number of CD47 Inhibitor Drugs Clinical Trial By Country, 2022 Till 2028
Figure 2-2: Global - Number of CD47 Inhibitor Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Company, 2022 Till 2028
Figure 2-3: Global - Number of CD47 Inhibitor Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Indication, 2022 Till 2028
Figure 2-4: Global - Number of CD47 Inhibitor Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Patient Segment, 2022 Till 2028
Figure 2-5: Global - Number of CD47 Inhibitor Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Phase, 2022 Till 2028
Figure 2-6: Global - Number of CD47 Inhibitor Drugs In Clinical Pipeline By Priority Status, 2022 Till 2028
Figure 5-1: NI-1801 Phase I Study (NCT05403554) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-2: ALX148 Phase I Study (NCT05868226) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-3: Ligufalimab Phase II Study (NCT05382442) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-4: PT217 Phase I/II Study (NCT05652686) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-5: HMPL-A83 Phase I Study (NCT05429008) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-6: ALX148 Phase I Study (NCT05524545) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-7: PT217 Phase I/II Study (NCT05652686) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-8: AK117 Phase II Study (NCT05382442) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-9: AK117 Phase I/II Study (NCT05214482) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-10: AK117 Phase II Study (NCT05960955) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-11: Evorpacept Phase II/III Study (NCT05002127) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-12: PT886 Phase I/II Study (NCT05482893) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-13: CC-96673 Phase I Study (NCT04860466) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-14: HCB101 Phase I Study (NCT05892718) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-15: Evorpacept Phase I/II Study (NCT05025800) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-16: AK117 Phase I/II Study (NCT04980885) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-17: AK117 Phase I/II Study (NCT06387420) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-18: TQB 2928 Phase I Study (NCT06008405) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-19: SL-172154 Phase I Study (NCT05275439) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-20: SL-172154 Phase Ib Study (NCT05275439) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 5-21: Ligufalimab Phase Ib Study (NCT04900350) - Initiation and Completion Year
Figure 6-1: South Korea - Prominent CD47 Inhibitor Developers
Figure 7-1: Global CD47 Inhibitors Market - Drivers and Opportunities
Figure 7-2: Global CD47 Inhibitors Market - Challenges and Restraints

List of Tables
Table 5-1: Breast Cancer - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
Table 5-2: Colorectal Cancer - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
Table 5-3: Lung Cancer - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
Table 5-4: Urogenital Cancer - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
Table 5-5: Gastrointestinal Cancer - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
Table 5-6: Lymphoma - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
Table 5-7: Leukemia - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
Table 5-8: Colorectal Cancer - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
Table 5-9: Myelodysplastic Syndrome - Some CD47 inhibitors In Clinical Trials
