レポートナンバー 0000040091
イタリアの性感染症(STD)市場(2024-2029):エイズ/HIV、軟性下疳、クラミジア、淋病、鼠径肉芽腫、ヘルペスI/II、リンパ肉芽腫、マイコプラズマ、パピローマウイルス、梅毒、トリコモナス膣検査 - サプライヤーシェアと検査別の売上セグメント予測、競合情報、新興技術、計測機器、および機会
2024-2029 Italy Sexually-Transmitted Diseases (STD) Market for AIDS/HIV, Chancroid, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Granuloma Inguinale, Herpes I/II, Lymphogranuloma, Mycoplasma, Papillomavirus, Syphilis, and Trichomonas Vaginalis Tests: Supplier Shares and Sales Segment Forecasts by Test, Competitive Intelligence, Emerging Technologies, Instrumentation and Opportunities
このレポートでは、市場シェアと売上予測に加えて、分子診断、モノクローナル抗体、免疫アッセイ、IT、その他の新興技術の市場アプリケーションを調査し、STD 検査に使用される主要な分析装置の機能と動作特性を確認し、革新的な技術と製品を開発している主要なサプライヤーと潜在的な市場参入者のプロファイルを作成し、新たな機会、代替市場浸透戦略、市場参入障壁/リスク、および戦略計画の問題を分析します。
一次情報源に加えて、最新の技術およびビジネス出版物、メーカーの製品および財務文献、および VPGMarketResearch 独自のデータ ファイルの包括的なレビューが実施されました。
Table of Contents and List of Tables
I. Introduction
II. Worldwide Market and Technology Overview
A. Major Infectious Disease Tests
1. Chancroid
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
2. Chlamydia
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
3. Gonorrhea
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
4. Herpes Simplex Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
5. Papillomavirus (HPV)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
6. Syphilis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
B. Instrumentation Review of Leading Analyzers Marketed
by Abbott, Beckman Coulter/Danaher, BioMerieux,
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Roche, Siemens
Healthineers, Tosoh, and Other Suppliers
C. Emerging Diagnostic Technologies
1. Molecular Diagnostics
2. Monoclonal Antibodies
3. Immunoassays
4. Differential Light Scattering
5. Information Technology
6. Artificial Intelligence
7. Liposomes
8. Flow Cytometry
9. Chromatography
10. Diagnostic Imaging
11. Gel Microdroplets
12. Other
III. Country Analysis: Market Size, Growth and Major
Suppliers’ Sales and Market Shares
Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for Decentralized
Testing Markets
1. Marketing Approaches
2. Product Complexity
3. Customer Preference
4. Established Suppliers
5. Emerging Suppliers
6. Major Types of Distributors
7. Market Segmentation
Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
Competitive Assessments
- Abbott
- Affymetrix
- Beckman Coulter/Danaher
- Becton Dickinson
- bioMerieux
- Bio-Rad
- Cepheid
- Diamedix
- DiaSorin
- Eiken Chemical
- Elitech Group
- Enzo Biochem
- Fujirebio
- Grifols
- GSK Biologicals
- Hologic
- Leica Biosystems
- Lonza
- Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
- PerkinElmer
- Qiagen
- Roche
- Scienion
- Sequenom
- SeraCare
- Siemens Healthineers
- Takara Bio
- Thermo Fisher
- Wako
List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Chlamydia Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Gonorrhea Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Herpes Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Pap Smear/HPV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Syphilis Tests
Chancroid Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast
by Market Segment
Chlamydia Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast
by Market Segment
Gonorrhea Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast
by Market Segment
Gonorrhea Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
Herpes Simplex I and II Test Volume and Diagnostics
Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Herpes Type VI Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast
by Market Segment
Papillomavirus (HPV) Test Volume and Diagnostics
Sales Forecast by Market Segment
PAP Smear Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast
by Market Segment
Syphilis Test Volume and Diagnostics Sales Forecast
by Market Segment